Love that hat, mayneeeee. I feel like a combination of a mobster, a reporter from the Roaring Twenties, and Ne-Yo in that hat. The fedora... invented by the Germans in 1904.... lol. I think fedoras are just ridiculously cool looking...they can make anyone look so suave and sophisticated. It's like God's gift to the human head. I swear, a fedora can even make animals look like they're the shit.... don't believe me? Check this out:

Let's see, what did I do this weekend... I went to a halloween party/concert as the devil if he were a rock star. It was extremely ironic that the event was at a church and I came in as the devil.... I kinda expected God to smite me when i walked in the door. Here's me as the devil/rock star:

So that was fun... next day i went to the city and chilled with the girlf and y'omeslice.... you know who you are, y'omeslice. Zomg.... something pretty hilarious happened when me and my girlfriend went into Borders. My gf saw some Tokidoki toys and exclaimed "Tokidoki!" when she saw them. Just as she pointed to they toys and said "Tokidoki," an Asian man walked between us and the toys, so it looked liked she made a racist joke and called him tokidoki. I could have sworn I saw him look back, but idk if he did. That would be too freakin' hilarious if he got offended by what she said... rofl.
So Sunday was cool, then today I just had the usual super early classed and chilled out after running some errands and buying some food from C Town.... I feel like that should be a name of a rap group rather than a supermarket, haha, "C Town," sounds like an all-Crip neighborhood.
Speaking of baseball, the Yankees are in the World Series again! Wooo! We're facing the team with the 2nd most boring name in baseball: The Philadelphia Phillies -_-. I speak for many a fan when I say:

Yeah, that's right, c'mon, son! I feel like based on just their team name, the Phillies should not win. I mean, the Yankees aren't called "The New York New Yorkers." The only team with a shittier, more boring name than the Phillies are the Oakland A's. Many years ago, I kinda thought the name "Oakland A's" sounded cool, until I found out that that "A" stood for "Athletics." How boring can you be with a name for a team? I mean I understand that the name was created back in the earlier days of baseball, but I feel like it's just so bland and drab. It's pretty redundant, too. Everyone knows that if you're on the A's, you're athletic. You don't see the "Chicago Baseball Players" or the "Memphis Major Leaguers" anywhere. Or, for that matter, the "San Francisco Steroid Abusers." ZING!
Disclaimer: That was a shot mainly directed towards Barry Bonds, not the entire San Francisco Giants team.
I'll tell you a couple of names that I do love in baseball, though. My fave name ever for a baseball player is "Coco Crisp." NOT making that up, google it if u doubt it. I'm not sure what team he plays on now but he played for the Red Sox a few years ago. Another hilarious name in baseball is "Milton Bradley," you know, like the board game company.
Speaking of the Tennessee Titans, they possess the best named player in all of sports. They have a tight end whose name is "Bo Scaife." That name is amazing. Say it fast. Doesn't it sound fawesome? I know what you're thinking, and no, I didn't spell awesome wrong. Funny + Awesome = Fawesome. There's some math for you guys from Professor Rubes....specializing in a new type of math, awesometry =). Here's some more math for yall's chilluns.... 'tis half-past 12 and I need to be in class at 7:30, in a little less than 7 hours. So on that note, I'm gonna write for another hour. Sike! I'm gonna end this post...fungowwww, RIGHT NOW! Ha... That last joke probably went way over your head, like Scott Kazmir's throw to first base in Game 6 of the ALCS! SUNY ZINGhamton.... later.