(to the tune of Wayne's World)
It's Rubes' World! Rubes' World!
It's party time, it's excellent
It's Rubes' World, it's Rubes' World
It's party time, it's excellent!
Yeah, I'm bored... i did a lot of stuff today, but now there's nothing to do. Most people don't like being bored. and I used to not like it either.... but now i love it! Like, seriously, I enjoy being bored. I know what you're thinking, "Why do you like being bored, Rubes? Being bored sucks!" Well if my telepathy is accurate and you just thought that, you're wrong as a motherfucker! And believe me, motherfuckers are very wrong, and just nasty and incestuous, if you wanna get literal about things. But you're not nasty and incestuous (at least i hope not), but you're still wrong. Being bored is the most fun thing you can be. Why? Because the possibilities are endless when you're bored. You can do just about anything just for the sake of passing time.... like I'm writing this to you guys just to pass the time, and I'm having a blast. I've been thinking about a few things, so since I'm bored/blogging I'll get them off my chest. And when i say my chest, I mean my mind. Remember that.
I'm thinking of what career i should follow. You see, originally my major was Journalism, but fuck that, sir.... Journalism, in my opinion, is for douche bags. You have to be nosy by nature (not naughty, lol) to be a good journalist, as well as cold blooded, ruthless and opinionated at times. No disrespect to people in this field or aspiring to be in this field, if you are or want to be a journalist, than by all means do your thing, but it's just not for me. I was totally turned off to journalism after 1 semester of journalism classes. So in my eyes, journalism is definitely out of the picture for me.
My major is now psychology, along with the majority of my college friends. But that's NOT why I chose to change my major to psych. I chose it for many complex reasons that only certain people would understand, so I won't get into it on the blog. The main reason, which I am willing to disclose on the blog, is that I want to help people with their problems. I feel like psychology and journalism is a big contrast, because with psych you're helping people out and making the world a more positive place, and with journalism, i feel like a lot of the time you have to bother people for information and pry into their private lives just to gather enough info for your story, mainly for entertainment purposes and monetary gains. I feel like psychology would be a much better fit for me, considering that i don't like gossiping, spreading rumors, or to be the bearer of bad news, which all is involved with journalism. I want to specialize in adolescent psychology, but I'm not 100% sure on that. I know I'd like to be a therapist of some sort... but I don't want to be a straight-laced, goes-by-the-book-all-the-time therapist. I wanna be a cool therapist, man... if there is a such thing. If not, then I'll be the first. I'll put that shit on my business card, it'll look like this:
Dr. Rubes
Cool Therapist
Chill Times(Office Hours)
9am - 5pm, M-F
Lol... recently I've been thinking of another career choice... and that career
choice isssssss.... Creative Writing! And it's all thanks to this blog. I'm excited about writing again. I've been writing songs to play on my guitar lately too. I've always been told by just about all my teachers that I'm a great writer, and I love doing it, so why the hell not? I figured if anything I can be a therapist, and write books on the side... sounds simple enough, huh? I mean I know to do that and be successful is ALOT easier said than done, but i figure that I can do it. I wanna start writing short stories, or maybe long stories, idk, that are fiction but are based on my experiences. When i start those I'll put a few for you guys to read on the blog =).
SoooOo those are my career ideas, aside from my dream of being a pro pool player. And I'm not being random, I really do want to be a pool player.. for those die hard "Words from the studly Ruben =)" fans who remember my first post, I mentioned that billiards is one of my all time favorite things to do. And it runs in the family, my Dad is my mentor and friendly rival in biliards, and my grandfather, who i named my pool stick after, taught my dad how to play. I feel like I'm carrying on the family tradition and would be taking it to new heights if I found success as a pro. I mean I'm probably not pro-material yet, but I'm sure if I keep at it I soon will be.
Wow, you see, I was bored when I started writing this, but now by channeling my boredom into something productive I opened up my seemingly dull night at home to a world of new creative possibilities. Na mean, son?!! Well I'm gonna go do one or more of these things:
-Read the book I've been reading
-Write a short story
-Write a long story
-Write a medium story
-Write an extra large story =P
-Read other people's blogs
-Go on facebook
-Talk to people on AIM
-Finish up writing a song
-Anything else that comes to chest*
*Why did I just say "Anything that comes to chest"? Because remember i said earlier when I said "chest" in this post, I meant my mind. And I told you to remember that, and you didn't! Pitiful, man... you see yourself!? Not remembering a simple word switch.... *sighs* its okay, don't beat yourself up. Now back to your regular programming...
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, but it's time to say goodbye to Mr. Rubers, kids. Yippie ki yay, motherfucker!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Weight off my shoulders
At ease, cadets... General Rubes at your service! I took the Cold Stone "Final" today, haha.... i don't know why i was stressing so much man... for the most part it was pretty light. I didn't get my results back but I'm pretty sure I got a good enough grade to stay aboard the Cold Stone train. Imagine that, a Cold Stone subway line... haha... the train logo could be the little cartoon ice cream on my Cold Stone hat.. and the conductors would make ice cream for everyone... that would be awesome.
I wrote my first song today. Its kinda bland, i think, but its a start. I have a new jam spot - my balcony. Its awesome to just sit out there and play, its probably even better during the day time and when its not wet from the rain. I'm gonna go back out there in the morning and just rock the fuck out. Oh and i missed my guitar lesson for the second week in a row because of work >_< this sucks, it was my second to last class! I'm gonna be pissed if i have to miss my very last class over work... fuck that, sir.
Btw, I've been in the mood to start doing some creative writing projects... does blogging count as creative writing? I think it does. I mean, its writing, and its creative. Well besides this whole thing, I'm gonna start doing stories, poems, and I already started doing songs, with my 1st one today. Writing songs for guitar is hard because I have to come up with the chords and/ or riffs as well as lyrics. I wish I was in a band... that would be fucking sick.... or even if i wasn't in a band, but was just what i consider was good enough skill level to potentially be in band, that would be cool... I mean my playing ability has improved dramatically since week 1 of classes back in June, but yet, I strive to be a better guitarist... I REGRET NOTHINGG!! Ha.. it's funny how much I've changed in a year... like i've made drastic changes in so many areas... musically, health and weight, but most important, my ability to not give a fuck about what others think. I mean, i still value and respect other people's opinions, but i put mine at the top of the list, especially on matters that have to do with me. But enough about my transformation... What else can i tell u guys about? Hmm...
Oh yeah, i saw Natalie today before she left for Florida. It was nice, me her and another good friend of hers walked around Central Park and just chilled. and it rained, and rained it did! I was soaked by the time i got back to my train station. I had a good/bad day today... let's see the bad things about my day:
-Cold Stone Test
-Missing my guitar class
and what was good:
-seeing Natalie one last time before she left
-(probably) passing the Cold Stone test
-making up my 1st song
well after that recap, idk what else to say really. This is a decent size post... about 32 ounces, more or less. That's a lot of blog, if u ask me.... well i hope u had fun sipping on my blog, just don't blog and drive. B - L - O - G - G - I - N - G. My anti-drug. Lol. Time to turn off the Rube Tube... peace.
I wrote my first song today. Its kinda bland, i think, but its a start. I have a new jam spot - my balcony. Its awesome to just sit out there and play, its probably even better during the day time and when its not wet from the rain. I'm gonna go back out there in the morning and just rock the fuck out. Oh and i missed my guitar lesson for the second week in a row because of work >_< this sucks, it was my second to last class! I'm gonna be pissed if i have to miss my very last class over work... fuck that, sir.
Btw, I've been in the mood to start doing some creative writing projects... does blogging count as creative writing? I think it does. I mean, its writing, and its creative. Well besides this whole thing, I'm gonna start doing stories, poems, and I already started doing songs, with my 1st one today. Writing songs for guitar is hard because I have to come up with the chords and/ or riffs as well as lyrics. I wish I was in a band... that would be fucking sick.... or even if i wasn't in a band, but was just what i consider was good enough skill level to potentially be in band, that would be cool... I mean my playing ability has improved dramatically since week 1 of classes back in June, but yet, I strive to be a better guitarist... I REGRET NOTHINGG!! Ha.. it's funny how much I've changed in a year... like i've made drastic changes in so many areas... musically, health and weight, but most important, my ability to not give a fuck about what others think. I mean, i still value and respect other people's opinions, but i put mine at the top of the list, especially on matters that have to do with me. But enough about my transformation... What else can i tell u guys about? Hmm...
Oh yeah, i saw Natalie today before she left for Florida. It was nice, me her and another good friend of hers walked around Central Park and just chilled. and it rained, and rained it did! I was soaked by the time i got back to my train station. I had a good/bad day today... let's see the bad things about my day:
-Cold Stone Test
-Missing my guitar class
and what was good:
-seeing Natalie one last time before she left
-(probably) passing the Cold Stone test
-making up my 1st song
well after that recap, idk what else to say really. This is a decent size post... about 32 ounces, more or less. That's a lot of blog, if u ask me.... well i hope u had fun sipping on my blog, just don't blog and drive. B - L - O - G - G - I - N - G. My anti-drug. Lol. Time to turn off the Rube Tube... peace.
Tomorrow is the big day....
I'm a little worried about tomorrow, it's the day of my big test at Cold Stone. I have to take a written test on Cold Stone policy and regulations, and if i don't get and 85% or higher then I'm pretty sure they won't keep me. It's kind of funny because its the most high pressure test I've ever had and it's not in school.. go figure. The only other trainee besides me quit the other day, so I'm on my own on this one... I feel really accomplished because of that, actually... you see there were 40 people at my audition, more or less. 14 of them got called back for an interview. Out of those 14, only 2 got hired, and 1 quit, leaving only yours truly standing alone... I feel like I won some sort of reality show, but i still need to pass this test to be officially sworn in to the Cold Stone family. I think I'll pass, but I'm gonna study my balls off tomorrow just to be sure. And freakin' my guitar practice just happens to be around the same time as the test, so that's gonna be alot of fun, trying to make sure that I don't miss either. I'm gonna have to call Cold Stone tomorrow and see if i could take my test either after 7 or at a time that i would finish before, say, 5:45. I'm getting a little nervous thinking about it.... hell, I need to take a heavy duty chill pill. Like one with side effects and that you can't mix with alcohol. Imagine they had actual pills called "Chill Pills," heh.. they would probably be on sale at Rite Aid between Tylenol and Aleve. But I'll be fine, just gotta do my homework tomorrow. I'm waking up early, going over all my notes at least twice, and looking at all the training vids again.
Let's talk about something else, to get the nerves away. I got my roommate info the other day, and found most of the kids I'll be rooming with on facebook. They seem alright, hopefully no douchebags. I swear if i see one of my roommates come in with his collar popped or with a cheesy tattoo, I'll be an unhappy camper, well an unhappy roommate, for that matter. Actually, fuck that. I'm not gonna judge anyone based on appearance, cuz personality really transcends everything else about a person.... including a bad sense of fashion or overall shitty taste. My best friend from college is in my suite, which would be freakin' awesome, but he's getting an apartment off campus. I mean hey, the way I see it is I have another place to hang out off campus besides my brand spanking new, off campus dorm! Woo! Move in day is a month away, give or take a few days... I'm super psyched now that my roommate info finally came in. I just hope that my new job doesn't conflict with school. I mean if i have to close during Monday - Friday, I'm going to have to quit, or ask to be transferred to the Cold Stone near St. John's, which is a good idea regardless of what my schedule might turn out to be like during the school year. Wait... shit! i somehow segued back to Cold Stone.... now I'm thinking about the test again! Arghh! Okay, desperate times call for desperate measures. Time for some random words to get my mind off things.... pineapples, toast, engineer, potato, Kanye, llama. Okay, that's better.
Me and my sister had a jam session today... I came up with my first original chord sequence on my guitar, and she sang improvised lyrics as I played it. It sounded really cool. The past day or so I've gained a lot of confidence in my guitar playing skills... I probably haven't changed much skill wise in the past day or so, but i realized but i realized how far I've come since December of last year.
I should get to sleep soon... i gotta wake up early to do all my studying. Sometimes, like now, I hate sleeping, because I'm not tired, and i feel like its waste of time. Other times, like this past weekend, I would jump into my bed, hugging it with love and adoration, saying "My preciousss..." like Golem from Lord of the Rings. I know what you're thinking, "Woah, Rubes..TMI, dude!", but hey man, I was working the night shift for three nights straight. One of those days i came home to the sun rising. About 5 AM actually. So let me post this real quickington, so I can prepare for the big day tomorrow. Catch you guys another time. You stay classy, San Diego.
Let's talk about something else, to get the nerves away. I got my roommate info the other day, and found most of the kids I'll be rooming with on facebook. They seem alright, hopefully no douchebags. I swear if i see one of my roommates come in with his collar popped or with a cheesy tattoo, I'll be an unhappy camper, well an unhappy roommate, for that matter. Actually, fuck that. I'm not gonna judge anyone based on appearance, cuz personality really transcends everything else about a person.... including a bad sense of fashion or overall shitty taste. My best friend from college is in my suite, which would be freakin' awesome, but he's getting an apartment off campus. I mean hey, the way I see it is I have another place to hang out off campus besides my brand spanking new, off campus dorm! Woo! Move in day is a month away, give or take a few days... I'm super psyched now that my roommate info finally came in. I just hope that my new job doesn't conflict with school. I mean if i have to close during Monday - Friday, I'm going to have to quit, or ask to be transferred to the Cold Stone near St. John's, which is a good idea regardless of what my schedule might turn out to be like during the school year. Wait... shit! i somehow segued back to Cold Stone.... now I'm thinking about the test again! Arghh! Okay, desperate times call for desperate measures. Time for some random words to get my mind off things.... pineapples, toast, engineer, potato, Kanye, llama. Okay, that's better.
Me and my sister had a jam session today... I came up with my first original chord sequence on my guitar, and she sang improvised lyrics as I played it. It sounded really cool. The past day or so I've gained a lot of confidence in my guitar playing skills... I probably haven't changed much skill wise in the past day or so, but i realized but i realized how far I've come since December of last year.
I should get to sleep soon... i gotta wake up early to do all my studying. Sometimes, like now, I hate sleeping, because I'm not tired, and i feel like its waste of time. Other times, like this past weekend, I would jump into my bed, hugging it with love and adoration, saying "My preciousss..." like Golem from Lord of the Rings. I know what you're thinking, "Woah, Rubes..TMI, dude!", but hey man, I was working the night shift for three nights straight. One of those days i came home to the sun rising. About 5 AM actually. So let me post this real quickington, so I can prepare for the big day tomorrow. Catch you guys another time. You stay classy, San Diego.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Love that chicken from Cold Stone!
Como estas, bitches!? Haha, I love to quote Anchorman. How's it goin' folks.... long time no see... er, I mean long time no write. Neither one of those sayings make grammatical sense >_<. Anyways, I haven't been doing much lately besides working, going to work, getting hours in at my job, and fulfilling tasks at my occupation. I saw my old friend from the "first kiss story" post, I think I called her Natalie on the blog. We chilled for most of the day yesterday and I'm gonna see her tomorrow =). I was afraid I wouldn't see her at all while she was here, but now I'm getting a double dose =). Btw, Hi! if you're reading, Natalie, you know who you are. But no one else does... muahaha! Lulz... Idk what else to say, this past week hasn't been very interesting. It's 4:31 AM... do you know where your children are? Oh yeah, guess who's going to see Taking Back Sunday? No really, guess, it could be anyone. Think really hard about it, I'll give you some time..................................................................................
Ok, yeah, it's me. 'Tis I who is going to see Taking Back Sunday.. on the Eve of the 28th Day of August, at Jones Beach. Damn, its late. But im really not tired, like at all. Eh, I guess i can cut this one short and hit the hay... and when i say "hit the hay," I don't mean sleep.... When i finish this post, I'm literally going to punch the shit out of a hay stack... so while I get ready to do that, I'll see you guys another time, uh, well I mean write to you guys another time. Later, Darth Vader.
Ok, yeah, it's me. 'Tis I who is going to see Taking Back Sunday.. on the Eve of the 28th Day of August, at Jones Beach. Damn, its late. But im really not tired, like at all. Eh, I guess i can cut this one short and hit the hay... and when i say "hit the hay," I don't mean sleep.... When i finish this post, I'm literally going to punch the shit out of a hay stack... so while I get ready to do that, I'll see you guys another time, uh, well I mean write to you guys another time. Later, Darth Vader.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
First night of work
YouRube.com. Broadcast Yourself.
Haha, i just thought of that, clever, eh? Well i had my first shift of training at Cold Stone last night, boy, was that interesting. No sarcasm intended, it really was kinda cool. I mean, at first it was scary as shit, because our Coach, or person who guides us through our training, quizzed us on our knowledge of the Original's Menu. And before she quizzed us, she told us if we didn't know enough we would be sent home. Yikes! Well it turns out the other trainee and I did know our stuff well enough that we could advance to the next phase of our training. We were then showed the basic maintenance procedures of Cold Stone, like taking out trash, washing dishes, refilling ice cream, etc. It doesnt sound like much, but when you're thrown into a fast paced work environment for the first time, it can be really overwhelming. We went on break after a little less than 2 hours. Those 2 hours felt like an eternity! Me and the other trainee, whose fake name on my blog will be Maryann, went to Mcdonald's and started talking about how crazy the job was, and this was only the first day! We even joked about just bouncing and not coming back to the store.... haha, that would have been funny. But we didn't let ourselves get scared away, we went back. After the break, it wasn't so bad... i just kept replacing empty ice cream pans with new, full ones, taking out trash, replacing blender containers, washing dishes, blah blah. It was actually fun after a while because me and Maryann were sort of left on our own to maintain the behind the scenes of the store. Me and her got off to a good start yesterday, she seems like a great friend in the making. The rest of the night was still hard work, but it was entertaining in a way... i got to sing with the rest of the Cold Stone crew and sang along to songs coming on from the PA system, playing off of someone's iPod. I almost fell down about 3 times though, lol. You see, the floor behind the long, U-Shaped counter was very wet and slippery. You could literally glide across the floor like you were on roller blades, it was awesome, until i started slipping. Lol... but yeah and i didn't know this, but one perk of working at Cold Stone is that you can get a free cup of ice cream, any size, anything u want in it, after every shift! I got my fave original, Chocolate Devotion, to celebrate my 1st day of work. I started work at 7pm... and got out at 1:30 -_-. It was kind of nice though, to be honest. Everything is so peaceful late at night, I love it. I went to the train station with Maryann and was gonna wait with her until her train came, but she assured me that she would be fine, so I went to wait for my train. While waiting for my train, I listened to guy playing a keyboard sing songs. I wish i could have recorded him because he was such a good singer! He played some of my favorite songs, like All My Life by K Ci and JoJo and All I Do Is Think Of You by the Jackson 5. I gave him 50 cents, lol. The train went local, so I didnt get home 'til about 3 in the morning. But it didn't matter, I was getting really into a new book I've been reading.
Overall, my first shift at Cold Stone was positive.... I learned the basics of how to maintain the store, I learn how to mix ice cream tomorrow. I have to memorize the ENTIRE menu by tomorrow, or else I'm going home early. Wish me luck! See you guys later, come to Cold Stone one day and I might just serve you some ice cream =). Love, peace and chicken grease.
Haha, i just thought of that, clever, eh? Well i had my first shift of training at Cold Stone last night, boy, was that interesting. No sarcasm intended, it really was kinda cool. I mean, at first it was scary as shit, because our Coach, or person who guides us through our training, quizzed us on our knowledge of the Original's Menu. And before she quizzed us, she told us if we didn't know enough we would be sent home. Yikes! Well it turns out the other trainee and I did know our stuff well enough that we could advance to the next phase of our training. We were then showed the basic maintenance procedures of Cold Stone, like taking out trash, washing dishes, refilling ice cream, etc. It doesnt sound like much, but when you're thrown into a fast paced work environment for the first time, it can be really overwhelming. We went on break after a little less than 2 hours. Those 2 hours felt like an eternity! Me and the other trainee, whose fake name on my blog will be Maryann, went to Mcdonald's and started talking about how crazy the job was, and this was only the first day! We even joked about just bouncing and not coming back to the store.... haha, that would have been funny. But we didn't let ourselves get scared away, we went back. After the break, it wasn't so bad... i just kept replacing empty ice cream pans with new, full ones, taking out trash, replacing blender containers, washing dishes, blah blah. It was actually fun after a while because me and Maryann were sort of left on our own to maintain the behind the scenes of the store. Me and her got off to a good start yesterday, she seems like a great friend in the making. The rest of the night was still hard work, but it was entertaining in a way... i got to sing with the rest of the Cold Stone crew and sang along to songs coming on from the PA system, playing off of someone's iPod. I almost fell down about 3 times though, lol. You see, the floor behind the long, U-Shaped counter was very wet and slippery. You could literally glide across the floor like you were on roller blades, it was awesome, until i started slipping. Lol... but yeah and i didn't know this, but one perk of working at Cold Stone is that you can get a free cup of ice cream, any size, anything u want in it, after every shift! I got my fave original, Chocolate Devotion, to celebrate my 1st day of work. I started work at 7pm... and got out at 1:30 -_-. It was kind of nice though, to be honest. Everything is so peaceful late at night, I love it. I went to the train station with Maryann and was gonna wait with her until her train came, but she assured me that she would be fine, so I went to wait for my train. While waiting for my train, I listened to guy playing a keyboard sing songs. I wish i could have recorded him because he was such a good singer! He played some of my favorite songs, like All My Life by K Ci and JoJo and All I Do Is Think Of You by the Jackson 5. I gave him 50 cents, lol. The train went local, so I didnt get home 'til about 3 in the morning. But it didn't matter, I was getting really into a new book I've been reading.
Overall, my first shift at Cold Stone was positive.... I learned the basics of how to maintain the store, I learn how to mix ice cream tomorrow. I have to memorize the ENTIRE menu by tomorrow, or else I'm going home early. Wish me luck! See you guys later, come to Cold Stone one day and I might just serve you some ice cream =). Love, peace and chicken grease.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
1st Kiss Story
I love that song "Running" from No Doubt. It reminds me of my childhood and young adolescence for some reason. I went to a No Doubt concert recently, and when they played Running they had a whole bunch of old videos from the 90's of Gwen, Tony, and the rest of the band just hanging out. It was humble and nice, they seemed really down to earth during that song. Tonight I've been listening to No Doubt's greatest hits.... i like No Doubt a lot because i grew up listening to them, mainly because they're my sister's favorite band ever. I keep listening to Running over and over though, because it takes me back to my old memories... speaking of old memories, an old friend of mine who moved away a few years ago is visiting NY this week, she comes back tomorrow. I can't wait to see her, she was the 1st girl that i kissed =). Man, that was a funny/awkward experience, my 1st kiss... I think I'll share it with you guys:
(Power 105 Voice) Back in the day.... Ruben's house... 2004...
I had free crib so me and--well, i don't want to use her real name, so let's call her Natalie--so me and Natalie were hanging out alone in my house. I was only 14 and hadn't had my 1st kiss before, so naturally i was super nervous. I didn't know what to do, so i showed her all the rooms in my house... i know, wtf!? So after that we sat on my bed and just looked at each other. Twenty minutes later, we were still on my bed, just looking at each other. I was practically shaking with nerves and Natalie had a face on like she was waiting for me to make my move. So after the long awkward, tension filled pause, I leaned forward, and.... told her I needed to use the bathroom and would be right back. I went into the bathroom, but didn't use it. I thought to myself, "What the fuck, dude. You have the girl you like on your bed and you're choking? Get the fuck back out there and kiss her! NOW!" So I went back to my room, sat back down on my bed, and finally ended the wait. It was a terrible kiss though, all because of me, i came in waaaay too fast and closed my eyes too early. I almost bumped heads with her, but only one type of thought ran through my head... VICTORY! GLORIOUS, GLORIOUS VICTORY! I finally kissed a girl. And i really liked Natalie, so I was really proud. I forgot why, but she had to leave a few minutes later, I think her mom called her to come back home or something like that. Idk, but that didn't even matter to me. I was riding on a cloud like Goku rode on Nimbus in Dragon Ball, only it was a a cloud of win....I was riding on a Winbus. Yeah i said it, a Winbus.
Well that's my story for today, a trip down Memory Lane on Uncle Rubes' trolley... hope you liked the story. The only thing fake about it was the name I used for my friend. I like to keep things anonymous on my blog when it comes to other people... but anyways, I'm peacing for the night. Tootles.
(Power 105 Voice) Back in the day.... Ruben's house... 2004...
I had free crib so me and--well, i don't want to use her real name, so let's call her Natalie--so me and Natalie were hanging out alone in my house. I was only 14 and hadn't had my 1st kiss before, so naturally i was super nervous. I didn't know what to do, so i showed her all the rooms in my house... i know, wtf!? So after that we sat on my bed and just looked at each other. Twenty minutes later, we were still on my bed, just looking at each other. I was practically shaking with nerves and Natalie had a face on like she was waiting for me to make my move. So after the long awkward, tension filled pause, I leaned forward, and.... told her I needed to use the bathroom and would be right back. I went into the bathroom, but didn't use it. I thought to myself, "What the fuck, dude. You have the girl you like on your bed and you're choking? Get the fuck back out there and kiss her! NOW!" So I went back to my room, sat back down on my bed, and finally ended the wait. It was a terrible kiss though, all because of me, i came in waaaay too fast and closed my eyes too early. I almost bumped heads with her, but only one type of thought ran through my head... VICTORY! GLORIOUS, GLORIOUS VICTORY! I finally kissed a girl. And i really liked Natalie, so I was really proud. I forgot why, but she had to leave a few minutes later, I think her mom called her to come back home or something like that. Idk, but that didn't even matter to me. I was riding on a cloud like Goku rode on Nimbus in Dragon Ball, only it was a a cloud of win....I was riding on a Winbus. Yeah i said it, a Winbus.
Well that's my story for today, a trip down Memory Lane on Uncle Rubes' trolley... hope you liked the story. The only thing fake about it was the name I used for my friend. I like to keep things anonymous on my blog when it comes to other people... but anyways, I'm peacing for the night. Tootles.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Warped was the shit. End of story.
Hey people, it's the Rubenator. Ok. Plain and simple, Warped was amazing. I couldn't believe how much fun I had. I saw one of my favorite bands and was introduced to a few more, and did so with an entourage of about 10 other friends of mine. Good times, mothafuckaa! Bands I saw:
-The Devil Wears Prada
-A Day To Remember
-Dance Gavin Dance
I wasn't in the crowd, but I saw a song or two from Bayside and was watching Under Oath from the Monster truck. My fave part of the day was when my fave band there, Chiodos, played "There's No Penguins in Alaska", which I think is their best song, as the last part of their set. I got to crowd surf to my fave song from them... how fuckin' awesome is that?
Me and my friends had a spent alot of time walking around and going to different tents and stuff too. I got autographs from The Devil Wears Prada, as well as buying one of their shirts off their merch tent. After their performance I was psyched to meet them. I didn't like them that much before by just listening to their recorded stuff, but seeing them live is a totally different story. We also stopped by the Truth truck where you can play games and win prizes. A friend of mine joined a music trivia song there, but was getting owned, so I switched with him into the game... and I won the whole thing! I got a free shirt and it looks sick. Overall, my first Warped Tour was a total win. I can't wait to go to another concert. I'll be sure to tell you guys about my future concert escapades, but until then I'll see you around. Later.
-The Devil Wears Prada
-A Day To Remember
-Dance Gavin Dance
I wasn't in the crowd, but I saw a song or two from Bayside and was watching Under Oath from the Monster truck. My fave part of the day was when my fave band there, Chiodos, played "There's No Penguins in Alaska", which I think is their best song, as the last part of their set. I got to crowd surf to my fave song from them... how fuckin' awesome is that?
Me and my friends had a spent alot of time walking around and going to different tents and stuff too. I got autographs from The Devil Wears Prada, as well as buying one of their shirts off their merch tent. After their performance I was psyched to meet them. I didn't like them that much before by just listening to their recorded stuff, but seeing them live is a totally different story. We also stopped by the Truth truck where you can play games and win prizes. A friend of mine joined a music trivia song there, but was getting owned, so I switched with him into the game... and I won the whole thing! I got a free shirt and it looks sick. Overall, my first Warped Tour was a total win. I can't wait to go to another concert. I'll be sure to tell you guys about my future concert escapades, but until then I'll see you around. Later.
Friday, July 17, 2009
What are the odds?
Wow, I can't believe it. Jeri Faulkner, the Dean of Discipline of my old high school, Cardinal Spellman HS was on the Daily Show last night. WTF? That's the first thought that ran through my head... a nice, tasty "WTF" hot off the grill... the grill that is my mind... muahaha. For real though, that's some crazy shit, to see a former authority figure of mine on TV. And on The Daily Show, of all places? That's the last place I expected to see Ms. Faulkner. She was like a tyrant at Spellman, man... like dude, she was so mean sometimes it was scary. I mean she was nice once in a while, but as a Dean, by nature you have to be a douche. Regardless, I was shocked when I heard she would be on the show, and was even more shocked to actually see her on it. And not to mention, the skit that she was on was hilarious! It was about Sonia Sotomayor, who graduated from my high school. They interviewed Ms. Faulkner because she was a classmate of Sotomayor at Spellman. Check it out:
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Judgmental | ||||
www.thedailyshow.com | ||||
Thursday, July 16, 2009
My new favorite song
Hey guys, it's Ruby Tuesday on the 1s and 2s. I have a song to share with you guys, but before I do I wanna tell you how I came across the song.
You see this year my musical taste, along with my outlook on life, changed a lot. I started hanging out more with an old friend of mine from elementary school who started teaching me how to play the guitar. He gave me over 1,000 songs one day off his iTunes, including a few albums from the band Armor For Sleep, his fave band. Or at least i think its one of his fave bands, idk. So i would put my pod on shuffle and came across a song from them called "Phantoms Now." But WAIT! that's not the song im going to show you, even though that song is great too. So i really liked Phantoms Now and put some of the lyrics from it as my facebook status. My friend commented with approval, and I told him that was my fave song from them. He told me his fave song from Armor For Sleep was "Dream to Make Believe." So i gave it a listen and i liked that one too, but not as much as Phantoms Now. This happened a while ago. But yesterday I heard it again, and I really listened to the lyrics. I was completely blown away by the song this time around. The lyrics are simple, yet so powerful and beautiful, and the overall sound of the song is just great. I can't stop listening to it now. Here's the music video:
And here's the lyrics:
It's funny how things work out,
The ones we need don't know we're there,
If I were sand and you were oceans,
the moon would be why your pulled to me.
I wake up and think dreams are real,
I sleep so I don't have to feel,
the truth that you can never be
the one person that won't ever forget me.
I hope that dreams come when I die,
So we can talk I won't wake up,
I'll ask how your life worked out,
I'll never know that I'm just dreaming.
I wake up and think dreams are real,
I sleep so I don't have to feel,
The truth that you can never be,
The one person that won't ever forget me,
Let me sleep some more. (12x)
Like i said, this song just blows me away. It came out back in 2003 i just realized, so I'm kinda late, but its still great nonetheless. Just thought i would share it with you guys who haven't heard it. Well I'm done with this post, I'll write something else later. Deuces.
You see this year my musical taste, along with my outlook on life, changed a lot. I started hanging out more with an old friend of mine from elementary school who started teaching me how to play the guitar. He gave me over 1,000 songs one day off his iTunes, including a few albums from the band Armor For Sleep, his fave band. Or at least i think its one of his fave bands, idk. So i would put my pod on shuffle and came across a song from them called "Phantoms Now." But WAIT! that's not the song im going to show you, even though that song is great too. So i really liked Phantoms Now and put some of the lyrics from it as my facebook status. My friend commented with approval, and I told him that was my fave song from them. He told me his fave song from Armor For Sleep was "Dream to Make Believe." So i gave it a listen and i liked that one too, but not as much as Phantoms Now. This happened a while ago. But yesterday I heard it again, and I really listened to the lyrics. I was completely blown away by the song this time around. The lyrics are simple, yet so powerful and beautiful, and the overall sound of the song is just great. I can't stop listening to it now. Here's the music video:
And here's the lyrics:
It's funny how things work out,
The ones we need don't know we're there,
If I were sand and you were oceans,
the moon would be why your pulled to me.
I wake up and think dreams are real,
I sleep so I don't have to feel,
the truth that you can never be
the one person that won't ever forget me.
I hope that dreams come when I die,
So we can talk I won't wake up,
I'll ask how your life worked out,
I'll never know that I'm just dreaming.
I wake up and think dreams are real,
I sleep so I don't have to feel,
The truth that you can never be,
The one person that won't ever forget me,
Let me sleep some more. (12x)
Like i said, this song just blows me away. It came out back in 2003 i just realized, so I'm kinda late, but its still great nonetheless. Just thought i would share it with you guys who haven't heard it. Well I'm done with this post, I'll write something else later. Deuces.
Ruben got a job! Ew, nigga you smell like ice cream!
Hey guys, Rubalicious here. I didn't actually make that nickname up like "Uncle Rubes," someone actually calls me Rubalicious. It's a dude. And no, he's not gay. But anyways back from that tangent, I got the job!! I got a call around 2 this afternoon and it was the manager of Cold Stone telling me to come in on Friday to fill out my paperwork. WOOOOOOOO! Owwwwwww! Yowza! Yahtzee (?)
So yeah, i got the job at Cold Stone, happy times. I had a good time at guitar class today too, learned some new things....Then I went to see Harry Potter with my sister and the Yorqmeister.
The movie was absolutely awesome. No other word to describe it. I loved every minute of it. Awesome Awesome Awesome..... you know after a while repeating a word makes it lose its meaning... isn't that awesome?
This is gonna sound really cheesy, but..... the whole Potter movie got me thinking about life. I feel like the movie draws parallels to real life, my life in particular. Teen angst, good friends, drama, betrayal, love... all things the movie dealt with that I've dealt with rather recently. The most outstanding thing in common with the movie and my life to me is the whole "Harry is the chosen one" thing. Don't worry, I'm not saying im Jesus or I'm gonna lead anyone to the promise land.... but i feel like I'm me for a reason. Just like people say "Everything happens for a reason,"
I was born into the person that I am for a reason, and I've always felt like that. Sorry to get all philosophical at 3 in the morning, but I really think that I'm, well i don't want to say "destined," but I cant find a less ambitious word, so i really think that I'm destined to do something special or important. And the way i see it, I'm glad because why else go through life if you're not gonna do something special with it? Wow, this should have been two different posts, just to warn people of the whole meaning of life speech i just gave, lol. But dont let that last sentence weaken the message of what i just wrote. I feel like the whole point of life is to be the person that you want to be, but at the same time be yourself as well. Along the way to becoming the person you want to be, never lose the sense of being your own person, no matter what you want to do in life. Someone told me one time that even if I wanted to be a basket weaver in New Zealand, then go for it..... and make some kick ass baskets!! And motherfuck what other people think! Just do you, whatever that may be. I could tell u so many stories of how people i met passed judgement on people, including me, over a stupid misconception or stereotype. Fuck that, sir. I feel so much better after writing this. Screw what the world thinks, do what you wanna do and be the best at it. And if you, yes you, don't like what I'm saying, then you can close this page and forget that this blog ever existed. Good night guys, and remember: the best person you can be is yourself.
So yeah, i got the job at Cold Stone, happy times. I had a good time at guitar class today too, learned some new things....Then I went to see Harry Potter with my sister and the Yorqmeister.
The movie was absolutely awesome. No other word to describe it. I loved every minute of it. Awesome Awesome Awesome..... you know after a while repeating a word makes it lose its meaning... isn't that awesome?
This is gonna sound really cheesy, but..... the whole Potter movie got me thinking about life. I feel like the movie draws parallels to real life, my life in particular. Teen angst, good friends, drama, betrayal, love... all things the movie dealt with that I've dealt with rather recently. The most outstanding thing in common with the movie and my life to me is the whole "Harry is the chosen one" thing. Don't worry, I'm not saying im Jesus or I'm gonna lead anyone to the promise land.... but i feel like I'm me for a reason. Just like people say "Everything happens for a reason,"
I was born into the person that I am for a reason, and I've always felt like that. Sorry to get all philosophical at 3 in the morning, but I really think that I'm, well i don't want to say "destined," but I cant find a less ambitious word, so i really think that I'm destined to do something special or important. And the way i see it, I'm glad because why else go through life if you're not gonna do something special with it? Wow, this should have been two different posts, just to warn people of the whole meaning of life speech i just gave, lol. But dont let that last sentence weaken the message of what i just wrote. I feel like the whole point of life is to be the person that you want to be, but at the same time be yourself as well. Along the way to becoming the person you want to be, never lose the sense of being your own person, no matter what you want to do in life. Someone told me one time that even if I wanted to be a basket weaver in New Zealand, then go for it..... and make some kick ass baskets!! And motherfuck what other people think! Just do you, whatever that may be. I could tell u so many stories of how people i met passed judgement on people, including me, over a stupid misconception or stereotype. Fuck that, sir. I feel so much better after writing this. Screw what the world thinks, do what you wanna do and be the best at it. And if you, yes you, don't like what I'm saying, then you can close this page and forget that this blog ever existed. Good night guys, and remember: the best person you can be is yourself.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Today was a good day....fucked around, got a triple double!
Today was nice. Much better than yesterday, ugh, but lets not get into that whole fiasco.... Today started out kinda shitty actually... i had a doctors appointment and i had to make my way to Times Square for an interview right after. No problem, until i found out the 2 train decided to not stop anywhere where i needed to be.... i had to go on a fucking quest to get to my doctor's office -_- But after that it was smooth sailing. I thought i would get to my interview late, but i actually got there half an hour early (typical me) and had time to get a bite to eat. The interview was short, and to the point, and I like my chances of getting the job. Hope I didn't just jinx it, though. How do u spell jinx? Is it "jinx" or "jynx"? Idk... but the rest of the day i was just happy, man. I'm glad i put all the negativity from earlier in the week behind me.
The rest of the week is looking up. I got guitar tomorrow, Friday I'm chilling with the long lost cuzzo named after the lord, and I may get the call for the job! Good luck, Rubes. Yeah, i bet thats what you just said in your head... thanks! And then Saturday.........WARPED! I can't wait... even though I'm still a noob compared to most of my rock loving friends >_< But yeah, its gonna be good times. Then an old friend of mine is coming to NY next week, that's gonna be nice... we can catch up on stuff, havent seen her in a while.
Don't know what else to write about, so I'll end this post here. if anything else comes to mind I'll make a new one. Later homeslice.
The rest of the week is looking up. I got guitar tomorrow, Friday I'm chilling with the long lost cuzzo named after the lord, and I may get the call for the job! Good luck, Rubes. Yeah, i bet thats what you just said in your head... thanks! And then Saturday.........WARPED! I can't wait... even though I'm still a noob compared to most of my rock loving friends >_< But yeah, its gonna be good times. Then an old friend of mine is coming to NY next week, that's gonna be nice... we can catch up on stuff, havent seen her in a while.
Don't know what else to write about, so I'll end this post here. if anything else comes to mind I'll make a new one. Later homeslice.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
First post!!!!
Hey guys, Uncle Rubes here(haha). This is my 1st post ever in my blogging career, well except for that xanga page back in 8th grade, so let me initroduce myself. My name is Ruben, I'm a college student at St. John's University in New York City. I'm from the Bronx, born and raised, but I'm far from the stereotype of what you probably think of a young man from The Bronx.... na mean, son?! But yeah, I major in Psychology, formerly in Journalism. I'm a huge fan of:
-Good Movies
-Learning to play the guitar
-Pool/Billiards (this should have been 1st on the list)
-Sports, especially football, baseball, and basketball
-My Friends and Fam
-Anyone who is cool enough to get my sense of humor =)
I'm a very random person, and I love it =) So expect the unexpected when reading this blog. Pineapples. I bet you didn't expect that! Just keeping you on your toes, or fingertips in this case.
So yeah, you'll be hearing alot more from me in the coming months, this post was rather uneventful, just wanted to break the ice. Now it is broken. Mmmm, broken ice. Lol. Peace, homes.
P.S. For your viewing pleasure, here's me with a double mohawk
-Good Movies
-Learning to play the guitar
-Pool/Billiards (this should have been 1st on the list)
-Sports, especially football, baseball, and basketball
-My Friends and Fam
-Anyone who is cool enough to get my sense of humor =)
I'm a very random person, and I love it =) So expect the unexpected when reading this blog. Pineapples. I bet you didn't expect that! Just keeping you on your toes, or fingertips in this case.
So yeah, you'll be hearing alot more from me in the coming months, this post was rather uneventful, just wanted to break the ice. Now it is broken. Mmmm, broken ice. Lol. Peace, homes.
P.S. For your viewing pleasure, here's me with a double mohawk

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