So in other news... Yankees are looking good, if I'm not mistaken they're one win away from going to the World Series =). Oh! how can I forget! I got a new piercing! Yup... I did it yesterday afternoon. It's a lip ring, check it out:

What do you think of it? I think its awesome... i wanna get a hoop ring to go around my lip, but I have to wait 3 weeks before I take this one out. The only sucky part is that I have to get used to eating with it.... it actually feels really awesome to drink cold beverages with it, but solid food is a bit of a bitch with a lip ring. Countdown to class: 11 minutes... wow, i wrote quite a bit for only 20 minutes.
So in a nutshell, my world is almost perfect. I have an awesome gf ;), I'm doing well in school, great fam and friends, what more could I ask for? Well, now that I mentioned it, I'll answer my own question. I am lacking in one area, and that, my good friends, is exercise. Rubes' Weight Loss Challenge has been practically non-existent. I still feel like I'm slowly gaining weight ='(. So if there's any one area I need to improve on in my life, it's definitely that area. I'm looking into going to the Cross Fit class on campus. Cross Fit is a high intensity, military style workout. I'm impatient when it comes to exercise, and this workout gives fast results, so I think it would pay off for me to give it a try. I'm not too scared of the workouts. I mean Idk if I can last through the whole class or not, but I figured if I can do 2 years of football, this can't be too out of reach. Well, i gotta start walking over to class, but I'm definitely glad to write to you guys... Later, Darth Vader alligator escalator fumigator terminator!
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