Thursday, December 17, 2009
Still a dick... I'm addicted to you...
4 down, 1 to go. My last final is tomorrow, and I think I'm literally gonna jump for joy when its over. I really can't wait to start my winter break. Christmas is coming up.. then we enter a new decade with New Year's 2010, and then I turn 20 on Jan. 10! And then off to Rome! Woo!! Things are actually really exciting for me now that I think about it. I just had a final.. I finished it in like 20 minutes, no joke. I was stressing it all night and it wasn't even that bad. Well, this was just a cameo... I'll be happy to post a full length one once finals are over. Later
Monday, December 14, 2009
F.I.N.A.L.S. (Fuck, I Never Actually Learned this Shit!)
So I had my first final today. I don't think it went too well, mainly because the prof. pulled some questions out his ass about things he didn't even tell us would be on the test -_-. I swear, that professor was horrible. I learned more studying independently than actually in class. And in class I learned more about his cat than anything else. Once again, -_-!!! Now I'm studying for my sociology final... I think I'm gonna do well on that one. I just need to read about 30 more of the almost 100 pages i had to read for the final... yeah, I know, "DAMN!". But this stuff really interests me so I think I'll be ok. I'm not that nervous about Speech, Sociology, or Theories of Personality... I'm just worried about math. I need to go over the notes a few more times before I wont be nervous about it. Conveniently, it's my last test. I just read 20 pages for sociology... I figured I needed a break, so here I am, breaking. Break yo'self, fool! Break me off a piece of that Kit Kat bar! Breaking Benjamin.
So exactly one month from today, I'll be embarking on my trip to Europolis. I get a little more excited every day about it. Well, I think it's time to hit the ol' dusty trail... See you guys later
So exactly one month from today, I'll be embarking on my trip to Europolis. I get a little more excited every day about it. Well, I think it's time to hit the ol' dusty trail... See you guys later
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Back For More
Hey dudes.... I'm basically doing the same thing I was doing earlier int he day, blogging in the D'Angelo Center. Na mean?! Ha, haven't said that in a while. I noticed a trend in my posts dating back from the beginning of Words from the studly Ruben until now. My earlier posts were better, lol. They were more free and random and more detailed and were just better. Ever since the semester started I posted less and less and they've gotten more serious and drab. SO! I'm going to try and change that. Fungow, RIGHT NOW! Uncle Rubes is back, kiddos! I actually never left, I just have been preoccupied with schoolio and what not.
I can't wait to cut my hair. Why, do you ask? Because the 'Hawk is done. Sorry to say it, but it's just too long for it to stand all the way up. Epic that's what she said! Lmao.... but really, though, I've tried just about everything to keep the 'Hawk fully straight, but it always comes out a mess. It just turns out all obtuse and asymmetrical, and it doesn't look good. And I could just trim some off the top, but that wouldn't be my style. You see, most people dislike change. I, however, embrace it. I have a intricately detailed plan to revamp my hairstyle:
Step 1:
Cut off the orange hair I have from Ye Olde 'Hawk. and make it even. This will result in a short hair cut for a little while.
Step 2:
Grow that shit out, homes!
That's my master plan.... Stan. I want long hair... I'm talking as long as i can possibly grow it for. I don't know how long it will last, but i definitely want to get it as long as I can until i absolutely have to cut it, or if I change my mind =P. The plan is to cut my hair tomorrow. It's gonna be short for a little while, which i would rather not happen, but i need to be even and no longer orange to get the kinda hair I want down the line. Na'm Sayinnnnnn'!?
Sigh, tired of studying so I'm taking a break and blogging for a bit. << That should have been my first sentence. But I'm not gonna change it. Well I'm out of things to say... so I'll post another day. Laters.
I can't wait to cut my hair. Why, do you ask? Because the 'Hawk is done. Sorry to say it, but it's just too long for it to stand all the way up. Epic that's what she said! Lmao.... but really, though, I've tried just about everything to keep the 'Hawk fully straight, but it always comes out a mess. It just turns out all obtuse and asymmetrical, and it doesn't look good. And I could just trim some off the top, but that wouldn't be my style. You see, most people dislike change. I, however, embrace it. I have a intricately detailed plan to revamp my hairstyle:
Step 1:
Cut off the orange hair I have from Ye Olde 'Hawk. and make it even. This will result in a short hair cut for a little while.
Step 2:
Grow that shit out, homes!
That's my master plan.... Stan. I want long hair... I'm talking as long as i can possibly grow it for. I don't know how long it will last, but i definitely want to get it as long as I can until i absolutely have to cut it, or if I change my mind =P. The plan is to cut my hair tomorrow. It's gonna be short for a little while, which i would rather not happen, but i need to be even and no longer orange to get the kinda hair I want down the line. Na'm Sayinnnnnn'!?
Sigh, tired of studying so I'm taking a break and blogging for a bit. << That should have been my first sentence. But I'm not gonna change it. Well I'm out of things to say... so I'll post another day. Laters.
Why Am I Not Happy?
So I turn 20 in almost a month. That's weird... I'm gonna be two decades old, come January 10, 2010. In my first 19 years of life I have experienced a whole bunch...good, bad, the ugly, the pretty (everyone always fails to mention "the pretty") and everything in between. I don't know if there's a such thing as a quarter life crisis, but it think that's where I'm at right about now. I'm going to Europe right after my 20th birthday. I'm in a good college with a good GPA. I've accomplished several personal goals over the last year (learn to play guitar, lose weight, get a 3.0 or better freshman year). So why the fuck am I not content? Why am I not happy right now? Well I just listed the positives of my life over the past year. Here are some of the present negatives: It's finals week, and I'm having trouble making time to study. I'm a bit of a perfectionist, so I set some steep goals for myself this semester that odds are I won't meet (3.5 GPA or higher, Rubes' Weight Loss Challenge). I mean not to say that those goals are unrealistic, because they ARE realistic, or at least they WERE when I set them, but because of me being a slacker, they're unrealistic now. Well, I can still get a 3.5 or close to a 3.5 if I absolutely ace every final. But there's no guarantee and not a high probability of that. And I wanted to weigh 160 pounds by this time, or at least be in shape if not that. I actually gained about 10 pounds since September, and 15 since April =(((.
While I'm on the subject, here's my weight trajectory. I was a really fat baby. If I had the pic available of me as a baby I would show you, but I don't. But by the time i was a toddler I was skinny, and was skinny from ages 2 to 16. Then when i was 16 I gained a ton of weight in a very short time - about 50 pounds in a little over half a year. I know, nuts. I went from about 135 pounds to 185. From 16 to 18 i kept gradually gaining weight until i peaked at 206 pounds. I had enough of being fat, so when i was 18 in my freshman year of college I started exercising and stopped eating fast food, and I lost 35 pounds over the school year. By April of '09 i weighed 170, my lowest weight in years. BUT this summer and fall I gained about 15 pounds or so, bringing me up to 185 as of today. I go to the gym sporadically. I should have made it a habit, I would have been fine, but now I dug myself into a deeper whole, so to speak. My worst nightmare is to undo the work I put in last year, so I definitely am concerned about my weight.
Anyways... I'm not content with where I am right now, for reasons I mentioned earlier. I think come Christmas time I'll be content, depending on how good my grades are this semester and how I'm doing weight-wise.
So the Eurosemester is on the horizon, and I'm pretty psyched for it. I'm gonna be rooming with my cousin, that's gonna be a lot of fun.
I'm in the new building on campus, the D'Angelo Center. It's pretty awesome... they have a big lounge on the ground floor with a study area and a place just to sit around and chill, with a fireplace and a piano. Upstairs they have a Starbucks, more tables to sit at, state of the art classrooms, and a great view. Downstairs they have a brand new cafeteria with many different types of food, as well as a game room.
Got about 10 more minutes to write.... I'm writing a new song. I have the whole musical arrangement down, but no words yet. It's way different from the other songs I wrote. My previous songs are mostly love ballads or pop songs, and usually sound better acoustically. This one, however, has a grunge-like, hard rock sound, and sounds better electric. This would be my 7th song. I was working on one before this, but production of that one kinda stalled. I have a few more minutes before my study partner comes, but I think I'll end it here. See you guys another time.
While I'm on the subject, here's my weight trajectory. I was a really fat baby. If I had the pic available of me as a baby I would show you, but I don't. But by the time i was a toddler I was skinny, and was skinny from ages 2 to 16. Then when i was 16 I gained a ton of weight in a very short time - about 50 pounds in a little over half a year. I know, nuts. I went from about 135 pounds to 185. From 16 to 18 i kept gradually gaining weight until i peaked at 206 pounds. I had enough of being fat, so when i was 18 in my freshman year of college I started exercising and stopped eating fast food, and I lost 35 pounds over the school year. By April of '09 i weighed 170, my lowest weight in years. BUT this summer and fall I gained about 15 pounds or so, bringing me up to 185 as of today. I go to the gym sporadically. I should have made it a habit, I would have been fine, but now I dug myself into a deeper whole, so to speak. My worst nightmare is to undo the work I put in last year, so I definitely am concerned about my weight.
Anyways... I'm not content with where I am right now, for reasons I mentioned earlier. I think come Christmas time I'll be content, depending on how good my grades are this semester and how I'm doing weight-wise.
So the Eurosemester is on the horizon, and I'm pretty psyched for it. I'm gonna be rooming with my cousin, that's gonna be a lot of fun.
I'm in the new building on campus, the D'Angelo Center. It's pretty awesome... they have a big lounge on the ground floor with a study area and a place just to sit around and chill, with a fireplace and a piano. Upstairs they have a Starbucks, more tables to sit at, state of the art classrooms, and a great view. Downstairs they have a brand new cafeteria with many different types of food, as well as a game room.
Got about 10 more minutes to write.... I'm writing a new song. I have the whole musical arrangement down, but no words yet. It's way different from the other songs I wrote. My previous songs are mostly love ballads or pop songs, and usually sound better acoustically. This one, however, has a grunge-like, hard rock sound, and sounds better electric. This would be my 7th song. I was working on one before this, but production of that one kinda stalled. I have a few more minutes before my study partner comes, but I think I'll end it here. See you guys another time.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Update On My Life
Hey guys...well it's been two weeks since my last post, so I have a lot to tell you about.
The most significant thing that happened is that me and my gf broke up. Definitely not getting into detail here... but just so you know, that's the most significant thing that happened in these past two weeks.
In other news, the Thanksgiving break passed. It was a lot of fun, got to see many faces from my family who I haven't seen in a long time, and some new ones that I haven't seen. I've been teaching my sis how to play guitar, and she's gonna teach me about yoga, because I wanna get into it. My sis ordered a guitar off of musician's friend, and I'm just as eager for it to arrive as she is. Then we shall jam, on top of a mountain... and there will be flutes playing... and garlands of fresh... herbs, and we will form a family band, and tour the countryside! And you won't be invited! Lulz...jk. You will be invited. But yeah... I figured yoga will be a good way to satisfy my eagerness to become more spiritual and to get and stay in shape.
So hopefully I can pull out some A's on my finals, and get the 3.5 i want... It's possible, but just alot of hard work. I'm gonna cut this post in half, and post the other half later. Or I'll wait another two weeks, either way.
The most significant thing that happened is that me and my gf broke up. Definitely not getting into detail here... but just so you know, that's the most significant thing that happened in these past two weeks.
In other news, the Thanksgiving break passed. It was a lot of fun, got to see many faces from my family who I haven't seen in a long time, and some new ones that I haven't seen. I've been teaching my sis how to play guitar, and she's gonna teach me about yoga, because I wanna get into it. My sis ordered a guitar off of musician's friend, and I'm just as eager for it to arrive as she is. Then we shall jam, on top of a mountain... and there will be flutes playing... and garlands of fresh... herbs, and we will form a family band, and tour the countryside! And you won't be invited! Lulz...jk. You will be invited. But yeah... I figured yoga will be a good way to satisfy my eagerness to become more spiritual and to get and stay in shape.
So hopefully I can pull out some A's on my finals, and get the 3.5 i want... It's possible, but just alot of hard work. I'm gonna cut this post in half, and post the other half later. Or I'll wait another two weeks, either way.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Open Mic Performance/Meditation
Y''s it going guys, I know it's been a while. Things are still going well with me. I just finished up my guitar lessons last night. I learned a lot of new stuff in just four weeks, including how to do barre chords and how to play one of my fave songs, One-Eighty by Summer by Taking Back Sunday. I feel like im getting borderline obsessive with that band, homes... they're almost the only thing I listen to, even though I've heard all of their songs many times over. Yarg. Gray. That's "yarg" backwards. I'm writing again from the library cafe.... I feel like some kind of artiste, writing in a coffee shop, lulz. So the days are dwindling away until I leave for Eurotown. It's gonna be a bittersweet goodbye, because I'll be leaving just about all my family and friends for 4 months, including my girlfriend =(. But when I come back it's gonna be epic, I'll have stories to tell about the entire city of Europe! Jk, lmao... I know Europe isn't a city.. it's a state of mind. Right now I'm picturing Alicia Keys and Jay-Z with their new remix to their hit song, called "European State Of Mind." I can only imagine how its all gonna be over there, until then I have to wait and see.
So I performed at the open mic, and people really liked my song ^_^. I just wish I was a better singer. To be continued...
So I performed at the open mic, and people really liked my song ^_^. I just wish I was a better singer. To be continued...
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Maroon mothafuckin' 5! (A Tale Of Two Posts)
Y'omeskillet! Last night was epic... I saw Maroon 5 in concert at St. John's with my sis and gf!..!! They were great, every song was awesome from beginning to end. They even turned one of their songs into a country song, and covered an Alicia Keys song. Awesomeness. Oh and guess what? No, really guess...........Nope, you're wrong. The actor Jason Seigel from "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" and "How I Met Your Mother" opened for Maroon 5! Zomg he was hilarious, and he gave out his number in his last song. After the concert we got some crepes.... no, we're not in France... there's a crepes place right off campus. My crepe was delicious, it was a s'more crepe, graham cracker, chocolate, marshmallows and all. So overall last night was overflowing with win.
So, today is my open mic... as time inches closer to my time to perform, i cant help but feel a little nervous. But that's normal, homes.... I just gotta overcome whatever anxiety I may have... Blissful Anxiety.... lulz. I hope a lot of my friends come out to see me play, that would be great.
Now I've been listening to Maroon 5 for the past few minutes... I realized last night that I knew a lot more songs of theirs than I thought I knew. They're a pretty good band.
It's real nice out today... this weather is weird, there's like 20 degree differences between one day and the next o_0. Well..this post's fuel tank is around I think I'll fill her up and hit the road again another day. Later =)
So, today is my open mic... as time inches closer to my time to perform, i cant help but feel a little nervous. But that's normal, homes.... I just gotta overcome whatever anxiety I may have... Blissful Anxiety.... lulz. I hope a lot of my friends come out to see me play, that would be great.
Now I've been listening to Maroon 5 for the past few minutes... I realized last night that I knew a lot more songs of theirs than I thought I knew. They're a pretty good band.
It's real nice out today... this weather is weird, there's like 20 degree differences between one day and the next o_0. Well..this post's fuel tank is around I think I'll fill her up and hit the road again another day. Later =)
Update On My Life, Which Idk What To Do With
Hey guys.... Benny Rubes here. I feel like that would be a cool stage name for me, Benny Rubes. I took another hiatus from posting as you guys (all 4 of you) may have noticed. Well here's an update on what's been goin's on in my life since the last post:
I'm still doing good in school, but the work is getting harder and there's more work to do =/ but that's expected. The Yankees are champs once again =D *Plays "Empire State of Mind"*. I perform at the open mic tomorrow... wooo! Can't wait for that homes.... I just hope the act before me isn't too hard to follow >_<. I still have to pick out an oufit, which I've been having trouble doing so far. Maybe I just should wear anything, then I'll be most comfortable. Nah, chill... but it should be fun. I'm bringing my frisbee. The pool club i tried to start got denied without explanation by St. John's student government. Smh -_-.... it's whatevs... I guess it just wasn't meant to be.
This weekend has been awesome so far... last night I went to this peace and love gathering on campus. 'Twas a lot of fun, we hung out for a while on the Grrrrrrrrreat Lawn in front of the library. I literally didn't know anyone there except for one kid who was in my English class last year, but by the end of the night I had made a ton of new friends. A few people including myself brought guitars to play, that was a lot of fun. I showed my new peace and love friends some of my songs and they liked them, so that was cool. I'm gonna be performing my two fave original songs tomorrow, Blissful Anxiety and Make You Happy. I still feel like Make You Happy needs to be fine tuned a little more but I have to wait until midday of the morrow to do that.
So Idk what I want to do for a career guys... I'm in college as a Psych major and creative writing minor, but both of those fields are hard to break into and very competitive, so Idk really. I was thinking of looking into becoming a Physician Assistant. Idk, I'm just very uncertain when it comes to that. I think I should just do what I love and try not to worry about all the particulars for now. But in the back of my mind I just feel like I'm not gonna land a job out of college, or at least not a good one. Yarg.
Anyways it's 2:13 in the morning.... and I'm not the least bit tired. I'm actually getting slightly hungry, even after my s'mores crepe... zomg it was awesome. I have nothing else to write about really... not feeling very random tonight. So i guess I'll later guys you see... Reese's Peaces =).
I'm still doing good in school, but the work is getting harder and there's more work to do =/ but that's expected. The Yankees are champs once again =D *Plays "Empire State of Mind"*. I perform at the open mic tomorrow... wooo! Can't wait for that homes.... I just hope the act before me isn't too hard to follow >_<. I still have to pick out an oufit, which I've been having trouble doing so far. Maybe I just should wear anything, then I'll be most comfortable. Nah, chill... but it should be fun. I'm bringing my frisbee. The pool club i tried to start got denied without explanation by St. John's student government. Smh -_-.... it's whatevs... I guess it just wasn't meant to be.
This weekend has been awesome so far... last night I went to this peace and love gathering on campus. 'Twas a lot of fun, we hung out for a while on the Grrrrrrrrreat Lawn in front of the library. I literally didn't know anyone there except for one kid who was in my English class last year, but by the end of the night I had made a ton of new friends. A few people including myself brought guitars to play, that was a lot of fun. I showed my new peace and love friends some of my songs and they liked them, so that was cool. I'm gonna be performing my two fave original songs tomorrow, Blissful Anxiety and Make You Happy. I still feel like Make You Happy needs to be fine tuned a little more but I have to wait until midday of the morrow to do that.
So Idk what I want to do for a career guys... I'm in college as a Psych major and creative writing minor, but both of those fields are hard to break into and very competitive, so Idk really. I was thinking of looking into becoming a Physician Assistant. Idk, I'm just very uncertain when it comes to that. I think I should just do what I love and try not to worry about all the particulars for now. But in the back of my mind I just feel like I'm not gonna land a job out of college, or at least not a good one. Yarg.
Anyways it's 2:13 in the morning.... and I'm not the least bit tired. I'm actually getting slightly hungry, even after my s'mores crepe... zomg it was awesome. I have nothing else to write about really... not feeling very random tonight. So i guess I'll later guys you see... Reese's Peaces =).
Monday, October 26, 2009
Fedoras Are Awesome/Tokidoki!/Weird Sports Names
Hey guys.... Uncle Rubes is back again, like Michael Jordan in '96.... or like Jay-Z after his "retirement"... or like Brett Favre in '09,'08,'07.... lulz. LALALALA - that's me being bored. I have nothing to do, homes.... I bought a fedora from my gf's job. It's quite awesome. look:

Love that hat, mayneeeee. I feel like a combination of a mobster, a reporter from the Roaring Twenties, and Ne-Yo in that hat. The fedora... invented by the Germans in 1904.... lol. I think fedoras are just ridiculously cool looking...they can make anyone look so suave and sophisticated. It's like God's gift to the human head. I swear, a fedora can even make animals look like they're the shit.... don't believe me? Check this out:

Let's see, what did I do this weekend... I went to a halloween party/concert as the devil if he were a rock star. It was extremely ironic that the event was at a church and I came in as the devil.... I kinda expected God to smite me when i walked in the door. Here's me as the devil/rock star:

So that was fun... next day i went to the city and chilled with the girlf and y'omeslice.... you know who you are, y'omeslice. Zomg.... something pretty hilarious happened when me and my girlfriend went into Borders. My gf saw some Tokidoki toys and exclaimed "Tokidoki!" when she saw them. Just as she pointed to they toys and said "Tokidoki," an Asian man walked between us and the toys, so it looked liked she made a racist joke and called him tokidoki. I could have sworn I saw him look back, but idk if he did. That would be too freakin' hilarious if he got offended by what she said... rofl.
So Sunday was cool, then today I just had the usual super early classed and chilled out after running some errands and buying some food from C Town.... I feel like that should be a name of a rap group rather than a supermarket, haha, "C Town," sounds like an all-Crip neighborhood.
Speaking of baseball, the Yankees are in the World Series again! Wooo! We're facing the team with the 2nd most boring name in baseball: The Philadelphia Phillies -_-. I speak for many a fan when I say:

Yeah, that's right, c'mon, son! I feel like based on just their team name, the Phillies should not win. I mean, the Yankees aren't called "The New York New Yorkers." The only team with a shittier, more boring name than the Phillies are the Oakland A's. Many years ago, I kinda thought the name "Oakland A's" sounded cool, until I found out that that "A" stood for "Athletics." How boring can you be with a name for a team? I mean I understand that the name was created back in the earlier days of baseball, but I feel like it's just so bland and drab. It's pretty redundant, too. Everyone knows that if you're on the A's, you're athletic. You don't see the "Chicago Baseball Players" or the "Memphis Major Leaguers" anywhere. Or, for that matter, the "San Francisco Steroid Abusers." ZING!
Disclaimer: That was a shot mainly directed towards Barry Bonds, not the entire San Francisco Giants team.
I'll tell you a couple of names that I do love in baseball, though. My fave name ever for a baseball player is "Coco Crisp." NOT making that up, google it if u doubt it. I'm not sure what team he plays on now but he played for the Red Sox a few years ago. Another hilarious name in baseball is "Milton Bradley," you know, like the board game company.
Speaking of the Tennessee Titans, they possess the best named player in all of sports. They have a tight end whose name is "Bo Scaife." That name is amazing. Say it fast. Doesn't it sound fawesome? I know what you're thinking, and no, I didn't spell awesome wrong. Funny + Awesome = Fawesome. There's some math for you guys from Professor Rubes....specializing in a new type of math, awesometry =). Here's some more math for yall's chilluns.... 'tis half-past 12 and I need to be in class at 7:30, in a little less than 7 hours. So on that note, I'm gonna write for another hour. Sike! I'm gonna end this post...fungowwww, RIGHT NOW! Ha... That last joke probably went way over your head, like Scott Kazmir's throw to first base in Game 6 of the ALCS! SUNY ZINGhamton.... later.

Love that hat, mayneeeee. I feel like a combination of a mobster, a reporter from the Roaring Twenties, and Ne-Yo in that hat. The fedora... invented by the Germans in 1904.... lol. I think fedoras are just ridiculously cool looking...they can make anyone look so suave and sophisticated. It's like God's gift to the human head. I swear, a fedora can even make animals look like they're the shit.... don't believe me? Check this out:

Let's see, what did I do this weekend... I went to a halloween party/concert as the devil if he were a rock star. It was extremely ironic that the event was at a church and I came in as the devil.... I kinda expected God to smite me when i walked in the door. Here's me as the devil/rock star:

So that was fun... next day i went to the city and chilled with the girlf and y'omeslice.... you know who you are, y'omeslice. Zomg.... something pretty hilarious happened when me and my girlfriend went into Borders. My gf saw some Tokidoki toys and exclaimed "Tokidoki!" when she saw them. Just as she pointed to they toys and said "Tokidoki," an Asian man walked between us and the toys, so it looked liked she made a racist joke and called him tokidoki. I could have sworn I saw him look back, but idk if he did. That would be too freakin' hilarious if he got offended by what she said... rofl.
So Sunday was cool, then today I just had the usual super early classed and chilled out after running some errands and buying some food from C Town.... I feel like that should be a name of a rap group rather than a supermarket, haha, "C Town," sounds like an all-Crip neighborhood.
Speaking of baseball, the Yankees are in the World Series again! Wooo! We're facing the team with the 2nd most boring name in baseball: The Philadelphia Phillies -_-. I speak for many a fan when I say:

Yeah, that's right, c'mon, son! I feel like based on just their team name, the Phillies should not win. I mean, the Yankees aren't called "The New York New Yorkers." The only team with a shittier, more boring name than the Phillies are the Oakland A's. Many years ago, I kinda thought the name "Oakland A's" sounded cool, until I found out that that "A" stood for "Athletics." How boring can you be with a name for a team? I mean I understand that the name was created back in the earlier days of baseball, but I feel like it's just so bland and drab. It's pretty redundant, too. Everyone knows that if you're on the A's, you're athletic. You don't see the "Chicago Baseball Players" or the "Memphis Major Leaguers" anywhere. Or, for that matter, the "San Francisco Steroid Abusers." ZING!
Disclaimer: That was a shot mainly directed towards Barry Bonds, not the entire San Francisco Giants team.
I'll tell you a couple of names that I do love in baseball, though. My fave name ever for a baseball player is "Coco Crisp." NOT making that up, google it if u doubt it. I'm not sure what team he plays on now but he played for the Red Sox a few years ago. Another hilarious name in baseball is "Milton Bradley," you know, like the board game company.
Speaking of the Tennessee Titans, they possess the best named player in all of sports. They have a tight end whose name is "Bo Scaife." That name is amazing. Say it fast. Doesn't it sound fawesome? I know what you're thinking, and no, I didn't spell awesome wrong. Funny + Awesome = Fawesome. There's some math for you guys from Professor Rubes....specializing in a new type of math, awesometry =). Here's some more math for yall's chilluns.... 'tis half-past 12 and I need to be in class at 7:30, in a little less than 7 hours. So on that note, I'm gonna write for another hour. Sike! I'm gonna end this post...fungowwww, RIGHT NOW! Ha... That last joke probably went way over your head, like Scott Kazmir's throw to first base in Game 6 of the ALCS! SUNY ZINGhamton.... later.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Last night i found something out pretty devastating. You see, I have a friend who lived in my building who is a year younger than me or so. During his teen years he got involved with the wrong crowd. From what I heard, he began selling drugs and hanging out with gangs and such... we didn't hang out much during our teen years, but whenever I did see him I said what's up and asked him how he was doing. I found out last night that he got arrested... on murder charges. The story, in a nutshell, is that my friend and his crew or whatever had beef with some other crew. So after a fight or something like that my friend and his crew went to their enemies' neighborhood. When they went into the neighborhood my friend had a gun on him, and fired a shot into the air. The bullet he fired hit a 92 year old woman, and killed her. I'm still in shock. I can't even comprehend that this really happened. He got caught and arrested, and will probably be convicted and sentenced to life in jail, or worse. I fucking grew up with this kid. I can't believe this.... this tragedy should and could have been avoided. This kid didn't have to go down the road he went, and now a matriarch of a neighborhood is gone because of his actions. It's a damn shame.... I just hope that he doesn't get the death penalty. I know he did something absolutely terrible... but i know he was a good kid. I've known him since we were little kids... its despicable what he did, I admit, and he deserves whatever sentencing he gets, but at the same time, why did it have to be him? Why the fuck of all people did he have to do something this bad? I'll be praying for him... and for the repose of the soul of the murdered woman... I'll see you guys later. Peace.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
The Blog Post Formerly Known As Prince
Rawr! 'Tis I, the almighty Rubes, broadcasting live from the St. John's library once again! Man, things are looking up! I can't wait until next week, homie skillz.... so I once again got caught up with my schoolwork, I actually stayed up 'til 3ish in the morning to finish an essay >_<. But homes, I am so glad i finished it! You don't understand, two nights ago I was stressed as hell... I had a midterm to study for that next morning as well as a term paper to write due this morning. So i studied my ass off for the test... and it was kind ridiculous how easy it turned out to be. I had writer's block for a while and kept putting off my essay until the last minute...procrastination FTL... but fear not, ye brethren! I finished the essay like i said a little after 3 this morning. And I'm confident that it will get me a good grade, so better late then never. So class starts in precisely 18 minutes.... this is a good way to kill time, seeing as I have nothing else to do. Na mean?! Ha, haven't said that in a long time.
So in other news... Yankees are looking good, if I'm not mistaken they're one win away from going to the World Series =). Oh! how can I forget! I got a new piercing! Yup... I did it yesterday afternoon. It's a lip ring, check it out:

What do you think of it? I think its awesome... i wanna get a hoop ring to go around my lip, but I have to wait 3 weeks before I take this one out. The only sucky part is that I have to get used to eating with it.... it actually feels really awesome to drink cold beverages with it, but solid food is a bit of a bitch with a lip ring. Countdown to class: 11 minutes... wow, i wrote quite a bit for only 20 minutes.
So in a nutshell, my world is almost perfect. I have an awesome gf ;), I'm doing well in school, great fam and friends, what more could I ask for? Well, now that I mentioned it, I'll answer my own question. I am lacking in one area, and that, my good friends, is exercise. Rubes' Weight Loss Challenge has been practically non-existent. I still feel like I'm slowly gaining weight ='(. So if there's any one area I need to improve on in my life, it's definitely that area. I'm looking into going to the Cross Fit class on campus. Cross Fit is a high intensity, military style workout. I'm impatient when it comes to exercise, and this workout gives fast results, so I think it would pay off for me to give it a try. I'm not too scared of the workouts. I mean Idk if I can last through the whole class or not, but I figured if I can do 2 years of football, this can't be too out of reach. Well, i gotta start walking over to class, but I'm definitely glad to write to you guys... Later, Darth Vader alligator escalator fumigator terminator!
So in other news... Yankees are looking good, if I'm not mistaken they're one win away from going to the World Series =). Oh! how can I forget! I got a new piercing! Yup... I did it yesterday afternoon. It's a lip ring, check it out:

What do you think of it? I think its awesome... i wanna get a hoop ring to go around my lip, but I have to wait 3 weeks before I take this one out. The only sucky part is that I have to get used to eating with it.... it actually feels really awesome to drink cold beverages with it, but solid food is a bit of a bitch with a lip ring. Countdown to class: 11 minutes... wow, i wrote quite a bit for only 20 minutes.
So in a nutshell, my world is almost perfect. I have an awesome gf ;), I'm doing well in school, great fam and friends, what more could I ask for? Well, now that I mentioned it, I'll answer my own question. I am lacking in one area, and that, my good friends, is exercise. Rubes' Weight Loss Challenge has been practically non-existent. I still feel like I'm slowly gaining weight ='(. So if there's any one area I need to improve on in my life, it's definitely that area. I'm looking into going to the Cross Fit class on campus. Cross Fit is a high intensity, military style workout. I'm impatient when it comes to exercise, and this workout gives fast results, so I think it would pay off for me to give it a try. I'm not too scared of the workouts. I mean Idk if I can last through the whole class or not, but I figured if I can do 2 years of football, this can't be too out of reach. Well, i gotta start walking over to class, but I'm definitely glad to write to you guys... Later, Darth Vader alligator escalator fumigator terminator!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Hey dudes.... zomg... I saw Paranormal Activity a couple of nights ago. Holy shit, man.... that movie was ridiculously scary... like, truly frightening. What gets me is that its such a simple concept, yet it induces real fear in millions of people. I'm not gonna say anything revealing about the movie, but just know that you're probably gonna be spooked for days on end.
I noticed a pattern of fear... like, how fear is created. It all stems from what I like to call "fear of the unknown." It could be anything... it could be fear of death, ghosts, welfare of children, a bad neighborhood, it all stems from not being sure of something. For example, people fear death because they don't know for sure what will happen to their being after they die. Just about every religion has a belief about the afterlife, but not one person knows for sure. Simple, yet powerful stuff... every horror movie I've ever seen feeds off of fear of the unknown. I think FDR said it best, "There is nothing to fear but fear itself."
I JUST missed catching 11:11....fml. Giants play today against the Saints... Giants are undefeated and I think the Saint are too. This been a good year for sports for me.... Yankees up 2-0 in the ALCS, Giants undefeated... nice. All I need is for the Knicks to do good for a change and then I'll be set. I think I'll catch you guys another time... I got writer's block =(. Later.
I noticed a pattern of fear... like, how fear is created. It all stems from what I like to call "fear of the unknown." It could be anything... it could be fear of death, ghosts, welfare of children, a bad neighborhood, it all stems from not being sure of something. For example, people fear death because they don't know for sure what will happen to their being after they die. Just about every religion has a belief about the afterlife, but not one person knows for sure. Simple, yet powerful stuff... every horror movie I've ever seen feeds off of fear of the unknown. I think FDR said it best, "There is nothing to fear but fear itself."
I JUST missed catching 11:11....fml. Giants play today against the Saints... Giants are undefeated and I think the Saint are too. This been a good year for sports for me.... Yankees up 2-0 in the ALCS, Giants undefeated... nice. All I need is for the Knicks to do good for a change and then I'll be set. I think I'll catch you guys another time... I got writer's block =(. Later.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Y'omes.... I'm so bored... like ridiculously bored. So now I'm writing this to defer my boredom. iTunes on shuffle, baseball on TV, girlf on AIM, and a cup of tea... sounds like a good night at the dorm... its just i've been cooped up all day long here... I hate being in the same place for a really long time, especially by myself. BUTTSCRATCHER?! Anyways, I didn't do much today... it was definitely a terrible day weather wise. I've been doing nothing since like, 5.... FML. I would have done something with my day but the weather has been so shitty.. it's depressing. Well on the bright side I see the girlf tomorrow =). Then I'm gonna see Paranormal Activity with her the next day! Zomg I wanna see it so bad... so many people have told me its the scariest movie they've ever seen. It's selling out literally everywhere... I need to go see it... like, now. I recently discovered a band that was gathering dust in my iTunes library.... The Fall Of Troy. They're pretty sick... I listened to a few of their songs and liked some of them a lot but never listened to all of their songs. That's what I'm doing now.
Btw, about my post title.... I'm not a Dodger fan. I just copied and pasted a stupid sounding status on facebook.. lulz. Lets take a look at some more of my fb friend's statuses that are worth mentioning:
"My vag is for the V.I.P., yo vag is for the world to see"
"I be tossin, enforcin, my style is awesome"
"I see snow flakes"
"must. finish. paper. before.....the office."
There's not much to write about, as you can see... I can't wait until my guitar lessons start... that's gonna be awesome.... I'm writing a new song. That song is top secret btw... i shall release no details about it until it's done. Na mean?! Anyway... I'm gonna end this post.. I'm not in the writing mood i guess... I'll ttyl, homie skillz... later.
Btw, about my post title.... I'm not a Dodger fan. I just copied and pasted a stupid sounding status on facebook.. lulz. Lets take a look at some more of my fb friend's statuses that are worth mentioning:
"My vag is for the V.I.P., yo vag is for the world to see"
"I be tossin, enforcin, my style is awesome"
"I see snow flakes"
"must. finish. paper. before.....the office."
There's not much to write about, as you can see... I can't wait until my guitar lessons start... that's gonna be awesome.... I'm writing a new song. That song is top secret btw... i shall release no details about it until it's done. Na mean?! Anyway... I'm gonna end this post.. I'm not in the writing mood i guess... I'll ttyl, homie skillz... later.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Back On My Guitar Ishhh/ I Feel Happyyyyyy!
Hey guys, Uncle Rubes here. I'm blogging right now from the academic commons of my schools library... it feels like I'm having sex in public while writing the blog around other people.... it feels awkward, yet thrilling! So I have some exciting news, homie skills (a variation of homeskillet)... I'm gonna take guitar lessons again! Woo! You see the place I took lessons this summer at, NYC Guitar School, is opening a new location in Astoria, Queens, which is appropriately named Queens Guitar School. I received an email from them saying that the first 25 students to call about Queens Guitar School get a big discount on personal or group lessons. I called in time to be one of the first 25, and I start my new lessons on the 27th! I can't wait... I've been having trouble with bar chords, so that's what I'm gonna work on with my teacher. It's one-on-one lessons that I signed up for, so I'm really looking forward to making a lot of progress. Oh also, I signed up for the NYC Guitar School's open mic! I'm gonna play my fave original song of mine and maybe another one, so I'll def be practicing. If you want to come see me perform, let me know and I'll give you all the info... that is when I find out all the info myself =X. So yeah, I'm pretty excited about my endeavors of the near future as a guitarist...
Other than that, life is good. I'm doing well in school suck it, I have a girlfriend, and even though we have our bad moments I'm still happy at the end of the day. I'm FINALLY putting some actual effort into Rubes' Weight Loss Challenge... I'm behind schedule with that but I'm getting back on track. I really have nothing to complain about, which is pretty awesome in a subtle way... I'm about as happy as a turtle on a conveyor belt.... and believe me, that's pretty fuckin' happy. =D... that's my facial expression now. ALL the time... like Jack Nicholson as The Joker. Lulz, jk on the last part, but yeah, I'm content with life. Btw... if you know where the second part of my title to this post is from, then a big high five for you, my good sir. Whoever can tell me where that's from first get's $100... or nothing... idk, but i'm leaning more towards nothing =P.
Okay enough of me rambling....well you know what, nah.... I've got time to kill, I think I'll ramble some more. Speaking of rambling... there's a slew(yes, a slew) of funny commercials for the new search engine, Have you seen one of those commericals? You probably have, since I rarely watch TV and I've seen them. They're so random... I feel like those commercials are how my mind works, lol. Also speaking of rambling... for those of you who go or went to Cardinal Spellman HS, my former high school, within the past few years... the president of the school, Father Trevor, CANNOT say any sentence that is less than 30 words. I swear. Even when making announcements he goes off on these random tangents... it's quite hilarious. But it's cool, cuz he's from the U.K. and he has a cool accent, lol.
Yooo... que te conozco bien! I'm listening to Marc Anthony right now... Marc Anthony = God. But if that's the case, then who is J.Lo? She's Marc Anthony's wife, but God doesn't have a wife, at least according to the scriptures... Ah now John Legend's song, "Save Room" just came on.... one of the most chill dudes ever in the history of mankind, that's what John Legend is... I've been through this before on the blog. Look for my post with "Lenny Fonz The Legend" in the title. It's an old one, but what it lacks in youth it makes up for in win.
Well I'm done, like the Red Sox' season.... muahaha! Had to throw that in there... Go Yankees.... haha. Later.
Other than that, life is good. I'm doing well in school suck it, I have a girlfriend, and even though we have our bad moments I'm still happy at the end of the day. I'm FINALLY putting some actual effort into Rubes' Weight Loss Challenge... I'm behind schedule with that but I'm getting back on track. I really have nothing to complain about, which is pretty awesome in a subtle way... I'm about as happy as a turtle on a conveyor belt.... and believe me, that's pretty fuckin' happy. =D... that's my facial expression now. ALL the time... like Jack Nicholson as The Joker. Lulz, jk on the last part, but yeah, I'm content with life. Btw... if you know where the second part of my title to this post is from, then a big high five for you, my good sir. Whoever can tell me where that's from first get's $100... or nothing... idk, but i'm leaning more towards nothing =P.
Okay enough of me rambling....well you know what, nah.... I've got time to kill, I think I'll ramble some more. Speaking of rambling... there's a slew(yes, a slew) of funny commercials for the new search engine, Have you seen one of those commericals? You probably have, since I rarely watch TV and I've seen them. They're so random... I feel like those commercials are how my mind works, lol. Also speaking of rambling... for those of you who go or went to Cardinal Spellman HS, my former high school, within the past few years... the president of the school, Father Trevor, CANNOT say any sentence that is less than 30 words. I swear. Even when making announcements he goes off on these random tangents... it's quite hilarious. But it's cool, cuz he's from the U.K. and he has a cool accent, lol.
Yooo... que te conozco bien! I'm listening to Marc Anthony right now... Marc Anthony = God. But if that's the case, then who is J.Lo? She's Marc Anthony's wife, but God doesn't have a wife, at least according to the scriptures... Ah now John Legend's song, "Save Room" just came on.... one of the most chill dudes ever in the history of mankind, that's what John Legend is... I've been through this before on the blog. Look for my post with "Lenny Fonz The Legend" in the title. It's an old one, but what it lacks in youth it makes up for in win.
Well I'm done, like the Red Sox' season.... muahaha! Had to throw that in there... Go Yankees.... haha. Later.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Better Late Than Never/The Most Interesting Man In The World
Hey guys... long time no see... again. I'm sorry, I really am... I've just been a bookworm lately. But it's paying off! I got a B- on my first Child Psych test that i mentioned last time, which is not up to par with what I wanted, but still pretty good in general. And get this... I was having trouble with my math class, I felt like i didn't understand the material. A test was coming up. So I went to a tutoring session before the test, and studied with a good friend of mine who's in the same class as me. So I took the test and held my breath over the weekend... I got so nervous when my professor started handing out the test. He handed me my test back so that i couldn't see the grade yet, but when he handed it to me he said "Good job" i was like "Huh?" I was almost sure I did bad. So I turned the test over... and I see a nice big red "91%" written on it. I was ecstatic... I aced a test that I thought I might have failed! Woo! So far things are looking good for me academically... I had a sociology test on Tuesday that I'm sure I did good in, and I did my first graded speech on Wednesday. It was about Mohawks. I know what you just thought. You thought "Wait a minute Rubes, do you mean the Mohawk tribe or the Mohawk haircut?" Both, my good sir or madame. I talked about the way the hairstyle originated and also how it has been popular in recent decades in pop culture. It went well, I showed some cool Mohawk pictures as visual aids... to aid my audience... visually.
So last night I went out to dinner with my 2 fave Californians and a few other friends, including 2 other Californians who are visiting NYC this weekend. It's kinda awesome how small a world it is... you see, one of the visiting Californians is an immediate relative of one of the New York Giants! The best football team in all the land! Lulz... I'm a huge fan.. and she's related to one of my fave players. Pretty sick... and the other visiting Californian's father went to my high school way back when! That's crazy... small world, indeed.
So I want to share with you one of the most hilarious advertising campaigns ever... It's for Dos Equis. There spokesperson is "The Most Interesting Man in the World," a fictitious 50 or 60 something year old Latino man who is apparently very wealthy, suave, and of course, interesting... He's a Chuck Norris type figure, with similar legends about him, such as "It is said, he never looks up at the stars and wonders... because he already knows," and "Police often question him... just because they find him interesting." Lulz... I found a compilation of all of his Dos Equis commercials on YouTube... it's pretty funny... check it out, homes....
Rofl... epic.
I think I'll end this post with that... I'll try to post more often, but I make no guarantees folks... school is my main priority, na mean!? Ha... later.
So last night I went out to dinner with my 2 fave Californians and a few other friends, including 2 other Californians who are visiting NYC this weekend. It's kinda awesome how small a world it is... you see, one of the visiting Californians is an immediate relative of one of the New York Giants! The best football team in all the land! Lulz... I'm a huge fan.. and she's related to one of my fave players. Pretty sick... and the other visiting Californian's father went to my high school way back when! That's crazy... small world, indeed.
So I want to share with you one of the most hilarious advertising campaigns ever... It's for Dos Equis. There spokesperson is "The Most Interesting Man in the World," a fictitious 50 or 60 something year old Latino man who is apparently very wealthy, suave, and of course, interesting... He's a Chuck Norris type figure, with similar legends about him, such as "It is said, he never looks up at the stars and wonders... because he already knows," and "Police often question him... just because they find him interesting." Lulz... I found a compilation of all of his Dos Equis commercials on YouTube... it's pretty funny... check it out, homes....
Rofl... epic.
I think I'll end this post with that... I'll try to post more often, but I make no guarantees folks... school is my main priority, na mean!? Ha... later.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
I'm Sorry It Took Me So Longgggggg (Say Yes, Say Yes, Say Yes, Say Yesssss...)
Hey guys, It's been a mighty long time since my last post... many a moon has passed since I came out with something new. Why the reason for my hiatus? Writer's block, basically.... I almost posted a few times but when time came to write I just went blank. I know, fail. So after a week I figured, "fuck it, homes..." it's either now or never, even if there's nothing to write about.
SO... lately life has been good. I had my first test of the year on Friday, it was for my Child Psychology class. I haven't gotten it back yet, but I'm positive that I aced that shit like I was playing tennis. ZING! I love that word, "zing." It can mean so many things.... but is it even a real word? Let's consult, because dictionaries are, in fact, the absolute (and quite oppressive) authority on every word that is in-and is not in-the English language... let's see what it has to say about the word "zing":
1. vitality, animation, or zest.
2. a quality or characteristic that excites the interest, enthusiasm, etc.: a tourist town with lots of zing.
3. a sharp singing or whining noise, as of a bullet passing through the air.
–verb (used without object)
4. to move or proceed with a sharp singing or whining noise: The cars zinged down the highway.
5. to move or proceed with speed or vitality; zip.
–verb (used with object)
6. to cause to move with or as with a sharp, singing or whining noise: The pitcher zinged a slider right over the plate.
7. Slang. to blame or criticize severely: City Hall always gets zinged when crime increases.
Heh, didn't think it was actually in the dictionary. But then again, if "Bling-Bling" is in the dictionary, then what wouldn't be? Btw, I'm definitely not making that up... check it in any recent dictionary. Na mean homie?!
In other news... I finally found a jamming partner. My friend who's an RA in my building now walked by while I was jamming(wa-chu-ah) solo and was surprised that I played guitar. It turns out he's a really good singer, so we started practicing some songs together recently. Him and I actually played a lot of pool together last year, and he's just about as nasty at pool as I am, if not better. So I thought that was pretty cool that I have someone to rock out with now. I started learning some TBS songs, or at least parts of them... I'm learning the intro to one of my fave songs by them, One-Eighty By Summer.
I went to Sam Ashe near St. John's to buy a capo and new strings... and my god, how I love music stores. I feel like I step into guitar heaven every time I go into a store like Sam Ashe, Guitar Center, etc. There are so many awesome guitars there, I feel like i could spend a million dollars there and still not have everything that i want. Between summer and Christmas of 2010 I want to get my own solid body electric guitar and a full size amp, and I also want to take more guitar lessons. I'm also definitely learning how to drive next summer... that, my friends is a must. It's bad enough I'm gonna be 20 and not have a license.
Well, I think I'll call it a post.... It's been nice catching up with you guys, catch you later.
SO... lately life has been good. I had my first test of the year on Friday, it was for my Child Psychology class. I haven't gotten it back yet, but I'm positive that I aced that shit like I was playing tennis. ZING! I love that word, "zing." It can mean so many things.... but is it even a real word? Let's consult, because dictionaries are, in fact, the absolute (and quite oppressive) authority on every word that is in-and is not in-the English language... let's see what it has to say about the word "zing":
1. vitality, animation, or zest.
2. a quality or characteristic that excites the interest, enthusiasm, etc.: a tourist town with lots of zing.
3. a sharp singing or whining noise, as of a bullet passing through the air.
–verb (used without object)
4. to move or proceed with a sharp singing or whining noise: The cars zinged down the highway.
5. to move or proceed with speed or vitality; zip.
–verb (used with object)
6. to cause to move with or as with a sharp, singing or whining noise: The pitcher zinged a slider right over the plate.
7. Slang. to blame or criticize severely: City Hall always gets zinged when crime increases.
Heh, didn't think it was actually in the dictionary. But then again, if "Bling-Bling" is in the dictionary, then what wouldn't be? Btw, I'm definitely not making that up... check it in any recent dictionary. Na mean homie?!
In other news... I finally found a jamming partner. My friend who's an RA in my building now walked by while I was jamming(wa-chu-ah) solo and was surprised that I played guitar. It turns out he's a really good singer, so we started practicing some songs together recently. Him and I actually played a lot of pool together last year, and he's just about as nasty at pool as I am, if not better. So I thought that was pretty cool that I have someone to rock out with now. I started learning some TBS songs, or at least parts of them... I'm learning the intro to one of my fave songs by them, One-Eighty By Summer.
I went to Sam Ashe near St. John's to buy a capo and new strings... and my god, how I love music stores. I feel like I step into guitar heaven every time I go into a store like Sam Ashe, Guitar Center, etc. There are so many awesome guitars there, I feel like i could spend a million dollars there and still not have everything that i want. Between summer and Christmas of 2010 I want to get my own solid body electric guitar and a full size amp, and I also want to take more guitar lessons. I'm also definitely learning how to drive next summer... that, my friends is a must. It's bad enough I'm gonna be 20 and not have a license.
Well, I think I'll call it a post.... It's been nice catching up with you guys, catch you later.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Rebirth of the 'Hawk
Hey dudes.... It's been a long time (... I shoulda left you... without a dope beat to step to, step to, step to...) since i posted, once again. I guess this rate of one post every 2-4 days is something you guys gotta get used to, because I can't keep up with posting daily while I'm in school. Na mean, homessssssssssssSsss? Well anyways, my mohawk has been reborn... like a phoenix rising from the ashes... I think I'll walk you guys through the the history of the 'Hawk:
My roommates from last year gave me the idea to see how I would look with a mohawk, since I wanted to cut my hair anyway. A few hours later we produced this:

The 'Hawk 1.0, as I liked to call it. It was far from perfect, but I still thought it was awesome. I got it retouched at the barber shop off campus, and got a few designs in it, like this:

And this:

The main thing that I didn't like about the hawk was that it didn't go all the way down. So in January I got it redone so it went down the whole way. I called that one the 'Hawk 2.0. It looked a lot better than the 1st one, take a look:

I took a break from the hawk in the spring, but i brought it back by early summer. Here's the comeback of the 'Hawk in June:

Pretty badass, huh? I think so... And now it is time to unveil the most anticipated haircut of the century..... (drum roll)
Presenting.... the 'Hawk 3.0!

You see this?! This is my new fuckin' haircut! Not now chief, I'm in the fuckin' zone... lulz. Well, that's all folks, I hope you like the new 'do. Later
My roommates from last year gave me the idea to see how I would look with a mohawk, since I wanted to cut my hair anyway. A few hours later we produced this:

The 'Hawk 1.0, as I liked to call it. It was far from perfect, but I still thought it was awesome. I got it retouched at the barber shop off campus, and got a few designs in it, like this:

And this:

The main thing that I didn't like about the hawk was that it didn't go all the way down. So in January I got it redone so it went down the whole way. I called that one the 'Hawk 2.0. It looked a lot better than the 1st one, take a look:

I took a break from the hawk in the spring, but i brought it back by early summer. Here's the comeback of the 'Hawk in June:

Pretty badass, huh? I think so... And now it is time to unveil the most anticipated haircut of the century..... (drum roll)
Presenting.... the 'Hawk 3.0!

You see this?! This is my new fuckin' haircut! Not now chief, I'm in the fuckin' zone... lulz. Well, that's all folks, I hope you like the new 'do. Later
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Writer's Block Makes a Comeback/Case Of You
Hey dude skis..... Count Rubula is back from the dead! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I'm back from another 3-4 day hiatus. Things aren't as bad as I made them out to be on my last post nowadays... I was just overwhelmed with school work. I was gonna write the other day, but I got stuck because there was nothing to write about. And there still isn't =(. Well now that I actually give it some thought there is something that I can write about. Nice.
You see, I've been waking up before 6 in the morning every day Monday through Friday. But on some nights, I can't sleep.. idk why, I'm just wired.... so last night i went to bed really late, and woke up really early... not a good combination =/. When this happens I usually end up what i like to call crashing, or just falling asleep randomly. I crashed on the train on the way to The Bronx to see another Bronx Underground show, and I started crashing at the show itself. I ended up leaving early, to the dismay of my gf who works there, and ended up knocking out as soon as i got back to the dorm. Sorry, hun >_<. And now, here I am, up at 9am on a Saturday... my sleeping pattern is not that of the average college student.
So anyways, I found a really nice song that I want to share with you guys. It's an acoustic song by Michelle Branch, called "Case Of You." No, I am not gay. She covered it, the original song is from Joni Mitchell, if I am not mistaken. It's a really sweet song. I found it on this CD I got for free from the radio station on campus. Hope You guys like it, enjoy:
A Case of You - Michelle Branch
Sigh... that song is so nice.
You see, now i have writer's block again. Fail. I think I'm gonna go make some breakfast, so I'll catch you later, homes.... peace.
You see, I've been waking up before 6 in the morning every day Monday through Friday. But on some nights, I can't sleep.. idk why, I'm just wired.... so last night i went to bed really late, and woke up really early... not a good combination =/. When this happens I usually end up what i like to call crashing, or just falling asleep randomly. I crashed on the train on the way to The Bronx to see another Bronx Underground show, and I started crashing at the show itself. I ended up leaving early, to the dismay of my gf who works there, and ended up knocking out as soon as i got back to the dorm. Sorry, hun >_<. And now, here I am, up at 9am on a Saturday... my sleeping pattern is not that of the average college student.
So anyways, I found a really nice song that I want to share with you guys. It's an acoustic song by Michelle Branch, called "Case Of You." No, I am not gay. She covered it, the original song is from Joni Mitchell, if I am not mistaken. It's a really sweet song. I found it on this CD I got for free from the radio station on campus. Hope You guys like it, enjoy:
A Case of You - Michelle Branch
Sigh... that song is so nice.
You see, now i have writer's block again. Fail. I think I'm gonna go make some breakfast, so I'll catch you later, homes.... peace.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
It's So Early, But It Seems So Late....FML
Hey dudes.... its DJ Ruby Rubez broadcasting live... at 4 in the morning. Why, do you ask? I went to bed at 10, woke up at 3:30... figured I might as well stay up 'til my 7am class. I swear man, things aren't going as smoothly in college this year as I thought. My sleeping pattern is all sorts of fucked up, thanks to 7 am classes. I can't concentrate on my readings, even for my most interesting of classes. The pool club idea has stalled, again. I'm still shooting for that 3.5 GPA, but idk how that's gonna happen if all my assigned reading goes in one ear and straight out the other. I need to get focused, fast. Absolutely none of my friends are online, so there's not much to do right now. I haven't posted in a few days... sorry once again, homes, I've just been busy TRYING to read for school. I'm feeling pretty emo right about now... nothing seems to be going well right about now, which I must admit is rare for me nowadays. I have a really busy day today... class, doc appointment, night class. It wouldn't be that busy if it wasn't for the nearly 2 hour long trip to The Bronx. Heh, maybe I can get some reading done then.
I was all a dream, I used to read word up magazine..... ugh I need to snap out of this, whatever it is... =/. I feel like cutting this one short... real short, like a caesar #2 at the barber shop... so I'll catch you guys another time, sorry for being so brief. Later
I was all a dream, I used to read word up magazine..... ugh I need to snap out of this, whatever it is... =/. I feel like cutting this one short... real short, like a caesar #2 at the barber shop... so I'll catch you guys another time, sorry for being so brief. Later
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Me, My GIrlfriend, Hummus, and David Bisbal?
Hey fellers, how's it hangin'? I had another awesome day with the misses.... We went to a restaurant on the Upper West Side, which took way too long to get to, thanks to shitty service on the F, E, and 2 Trains.... once again, I am disappointed in you, MTA. This is how my would be 45 minute - 1 hour commute from Jamaica, Queens took about an hour and a half: The F train was going local into Manhattan, and I was going to Times Square, so I transferred to the E, only to find out that all the E's were running on the F line. -_-. Wtf... then why didn't they just say no E trains were running in Queens? Anyways... I basically got off one train (the F) and got on another train (the E) going the exact same way. So I had to transfer to the 7 to get to Times Square, since I was taking the E train that wasn't. When I finally got to Times Square, I found out the 2 train was going local, which wasn't too bad since I was getting off at 72nd, but what WAS too bad was how ridiculously crowded the platform to get onto the 2 train was. So here's what I think the MTA should do, even though they never will because they would lose too much revenue and they don't like to please their customers: take at least 25 cents off the fare at specific train stations when there are service cuts to that line? Makes sense, right? Does that sound fair to you? I mean it does to me, because if I am paying the full fare, I'd like to receive full service... ESPECIALLY since the fare just went up at the end of this past June. But enough of that nonsense... let me tell you about my awesome night in the city.
After the whole transportation fiasco, I had a very nice meal with my girlfriend at Nanoosh, a Mediterranean restaurant that specialized in hummus. The food was awesome, we both enjoyed it... After wards we got some gelato from a place a few blocks up, which was delicious. We walked through Central Park and heard some live music playing. As we neared the stage we realized it was Spanish music, and my girlf thought it sounded just like the famous Spanish singer, India. Probably like a minute later we heard someone say something like "Give it up for India!" in Spanish. So we walked over to the concert, and it turned out that it was free! We actually just missed India's set, but we caught part of the headliner, David Bisbal. I never heard of him until today, but my gf was excited to see him. He's a pretty good performer, very active and hyper on stage. So what are the odds of that, stumbling across a free concert in Central Park with some big name Spanish artists! Man, she and I really lucked out tonight.
It didn't take terribly long to get home, which was a surprise. Overall the night was pretty awesome. 'Tis now 2:30 in the AM, so I think I'll quit while I'm ahead. I have A LOT of reading to do tomorrow, so I might not post anything, but look for a new one anyway and if not tomorrow then def by Monday.... feel me? Peace.
After the whole transportation fiasco, I had a very nice meal with my girlfriend at Nanoosh, a Mediterranean restaurant that specialized in hummus. The food was awesome, we both enjoyed it... After wards we got some gelato from a place a few blocks up, which was delicious. We walked through Central Park and heard some live music playing. As we neared the stage we realized it was Spanish music, and my girlf thought it sounded just like the famous Spanish singer, India. Probably like a minute later we heard someone say something like "Give it up for India!" in Spanish. So we walked over to the concert, and it turned out that it was free! We actually just missed India's set, but we caught part of the headliner, David Bisbal. I never heard of him until today, but my gf was excited to see him. He's a pretty good performer, very active and hyper on stage. So what are the odds of that, stumbling across a free concert in Central Park with some big name Spanish artists! Man, she and I really lucked out tonight.
It didn't take terribly long to get home, which was a surprise. Overall the night was pretty awesome. 'Tis now 2:30 in the AM, so I think I'll quit while I'm ahead. I have A LOT of reading to do tomorrow, so I might not post anything, but look for a new one anyway and if not tomorrow then def by Monday.... feel me? Peace.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Epic Day With The Girlf/ The Whitest Boy Alive
Hey guys... long time, no write =(. Sorry homes, I've been caught up with school. But General Rubes is back to whip you cadets into shape! Now drop and give me 23 and a half, soldier!
So I had a very nice day with my girlfriend today.... I made the trip up to her college and we hung out for a bit there. It was awesome. They had hammocks that anyone could just lay down in, and lay we did! I haven't sat in a hammock in a hella long time, (big up to DJ Illen on the "hella" ;]) and it was super comfortable and was nice to get all cozy with my gf. She gave me a ride back to my house and then from there Le Pops drove me back to campus. So here I am now, bored in my suite again. It's always boring at Henley.... I miss the antics of Hollis from last year, smh. We had a whole conversation about "smh," my gf, her friend, and I. In case you didn't know, 'smh' is the internet abbreviation for "Shake my head." Example:
"Dude, I was gonna go to the concert, but my mom wouldn't let me go because I didn't wanna wear that stupid sweater."
"How old are you again?"
So we were discussing how to pronounce "Smh." Is it "smeh?" What about "simah?".... who knows... that's one of the many mysteries of life, my friends.
Heh, I just thought of something.... they have the phrase "Negative Nancy"... what about "Random Ruben?" Haha... cuz, I mean, I am pretty random, as one can tell by any of my blog posts... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh FREAKOUT! You remember that song? Or have you at least heard of it? If you remember it, you're old.... If you just heard of it, you may be old, or you may not. If you've never heard of it, then shame on you, Charlie Brown!
Oh btw, I have a cool song to share with you guys. But WAIT! First I'll tell you how I came across it. I was at the activities fair on campus a couple of days ago, and I signed up for WSJU, the campus radio station. They were giving out free CDs, but I haven't heard of any of the artists they had to offer. So I told one of the guys with the radio station what type of music was my favorite, and he gave me what he thought I would like. One of the CDs was from a band called "The Whitest Boy Alive." I already liked them before listening because of their epic name, lulz. So I uploaded the CD, pushed play, and awesomeness was emitted from my speakers. These guys are freakin' legit. They have such a chilled out style of play, I think it's awesome. Here's my fave song from them "1517," off their new album, "Rules."
Good song... so chill. Well, I'm outskis... gonna go get something to eat. Catch you guys later.
So I had a very nice day with my girlfriend today.... I made the trip up to her college and we hung out for a bit there. It was awesome. They had hammocks that anyone could just lay down in, and lay we did! I haven't sat in a hammock in a hella long time, (big up to DJ Illen on the "hella" ;]) and it was super comfortable and was nice to get all cozy with my gf. She gave me a ride back to my house and then from there Le Pops drove me back to campus. So here I am now, bored in my suite again. It's always boring at Henley.... I miss the antics of Hollis from last year, smh. We had a whole conversation about "smh," my gf, her friend, and I. In case you didn't know, 'smh' is the internet abbreviation for "Shake my head." Example:
"Dude, I was gonna go to the concert, but my mom wouldn't let me go because I didn't wanna wear that stupid sweater."
"How old are you again?"
So we were discussing how to pronounce "Smh." Is it "smeh?" What about "simah?".... who knows... that's one of the many mysteries of life, my friends.
Heh, I just thought of something.... they have the phrase "Negative Nancy"... what about "Random Ruben?" Haha... cuz, I mean, I am pretty random, as one can tell by any of my blog posts... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh FREAKOUT! You remember that song? Or have you at least heard of it? If you remember it, you're old.... If you just heard of it, you may be old, or you may not. If you've never heard of it, then shame on you, Charlie Brown!
Oh btw, I have a cool song to share with you guys. But WAIT! First I'll tell you how I came across it. I was at the activities fair on campus a couple of days ago, and I signed up for WSJU, the campus radio station. They were giving out free CDs, but I haven't heard of any of the artists they had to offer. So I told one of the guys with the radio station what type of music was my favorite, and he gave me what he thought I would like. One of the CDs was from a band called "The Whitest Boy Alive." I already liked them before listening because of their epic name, lulz. So I uploaded the CD, pushed play, and awesomeness was emitted from my speakers. These guys are freakin' legit. They have such a chilled out style of play, I think it's awesome. Here's my fave song from them "1517," off their new album, "Rules."
Good song... so chill. Well, I'm outskis... gonna go get something to eat. Catch you guys later.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Welcome Home, Rubes McGee!
Hey homes, homesters, hamsters, gerbils, germs, worms.... well, we had that family reunion I told you about, and it was (Borat voice) GREAT SUCCESS! Lulz.... but yeah it was awesome man... it was funny because my uncle who organized the whole thing thought that not too many people were coming, and so did I, but just about everyone in our extended family showed up! It was a lot of fun... some of my cousins had not seen each other in years, so it was especially nice for them to see each other again. It was a fun filled day for the whole family, complete with frisbee, wiffleball, lots of food, and an enchanted forest! Everyone had a great time... and we have big ambitions for the next one. My uncle wants to organize one in Puerto Rico next year with the WHOLE fam.... that's gonna be interesting. That means i definitely need to learn Spanish ASAP. I want to learn it also since part of my trip to Europe will involve me staying in Spain.
Omg... my cousin showed me the most random video EVER on YouTube. Since I am quite random myself, I feel obligated to show it to you guys, so here 'tis:
Lmao... classic, homes.
So I'm excited about all my classes, but I'm absolutely giddy about one in particular. That class is Sociology. The professor looks like a 20 something straight out of grad school (STRAIGHT OUTTA GRAD SCHOOL, CRAZY MOTHAFUCKA NAMED ICE CUBE!) but he knows his shit, at least from what I can tell. I feel like it's gonna be very interesting, and the work doesn't seem too backbreaking.
Work it....make it....makes us.... harder, better, faster, stronger.... I love me some Daft Punk...they're pretty awesome. Dammit.... I'm getting very hungry for breakfast... but that involves going somewhere, like Monty's, which is far... I'm tired of the same breakfast food we have at the suite. I could always have some Apple Jacks.... hmm... I guess I'll do that... I guess I'll let you guys go.
It's a bird!
No, it's a plane!
No, it's a terrorist flying a plane!
No, it's Blogman!
(Cue Blogman's theme song)
Blogman: Goodbye, fair citizens...I shall return tomorrow for another epic adventure! WOOSH! I didnt fly away yet! I just shouted 'woosh' for no reason! Now I'll fly away! *WOOSH*
Lulz... peace.
Omg... my cousin showed me the most random video EVER on YouTube. Since I am quite random myself, I feel obligated to show it to you guys, so here 'tis:
Lmao... classic, homes.
So I'm excited about all my classes, but I'm absolutely giddy about one in particular. That class is Sociology. The professor looks like a 20 something straight out of grad school (STRAIGHT OUTTA GRAD SCHOOL, CRAZY MOTHAFUCKA NAMED ICE CUBE!) but he knows his shit, at least from what I can tell. I feel like it's gonna be very interesting, and the work doesn't seem too backbreaking.
Work it....make it....makes us.... harder, better, faster, stronger.... I love me some Daft Punk...they're pretty awesome. Dammit.... I'm getting very hungry for breakfast... but that involves going somewhere, like Monty's, which is far... I'm tired of the same breakfast food we have at the suite. I could always have some Apple Jacks.... hmm... I guess I'll do that... I guess I'll let you guys go.
It's a bird!
No, it's a plane!
No, it's a terrorist flying a plane!
No, it's Blogman!
(Cue Blogman's theme song)
Blogman: Goodbye, fair citizens...I shall return tomorrow for another epic adventure! WOOSH! I didnt fly away yet! I just shouted 'woosh' for no reason! Now I'll fly away! *WOOSH*
Lulz... peace.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Rubes, Josh, and Missy Rock Midtown
Hey dudes.... what a beautiful morning it is. Seeing that I woke up unintentionally at 6:30 in the morning, and I have nothing to do for another hour and a half, I figured I might as well write a post.
Yesterday, I had a really awesome time in the city. Me and my roommate went down to Midtown in the city. Since he's new to the city, he wanted to explore Manhattan, and being a New York City native, I became his impromptu tour guide. We had a lot of fun, we went to Times Square, then walked around Central Park for a while. My roommate had a great time checking out Manhattan, it was also his first Subway ride, which was made pretty interesting by a homeless man who sang "Lean On Me" on the F train, lulz. We saw a break dancing troupe in the park, which was fun to watch, except for when the head honcho of the crew kept making sexually suggestive jokes to teenage girls, while he was at least 30 something... creepy, much? Other than that, it was good times in Central Park. We actually walked halfway up the park to about 80th Sreet, which surprised me... I didn't think we walked nearly that far. Then we met up with my girlf when she got out of work, and had some pizza. It was my roommate's 1st ever authentic slice of New York pizza, which is easily the highlight of any non-New Yorker's day in the city....yes, our pizza is that delicious. Btw, it took FOREVER to find a pizza place... not because there are none in the area, but because the GPS on our phones kept us going in circles. Fail. Then we walked up to 72nd Street and Broadway and dropped off my gf on the train. Then came the only real bad part of an otherwise epic day: the unnecessarily long train ride back to the dorm. The ride shouldn't have taken any longer than an hour and maybe five minutes, but thanks to the lack of an E train at Times Square and a super long wait for the F, it took about 2 hours! Wtf! MTA,(Jamaican accent) ya dun' fuck up, mon.
So this is Labor Day weekend... thus, I get a day off of school tomorrow. Sweet. More time to procrastinate, woo! Haha.. I'm actually not procrastinating at all so far, which I'm pretty proud of. Like I said before, I want a 3.5 GPA this semester, and it would be really swell if I can get my name on the Dean's List. That would be a great way to send myself off to Europe, with kickass grades. I know without partying that much this semester, it's gonna be boring sometimes, like last night, for instance.... but the potential rewards of buckling down and doing my work are so incredibly worth the sacrifice. I mean, that's what I'm here for, anyway. I don't think people graduate high school and go to a college based on how bangin' their parties are... and if they do, then that's just asking to not get good grades, and maybe even fail out eventually. I'm really focused on school now... I actually cant wait to get assignments for the first time in my life, I'm really excited about all of my classes, no matter how nerdy that sounds, lol.
I'm working on a new song on my guitar... the working title is "They'll Come Back." It's about a dude who got dumped by his girlfriend, and can't get over it. I know, super emo...hehe, oh well, I guess that's just my song writing style. I haven't a decent size post like this in quite a while... I know, I've been slacking.... don't worry kids, Uncle Rubes will always have shiny new posts for you to play with. Still have about an hour to kill....*sigh*. I can't wait until later today... I'm going to my first ever family reunion.... that's probably gonna be fun. I'm bringing my frisbee.
It's funny how my fam never ever had a reunion in my lifetime... I wonder why that is. We're all on good terms, but we just don't hang out much... my extended family, that is. And most of us live in The Bronx, too. I'm glad we're doing this though, it's always nice to reconnect, especially with family. I recently reconnected with my cousin named after the Lord, and he's pretty awesome.... What I really want to do is learn Spanish fluently and then reconnect, well, meet for the first time, rather, the majority of my family, who lives in Puerto Rico, still. But that's a long ways away from now, if ever.
A song from "The Secret Handshake" came on my iTunes on shuffle just now... they're a pretty cool band... they have interesting songs. Well, I think I'm gonna bounce for the day.. I've got a fun filled one ahead of me. I'll write something later, or tomorrow... later.
Yesterday, I had a really awesome time in the city. Me and my roommate went down to Midtown in the city. Since he's new to the city, he wanted to explore Manhattan, and being a New York City native, I became his impromptu tour guide. We had a lot of fun, we went to Times Square, then walked around Central Park for a while. My roommate had a great time checking out Manhattan, it was also his first Subway ride, which was made pretty interesting by a homeless man who sang "Lean On Me" on the F train, lulz. We saw a break dancing troupe in the park, which was fun to watch, except for when the head honcho of the crew kept making sexually suggestive jokes to teenage girls, while he was at least 30 something... creepy, much? Other than that, it was good times in Central Park. We actually walked halfway up the park to about 80th Sreet, which surprised me... I didn't think we walked nearly that far. Then we met up with my girlf when she got out of work, and had some pizza. It was my roommate's 1st ever authentic slice of New York pizza, which is easily the highlight of any non-New Yorker's day in the city....yes, our pizza is that delicious. Btw, it took FOREVER to find a pizza place... not because there are none in the area, but because the GPS on our phones kept us going in circles. Fail. Then we walked up to 72nd Street and Broadway and dropped off my gf on the train. Then came the only real bad part of an otherwise epic day: the unnecessarily long train ride back to the dorm. The ride shouldn't have taken any longer than an hour and maybe five minutes, but thanks to the lack of an E train at Times Square and a super long wait for the F, it took about 2 hours! Wtf! MTA,(Jamaican accent) ya dun' fuck up, mon.
So this is Labor Day weekend... thus, I get a day off of school tomorrow. Sweet. More time to procrastinate, woo! Haha.. I'm actually not procrastinating at all so far, which I'm pretty proud of. Like I said before, I want a 3.5 GPA this semester, and it would be really swell if I can get my name on the Dean's List. That would be a great way to send myself off to Europe, with kickass grades. I know without partying that much this semester, it's gonna be boring sometimes, like last night, for instance.... but the potential rewards of buckling down and doing my work are so incredibly worth the sacrifice. I mean, that's what I'm here for, anyway. I don't think people graduate high school and go to a college based on how bangin' their parties are... and if they do, then that's just asking to not get good grades, and maybe even fail out eventually. I'm really focused on school now... I actually cant wait to get assignments for the first time in my life, I'm really excited about all of my classes, no matter how nerdy that sounds, lol.
I'm working on a new song on my guitar... the working title is "They'll Come Back." It's about a dude who got dumped by his girlfriend, and can't get over it. I know, super emo...hehe, oh well, I guess that's just my song writing style. I haven't a decent size post like this in quite a while... I know, I've been slacking.... don't worry kids, Uncle Rubes will always have shiny new posts for you to play with. Still have about an hour to kill....*sigh*. I can't wait until later today... I'm going to my first ever family reunion.... that's probably gonna be fun. I'm bringing my frisbee.
It's funny how my fam never ever had a reunion in my lifetime... I wonder why that is. We're all on good terms, but we just don't hang out much... my extended family, that is. And most of us live in The Bronx, too. I'm glad we're doing this though, it's always nice to reconnect, especially with family. I recently reconnected with my cousin named after the Lord, and he's pretty awesome.... What I really want to do is learn Spanish fluently and then reconnect, well, meet for the first time, rather, the majority of my family, who lives in Puerto Rico, still. But that's a long ways away from now, if ever.
A song from "The Secret Handshake" came on my iTunes on shuffle just now... they're a pretty cool band... they have interesting songs. Well, I think I'm gonna bounce for the day.. I've got a fun filled one ahead of me. I'll write something later, or tomorrow... later.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
It's Official/ Blast Rocks Midtown
Hey kids, Uncle Rubes back from a 4 day non-posting hiatus. I'm sorry guys, I've been caught up with the college life. So let me fill you in on all that's been goinz' on in my life....
First off, and most importantly, me and my lady friend are boyfriend and girlfriend now =D! Isn't that awesome?! I know what you just said! You said "Fuck yeah, Rubes, that's awesome and a half!" Didn't you? No? You didn't say that? Oh.... =(. Well anyways, I'm very happy that her and I made it official, because I really like her, and I hope things go well for a long time with her.
Well, that's the only important thing that's been going on, lol. I said "First off" like there were other important things to discuss, but there's really not.
I had an awesome time yesterday, though. I went to a Bronx Underground show. Bronx Underground is an event hosting company that holds rock shows in The Bronx, which I think is absolutely awesome. My girlf works for them and she invited me to come to the show that was held last night. It was a couple of local bands that played, one called "The Scene" and one called "Blast Rocks Midtown." They were both great, but Blast Rocks Midtown was fuckin' amazing! Here's a clip of one of the songs they played, my fave song of the set:
I wanted them to sign a poster for me and get a CD from them, but they left pretty early. I'll definitely get them to sign one for me next time I see them, because I will without a doubt be seeing them again.
So, Rubes' Weight Loss Challenge has been on pause for a while, but that stops today. I'm gonna go running in a little bit at the gym, once my food digests a little more. I'm hopping back on Skinny, the weight loss stallion today, and I'm not gonna stop riding 'til i reach the town of 160 pounds. I don't even know how much i weigh now, but I'll find out at the gym. I plan to do at least a mile today on the treadmill. Then I'm going into Manhattan later to hang out with my gf after she gets out of work. And now, I shall embark on a quest to find a job on campus! I shall not yeild! Ha... I'm out folkaroos... I just made a new word... a cross between buckaroos and folks. Lulz.. peace.
First off, and most importantly, me and my lady friend are boyfriend and girlfriend now =D! Isn't that awesome?! I know what you just said! You said "Fuck yeah, Rubes, that's awesome and a half!" Didn't you? No? You didn't say that? Oh.... =(. Well anyways, I'm very happy that her and I made it official, because I really like her, and I hope things go well for a long time with her.
Well, that's the only important thing that's been going on, lol. I said "First off" like there were other important things to discuss, but there's really not.
I had an awesome time yesterday, though. I went to a Bronx Underground show. Bronx Underground is an event hosting company that holds rock shows in The Bronx, which I think is absolutely awesome. My girlf works for them and she invited me to come to the show that was held last night. It was a couple of local bands that played, one called "The Scene" and one called "Blast Rocks Midtown." They were both great, but Blast Rocks Midtown was fuckin' amazing! Here's a clip of one of the songs they played, my fave song of the set:
I wanted them to sign a poster for me and get a CD from them, but they left pretty early. I'll definitely get them to sign one for me next time I see them, because I will without a doubt be seeing them again.
So, Rubes' Weight Loss Challenge has been on pause for a while, but that stops today. I'm gonna go running in a little bit at the gym, once my food digests a little more. I'm hopping back on Skinny, the weight loss stallion today, and I'm not gonna stop riding 'til i reach the town of 160 pounds. I don't even know how much i weigh now, but I'll find out at the gym. I plan to do at least a mile today on the treadmill. Then I'm going into Manhattan later to hang out with my gf after she gets out of work. And now, I shall embark on a quest to find a job on campus! I shall not yeild! Ha... I'm out folkaroos... I just made a new word... a cross between buckaroos and folks. Lulz.. peace.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
New Semester Starts Tomorrow/ First Day Of Classes
'Tis the eve of my sophomore year at St. John's. I'm really excited to see what my classes are gonna be like. I already have a reading assignment for my public speaking class. My tongue hurts. I have class as early as 7 am, and no days off, which kinda sucks.... but the bright side is that I'm done as early as 10 am most days. Heh, I'm done with classes before some people even wake up to go to class. Last semester I didn't have class until as late as 1:25 at one point, so this is will be different, to say the least. That's the only bad thing about this semester. Other than that i think I'll be alright. My roommate in my bed room moved in today... so no more free crib =(. But he's pretty chill, though. You know, I have yet to go to the Dining Hall on campus to eat... there's so much food in the suite that I don't need to go there. Not like last year, when we never had food in the suite, and I depended heavily on Montgoris(the dining hall).
Note: I totally forgot to finish this post yesterday, oops =X. so I'm just gonna continue from today.
So after i forgot to finish this post (lulz) I walked over to my 2 fave Californian's apt to chill for a bit. That visit was filled with extreme randomness. Alot of funny things were said, can't remember them now, though. We just hung out in the living room and watched "My Best Friend's Girl." Good times. To day was my 1st day of class, it was interesting. The two professors I met seem like nice guys. I already have homework for Math and a reading assignment in Public Speaking =(. I meet two more of my Profs. tomorrow, and then my last one I meet will be next Wednesday for my weekly night class. It's exciting to be on campus again... I feel like I never want to leave college... it's just so perfect. I don't think there's ever been a time in my life where I was happier than I am now. The world is filled with possibilities for me, and I'm going to take advantage of every one that I can. I'm feeling really ambitious now, haha. Well I'm sorry to cut the post short, but I have some business to attend to, so I'll ttyl, d00d! L8r.
Note: I totally forgot to finish this post yesterday, oops =X. so I'm just gonna continue from today.
So after i forgot to finish this post (lulz) I walked over to my 2 fave Californian's apt to chill for a bit. That visit was filled with extreme randomness. Alot of funny things were said, can't remember them now, though. We just hung out in the living room and watched "My Best Friend's Girl." Good times. To day was my 1st day of class, it was interesting. The two professors I met seem like nice guys. I already have homework for Math and a reading assignment in Public Speaking =(. I meet two more of my Profs. tomorrow, and then my last one I meet will be next Wednesday for my weekly night class. It's exciting to be on campus again... I feel like I never want to leave college... it's just so perfect. I don't think there's ever been a time in my life where I was happier than I am now. The world is filled with possibilities for me, and I'm going to take advantage of every one that I can. I'm feeling really ambitious now, haha. Well I'm sorry to cut the post short, but I have some business to attend to, so I'll ttyl, d00d! L8r.
Monday, August 31, 2009
All Moved In
Y'omes.... that's an abbreviation of "Yo homes." I'm officially back at St. John's, in the brand new dorm building.!!!!.... I'm so happy to be back and to see everyone from last year. I have a pretty nice set up.... I have my sister's old TV and my laptop with the powerful speakers I bought a few weeks ago. I have a nice size room, and I'm supposed to have a roommate, but he's not here yet. So for now I have a single room, which is pretty nice... but I can't get used to it, seeing that the bed will probably be filled soon. There's one thing I kinda have a problem with, and it's how surprisingly boring its been since I've been here. I'm pretty sure things will pick up, but as for now my suite is pretty dead. I have at least one really cool roommate so far, though. And another thing, the door to get into the suite is retarded. It's operated by my ID card, like a hotel, but sometimes the door gets jammed and the electronic lock doesn't open. So I have to try like 10 times to get into the suite before I can actually get in -_-. I look like I'm trying to break into my own apartment, lulz. And one more thing that pissed me off since I've been here, my new printer doesn't come with a USB cable to hook up to a computer. WTF... why would it not come with that? So i bought a USB to USB cable from the St. John's bookstore for $25, only to realize that it wasn't a USB to USB cable, it's a USB extension cable -_-. FML. Just wasted $25, homes...btw, if anyone has a USB to USB cable that they don't want and are willing to give me, please let me know. Gracias in advance.
Anyways... my classes start on the 2nd. I'm curious to see how it's all gonna work out this year. Hopefully I have good professors and a good group of classmates in each class. I'm also now a creative writing minor!! Although its merely a title now, since my classes are set for this and next semester. I'm also gonna see if I can add a music class as an elective this semester.
Well I think I'm gonna cut this post a little short sorry folks.... it's just I'm really hungry. So I'll talk to you guys later. Peace
Anyways... my classes start on the 2nd. I'm curious to see how it's all gonna work out this year. Hopefully I have good professors and a good group of classmates in each class. I'm also now a creative writing minor!! Although its merely a title now, since my classes are set for this and next semester. I'm also gonna see if I can add a music class as an elective this semester.
Well I think I'm gonna cut this post a little short sorry folks.... it's just I'm really hungry. So I'll talk to you guys later. Peace
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Best Night Of The Whole Summer
Hey guys.... the concert was so fucking epic.... I can now die a happy man, seeing that I saw my favorite band in concert. We got there late, and unfortunately we missed Envy On The Coast, but we still saw all of Under Oath's set, and they were pretty damn good, not mention TBSTBSTBSTBS!!!!Oh my god.... Taking Back Sunday was amazing.... I knew every single song that they played, including my all time favorite, "What's it Feel Like to be a Ghost?" which they played as their first song of the night. They were just great, not much else I can say except they were awesome.... I loved to see Adam Lazzara spinning the mic around the stage. They played all my fave songs from them... I was moshing a bit too, which was a lot of fun.... and i spent the whole night with the lady friend and a friend of hers.... all three of us had an awesome time. I was gonna meet up with a few friends of mine but I'm glad i didn't get a chance to, because unfortunately one of my more hot-headed friends got arrested for mouthing off to a cop... I hope the best for him, because since it was a Friday he might have had to stay overnight in bookings or maybe even the weekend, God forbid. Other than that, the night went off without a hitch, and it exceeded my expectations of how incredible it would be. Btw, Taking Back Sunday is a pretty funny band in between songs... I can't remember everything they said but they were saying some funny stuff. They're from Amityville, LI, and the venue was at Jones Beach, so they payed homage to Long Island a bit. We got rides to and from the concert, which definitely beat taking the LIRRRRRR back to the 2 train, like I had to do for the No Doubt/Paramore concert a couple of months ago. Overall on a scale from 1 to 10, I would give this night a million.... that's how awesome it was. It was the climax of the whole summer.
Now it's time for school mode.... seeing why I'm up so early... it's 6:15 AM... I have to start waking up this early because I have 7 AM classes this semester.... I just hope I don't fall asleep like with my classes last Fall.... so I'm practicing now, hopefully I don't make a bad impression on any of my professors by dozing off =X. I'll be taking Child Psychology, Theories of Personality, Intro to Sociology, Speech, and Intro to College Math. And I might take Music as a 6th class... I'm not sure yet. I figured why not take a 6th class, I probably won't be getting a job, so I might as well get my money's worth. Also, I want to Minor in Creative Writing, and see how that goes. An then after this semester, I embark on my trip to Europe, which is a little bitter sweet now that I'm really interested in the girl I've been telling you guys about. I think me and her can figure something out, though... we'll find a way around not seeing each other for so long.
Oh btw, I've been slacking horrifically on Rubes' weight loss challenge again... when school starts, it is a MUST that i hit the gym, hard. Like hit that shit with a hay maker, man.... I'll have free time, so it won't be a problem. Than I have to buy books, and take my laptop in to reinstall the sound driver, which I uninstalled for NO FUCKING REASON thanks to Rosetta Stone.... it turns out after all the nonsense I through troubleshooting and what not, I just needed a new disc -_-. Oh well....I just hope the laptop shop doesn't take until the new ice age to fix the problem. I mean it should be a very quick procedure, but I'm just a little concerned because when my cousin brought in his laptop it took them 5 weeks to repair it, while class was in session. But then again, he had a hardware problem while I have a small software problem. So we'll see what happens.... I'm gonna finish packing up today... and I gotta say bye to my cousin and my best friend from across the hall. Him and I fell on some rocky times this summer, but I still consider him a best friend of mine.
Well, I think I rambled on enough. I'm shuttin' the studio down! Unless y'all go down to Brooklyn and get me a sugar cookie! Lol... Chappelle's Show FTW. Catch you guys later.
Now it's time for school mode.... seeing why I'm up so early... it's 6:15 AM... I have to start waking up this early because I have 7 AM classes this semester.... I just hope I don't fall asleep like with my classes last Fall.... so I'm practicing now, hopefully I don't make a bad impression on any of my professors by dozing off =X. I'll be taking Child Psychology, Theories of Personality, Intro to Sociology, Speech, and Intro to College Math. And I might take Music as a 6th class... I'm not sure yet. I figured why not take a 6th class, I probably won't be getting a job, so I might as well get my money's worth. Also, I want to Minor in Creative Writing, and see how that goes. An then after this semester, I embark on my trip to Europe, which is a little bitter sweet now that I'm really interested in the girl I've been telling you guys about. I think me and her can figure something out, though... we'll find a way around not seeing each other for so long.
Oh btw, I've been slacking horrifically on Rubes' weight loss challenge again... when school starts, it is a MUST that i hit the gym, hard. Like hit that shit with a hay maker, man.... I'll have free time, so it won't be a problem. Than I have to buy books, and take my laptop in to reinstall the sound driver, which I uninstalled for NO FUCKING REASON thanks to Rosetta Stone.... it turns out after all the nonsense I through troubleshooting and what not, I just needed a new disc -_-. Oh well....I just hope the laptop shop doesn't take until the new ice age to fix the problem. I mean it should be a very quick procedure, but I'm just a little concerned because when my cousin brought in his laptop it took them 5 weeks to repair it, while class was in session. But then again, he had a hardware problem while I have a small software problem. So we'll see what happens.... I'm gonna finish packing up today... and I gotta say bye to my cousin and my best friend from across the hall. Him and I fell on some rocky times this summer, but I still consider him a best friend of mine.
Well, I think I rambled on enough. I'm shuttin' the studio down! Unless y'all go down to Brooklyn and get me a sugar cookie! Lol... Chappelle's Show FTW. Catch you guys later.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Taking Back Sunday's Eve, Part Dos: Oh, How I've Changed
So here I am, once again my friends... DJ Ruby Rubez on the 1s and 2s. I realized something this year and its been gradually becoming more and more evident every single day. What I realized is that I've changed so much since a couple of years ago.... I know I've talked about this before on the blog, but I feel like I should dedicate a whole or at least a good portion of a post to this. I went through like, a complete metamorphosis from my 17th birthday to now. At 17, I liked a totally different style of music, with a few exceptions... I dressed differently, was a lot more innocent, a lot more shy, and most of all, a lot less happy. Not to say I was depressed, but I wasn't happy with myself. Comparing my life now to my life then is like comparing day and night. I listen to better music, dress better, am A LOT happier, the happiest I've ever been, and have a whole different outlook on life.
You see at 17, I was coming off some bad times... the worst times of my life, actually. WARNING: Do not ask me about what i went through. It's extremely personal, and if I wanted you to know, I would have told you already. Anyways, I was on the rebound from the stuff I went through the previous year. I gained about 50-60 pounds since a year ago... I know, beastttt. I couldn't wear contacts anymore, because of previous (and REALLY bad) eye infections. So I wasn't happy about my appearance. Apart from that, life just wasn't the way I wanted it to be. Come 2008, things were better, I was back on the happy train, but hadn't reached the destination of Awesome City yet. I graduated high school, and started college. I also lost about 20 or so pounds by the end of the year. '09 Has been by far my best year, and the year that I changed the most. My whole lifestyle changed... I started dressing totally different, listening to different music, and started thinking differently. And I'm still not at Awesome City yet, but I feel like I'm awfully close. I've been thinking about this because a year ago I was barely familiar with most of the bands I listen to, including TBS, and now I'm all into it. I'm so glad I went through this change... it's probably the best thing I ever did.
So yeah... that's how my life has gone the last couple of years. Also, I'm gonna try to not eat meat and see how that goes. It's not because i feel bad for the animals, though, lol. It's just to see if I can lose weight and be healthier, na mean?! So as of today, I guess I'm an experimental vegetarian.
Oh I thought of something really funny while chilliando with my lady friend today... We were talking about how WaMu was taken over by Chase. I remembered how one day at my local Chase they had coffee and donuts to celebrate the takeover. I always pictured an ancient battle of epic proportions when I thought of Chase taking over WaMu... I thought of armies with swords, big shields, bow and arrow, and heavy armor on both sides, with one army having the Chase logo on their banners and one having the WaMu logo on theirs. And then... they charge at each other in formation, shouting battle cries like "FREEEEEEEEEEE CHECKING!!!" or "PAY YOUR BILLS ONLIIIIIIIIINE!!"... and then they clash, swords swinging, arrows flying, blood being spilled everywhere. Then after a long, hard fought battle, Chase emerges victorious. The WaMu army has been almost completely eviscerated, save for the prisoners of war from WaMu, who are carted off to become slaves of Chase. And then all the Chase bankers get the spoils of war: free coffee and donuts the morning after the glorious triumph.
Lmfao... Idk what to write after that, so I think I'll end this one, see you guys after the concert tomorrow! =D Peace.
You see at 17, I was coming off some bad times... the worst times of my life, actually. WARNING: Do not ask me about what i went through. It's extremely personal, and if I wanted you to know, I would have told you already. Anyways, I was on the rebound from the stuff I went through the previous year. I gained about 50-60 pounds since a year ago... I know, beastttt. I couldn't wear contacts anymore, because of previous (and REALLY bad) eye infections. So I wasn't happy about my appearance. Apart from that, life just wasn't the way I wanted it to be. Come 2008, things were better, I was back on the happy train, but hadn't reached the destination of Awesome City yet. I graduated high school, and started college. I also lost about 20 or so pounds by the end of the year. '09 Has been by far my best year, and the year that I changed the most. My whole lifestyle changed... I started dressing totally different, listening to different music, and started thinking differently. And I'm still not at Awesome City yet, but I feel like I'm awfully close. I've been thinking about this because a year ago I was barely familiar with most of the bands I listen to, including TBS, and now I'm all into it. I'm so glad I went through this change... it's probably the best thing I ever did.
So yeah... that's how my life has gone the last couple of years. Also, I'm gonna try to not eat meat and see how that goes. It's not because i feel bad for the animals, though, lol. It's just to see if I can lose weight and be healthier, na mean?! So as of today, I guess I'm an experimental vegetarian.
Oh I thought of something really funny while chilliando with my lady friend today... We were talking about how WaMu was taken over by Chase. I remembered how one day at my local Chase they had coffee and donuts to celebrate the takeover. I always pictured an ancient battle of epic proportions when I thought of Chase taking over WaMu... I thought of armies with swords, big shields, bow and arrow, and heavy armor on both sides, with one army having the Chase logo on their banners and one having the WaMu logo on theirs. And then... they charge at each other in formation, shouting battle cries like "FREEEEEEEEEEE CHECKING!!!" or "PAY YOUR BILLS ONLIIIIIIIIINE!!"... and then they clash, swords swinging, arrows flying, blood being spilled everywhere. Then after a long, hard fought battle, Chase emerges victorious. The WaMu army has been almost completely eviscerated, save for the prisoners of war from WaMu, who are carted off to become slaves of Chase. And then all the Chase bankers get the spoils of war: free coffee and donuts the morning after the glorious triumph.
Lmfao... Idk what to write after that, so I think I'll end this one, see you guys after the concert tomorrow! =D Peace.
Taking Back Sunday's Eve
Oh, man... 'twas the night 'fore the concert, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse... I'm so hyped for this concert! Under Oath, Envy On The Coast, and Taking Back Sunday!!!!!!!&!
So yesterday I went to buy headphones down the block. I thought they were blue in the light at the store, but it said "Violet" on the packaging. I figured they look blue enough, so I bought them and when I took them out of the packaging at home, they were really purple. FML. Oh well, idc purple is a cool color. I have purple jeans, belts, and hoodies, so who cares about headphones, right? Btw if you think I'm gay for having stuff that's purple, you're just retarded. Plain and simple. Idk how purple ever got associated with being gay, when the gay flag has the whole rainbow on it -_- makes no sense to me. I understand if someone thinks I'm gay for rocking a rainbow flag or something, but just for wearing purple? Nah, homie...
Soooo.... yeah... life. Come Sunday I'll be in school again... and I might not be writing as often, since most of my writing will be dedicated to writing papers and what not. So if I go days without writing, don't worry... Uncle Rubes will come back eventually to tell all you kids about my college adventures. I have a schedule chock full of early classes... but on the bright side, I'm usually done for the day at 10:30 or 10 am, before some people even wake up! I'm gonna exercise, play guitar, and blog in my spare time. I can't wait to move in already... most of my shit is packed... and I plan to be there bright and early so i have my choice of what bed I get. I'll be damned if i get the top bunk... fuck that, sir. Well I gotta get ready to go somewhere, so I gotta end this one early.... sorry folks. I'll probably be writing tonight, so look out for another post later. Peace.
So yesterday I went to buy headphones down the block. I thought they were blue in the light at the store, but it said "Violet" on the packaging. I figured they look blue enough, so I bought them and when I took them out of the packaging at home, they were really purple. FML. Oh well, idc purple is a cool color. I have purple jeans, belts, and hoodies, so who cares about headphones, right? Btw if you think I'm gay for having stuff that's purple, you're just retarded. Plain and simple. Idk how purple ever got associated with being gay, when the gay flag has the whole rainbow on it -_- makes no sense to me. I understand if someone thinks I'm gay for rocking a rainbow flag or something, but just for wearing purple? Nah, homie...
Soooo.... yeah... life. Come Sunday I'll be in school again... and I might not be writing as often, since most of my writing will be dedicated to writing papers and what not. So if I go days without writing, don't worry... Uncle Rubes will come back eventually to tell all you kids about my college adventures. I have a schedule chock full of early classes... but on the bright side, I'm usually done for the day at 10:30 or 10 am, before some people even wake up! I'm gonna exercise, play guitar, and blog in my spare time. I can't wait to move in already... most of my shit is packed... and I plan to be there bright and early so i have my choice of what bed I get. I'll be damned if i get the top bunk... fuck that, sir. Well I gotta get ready to go somewhere, so I gotta end this one early.... sorry folks. I'll probably be writing tonight, so look out for another post later. Peace.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
What A Summer This Has Been..../Three Stooges, Nigga!
Wow.. idk if I've mentioned this on the blog or not, but this been a VERY eventful summer. A lot of ups and downs.... I like to compare it to a roller coaster. And not some shitty wooden one... my summer is like, Nitro at Six Flags Great Adventure. It started off with much anticipation and optimism, where everything looked up, like the long climb to the top. Then a huge down turn... biggest drop of the whole ride.... something I'm a little too embarrassed about to make it public on the blog. Then another upturn when I got the job at Cold Stone... and another downturn when I stopped working there. A turn for the better happened again when I started spending time with the girl i mentioned in the last post. I really hope things work out between me and her. Ha... once i mentioned her one of my fave love songs started playing on my iPhone on shuffle... coincidence? I think NOT!!
I went to a lot of shows this summer... I went to Bamboozle, even though that wasn't really summer, and then No Doubt & Paramore, than Warped(!!!), then American Idol, which was the most badass show of them all! For real! Adam Lambert was spitting fire, and Kris Allen bit a head off of a bat!! Lmao... and then I'm going to the grand daddy of 'em all.... well not, really, but to me they are cuz they're my fave band.... Taking Back Sunday at Jones Beach this Friday. Woooo! What an awesome way to end the summer, man... haha, "Summer, Man".... that's one of TBS's songs. That was totally unplanned, like some pregnancies... LOL! And best of all is that my new lady friend is coming with me to the show! Can't wait, homes.. then two days later I'm a college boy again... things are looking up.
Just had some breakfast.... bacon, egg & cheese FTW. It's funny... whenever I don't have a job, I wish I had one, and vice versa. Blasting some TBS... I'm getting ready for the main event on Friday.
OH! I almost forgot to write about something really funny. You see, there's a famous picture of the Three Stooges playing golf. I saw it in a pizza shop yesterday, Here it is:

It's a cool picture, pretty badass. But when I look at it, I can't help but think of this:

Or this:

Lmao. Is it just me, or are the Three Stooges doing a G'd up pose in that pic? I think they are... that pic is an epic win. On that note, I shall bring this chapter of Words from the studly Ruben to a close... au revoir, les enfants.
I went to a lot of shows this summer... I went to Bamboozle, even though that wasn't really summer, and then No Doubt & Paramore, than Warped(!!!), then American Idol, which was the most badass show of them all! For real! Adam Lambert was spitting fire, and Kris Allen bit a head off of a bat!! Lmao... and then I'm going to the grand daddy of 'em all.... well not, really, but to me they are cuz they're my fave band.... Taking Back Sunday at Jones Beach this Friday. Woooo! What an awesome way to end the summer, man... haha, "Summer, Man".... that's one of TBS's songs. That was totally unplanned, like some pregnancies... LOL! And best of all is that my new lady friend is coming with me to the show! Can't wait, homes.. then two days later I'm a college boy again... things are looking up.
Just had some breakfast.... bacon, egg & cheese FTW. It's funny... whenever I don't have a job, I wish I had one, and vice versa. Blasting some TBS... I'm getting ready for the main event on Friday.
OH! I almost forgot to write about something really funny. You see, there's a famous picture of the Three Stooges playing golf. I saw it in a pizza shop yesterday, Here it is:

It's a cool picture, pretty badass. But when I look at it, I can't help but think of this:

Or this:

Lmao. Is it just me, or are the Three Stooges doing a G'd up pose in that pic? I think they are... that pic is an epic win. On that note, I shall bring this chapter of Words from the studly Ruben to a close... au revoir, les enfants.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
So There's This Girl...
Hey Daddy-O, Rubes McGee here, just havin' some pop and dancing to a good record.... that new Elvis song sure is swell, Mary Jane! Haha, what's up my damies....I'ma sign yo pitty on the runny kine.... lulz! I'm in a good mood as one can assume. But NEVER assume, cuz than you make an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me'... put 'em all together and what do you get? Ha... wanna know why I'm in such a good mood? Of course you do! so I'll go ahead and ejamacate ya'll youngins on why I seem so happy...
So there's a girl I've been spending a lot of time with lately. I really like her. She's freakin' awesome... she's into the same type of music I am, she went to my high school, and she really likes me too. There's only one problem with this whole thing: Europe.
"But wait a minute, Rubers, what does that continent have to do with your relationship to this girl?"
"Well, random voice with nothing to attribute to, my trip to Europe early next year kinda messes up a potential relationship with this girl that I'm interested in."
"Oh I see, and btw I resent being called a random voice, I have feelings too, and my name is Fred!"
"I'm sorry, Freddie old pal."
"It's cool, Rubes... tubes, boobs, cubes.... sounds like you're dealing with some continental cock blockage, my friend. Sucks."
"Word to Big Bird. Big Bird is yellow."
So yeah, that's my dilemma, as explained as a dialogue between me and some dude named Fred. I like her, alot. On the contrary, it would suck if we got together but then had to not see each other for 4 months... would be no bueno, homes. But I really like her man, so I hope things can work out.
The coolest nigga, what, the coolest nigga what... I'm feeling exceptionally random today. I'm hanging out with her again tomorrow... that's gonna be a lot of fun. We've hung out the past 2 days now, it's been real nice. We went to Union Square the other day and saw a couple of crackhead squirrels ;) and today we just chilled in the park by her house... I guess parks are our thing, now.
We met in high school, way back, when i had the red and black lumberjack, with the hat to match... haha. She was a year behind me in school. We talked here and there but didn't get too close until recently. I really feel something special wit her.. hopefully things work out for the best, like I said before. Well, it's 2 am, and I REALLY hope you know where your children are. I'm bouncing for the night, but before I go I'll leave you guys with a funny pick up line... well, its more like a pick up strategy....
Guy: Hey, how's it goin'? Can we talk for a minute?
Girl: I'm sorry, but I have a boyfriend.
Guy: Oh, really, when I was little I had a pet goldfish.
Girl: Why did you just say that?
Guy: Well, you mentioned your boyfriend, so I thought we were talking about shit that doesn't matter.
Lol.... that little piece was compliments of DJ Illen.. later.
So there's a girl I've been spending a lot of time with lately. I really like her. She's freakin' awesome... she's into the same type of music I am, she went to my high school, and she really likes me too. There's only one problem with this whole thing: Europe.
"But wait a minute, Rubers, what does that continent have to do with your relationship to this girl?"
"Well, random voice with nothing to attribute to, my trip to Europe early next year kinda messes up a potential relationship with this girl that I'm interested in."
"Oh I see, and btw I resent being called a random voice, I have feelings too, and my name is Fred!"
"I'm sorry, Freddie old pal."
"It's cool, Rubes... tubes, boobs, cubes.... sounds like you're dealing with some continental cock blockage, my friend. Sucks."
"Word to Big Bird. Big Bird is yellow."
So yeah, that's my dilemma, as explained as a dialogue between me and some dude named Fred. I like her, alot. On the contrary, it would suck if we got together but then had to not see each other for 4 months... would be no bueno, homes. But I really like her man, so I hope things can work out.
The coolest nigga, what, the coolest nigga what... I'm feeling exceptionally random today. I'm hanging out with her again tomorrow... that's gonna be a lot of fun. We've hung out the past 2 days now, it's been real nice. We went to Union Square the other day and saw a couple of crackhead squirrels ;) and today we just chilled in the park by her house... I guess parks are our thing, now.
We met in high school, way back, when i had the red and black lumberjack, with the hat to match... haha. She was a year behind me in school. We talked here and there but didn't get too close until recently. I really feel something special wit her.. hopefully things work out for the best, like I said before. Well, it's 2 am, and I REALLY hope you know where your children are. I'm bouncing for the night, but before I go I'll leave you guys with a funny pick up line... well, its more like a pick up strategy....
Guy: Hey, how's it goin'? Can we talk for a minute?
Girl: I'm sorry, but I have a boyfriend.
Guy: Oh, really, when I was little I had a pet goldfish.
Girl: Why did you just say that?
Guy: Well, you mentioned your boyfriend, so I thought we were talking about shit that doesn't matter.
Lol.... that little piece was compliments of DJ Illen.. later.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Awesome Weekend Around the City/ Goals For This Semester
What up gangsta?! 'Tis the Rubenator. I missed two nights in a row, my bads man, my bads... I've been slacking on the blog lately, I know. I'm soooo tired, had a long day, homes... Let's see, I went to chill with some of my friends in a party hall that we had all to ourselves... it was awesome. Dominoes, cards, lost of food, good times man. I bounced from there pretty early, to go hang out with a good friend of mine downtown. Apparently some drama went down after I left the party hall, but I'm glad I missed it, cuz then this weekend wouldn't have been as awesome as it was. The night before me and a lot of my friends from high school went to Benihana to celebrate one of our friends' birthdays. The food was awesome, as usual...expensive, but still awesome.
After Benihana we started walking to Times Square, and a few blocks away from Benihana, we saw a big sign that that said "LOVE" in big, red letters. It was about 15 or so feet high, with the letters V and E under L and O, making a square. A few us posed next to, and climbed the love sign, resulting in this awesome picture:

Sick.... that's me on the E with my thumb up, lol. So overall, this weekend was just about perfect for me, couldn't have been any better. I'm just looking forward to next weekend, with the TBS/EOTC/Under Oath concert and then move in day back to St. Johns! Woo! Can't wait to move back into the dorms... I gotta get a feel for my neighborhood when i get there, since my building is a few blocks off campus. I also need to resubmit my form to start up my club on campus. I'm trying to start a Billiards club, since their is an absence of one on campus. I mean there are a few pool tables on campus, but they suck, to be honest. They're usually really small, old, not level, or all three =(. My plan is to get a room with 4 pool tables that are brand new and official size. I just hope that my plan gets approved and that if it gets approved the club's budget allows for 4 full size pool tables. We'll see... hopefully all goes according to plan.. and then the world shall be MINE, muahaha.
I have a lot of big ambitions for this semester at St. Johns. First thing is get at least a 3.5 gpa. Next is to start up the Billiards club. After that (if possible) I want to join the new Jiu Jitsu club that's being started on campus. I've always wanted to learn Jiu Jitsu. Another important goal for me this semester is Rubes' Weight Loss Challenge, which is to get down to 160 pounds or less by the end of the semester or get a 6 pack again, whichever comes 1st. I have one more thing to abide by this semester, and its no smoking/drinking. I feel like it's the best thing to supplement my weight loss and academic goals, na meannnnnn!? You gotta diversify yo bonds, nigga! If you know where that's from, I tip my hat to you, good sir, or madame. So lets recap all the shit I plan to achieve this semester:
- At least a 3.5 GPA
- Start the billiards club
- Join the Jiu Jitsu club
- Get a 6 pack and/or weigh 160 lbs. or less by the end of the semester
- No smoking or drinking
I like making lists, i feel so organized when I do. I remember once I read a book that said "Goals are just dreams, until you write them down." Makes sense, doesn't it? I think it does... well I'm outie like a bellybutton, my breakfast is almost ready.
"But WAIT! Didn't you say you had a long day, Rubes?"
"Then why are having breakfast? Hmmmmmmmmmm!?"
"Lulz, I wrote the 1st paragraph last night and finished it the next morning, homes."
"Oh, I see, thanks for clarifying, Uncle Rubes."
"You're welcome, random lines of dialogue with no person or character to attribute to!"
Lulz.. later.
After Benihana we started walking to Times Square, and a few blocks away from Benihana, we saw a big sign that that said "LOVE" in big, red letters. It was about 15 or so feet high, with the letters V and E under L and O, making a square. A few us posed next to, and climbed the love sign, resulting in this awesome picture:

Sick.... that's me on the E with my thumb up, lol. So overall, this weekend was just about perfect for me, couldn't have been any better. I'm just looking forward to next weekend, with the TBS/EOTC/Under Oath concert and then move in day back to St. Johns! Woo! Can't wait to move back into the dorms... I gotta get a feel for my neighborhood when i get there, since my building is a few blocks off campus. I also need to resubmit my form to start up my club on campus. I'm trying to start a Billiards club, since their is an absence of one on campus. I mean there are a few pool tables on campus, but they suck, to be honest. They're usually really small, old, not level, or all three =(. My plan is to get a room with 4 pool tables that are brand new and official size. I just hope that my plan gets approved and that if it gets approved the club's budget allows for 4 full size pool tables. We'll see... hopefully all goes according to plan.. and then the world shall be MINE, muahaha.
I have a lot of big ambitions for this semester at St. Johns. First thing is get at least a 3.5 gpa. Next is to start up the Billiards club. After that (if possible) I want to join the new Jiu Jitsu club that's being started on campus. I've always wanted to learn Jiu Jitsu. Another important goal for me this semester is Rubes' Weight Loss Challenge, which is to get down to 160 pounds or less by the end of the semester or get a 6 pack again, whichever comes 1st. I have one more thing to abide by this semester, and its no smoking/drinking. I feel like it's the best thing to supplement my weight loss and academic goals, na meannnnnn!? You gotta diversify yo bonds, nigga! If you know where that's from, I tip my hat to you, good sir, or madame. So lets recap all the shit I plan to achieve this semester:
- At least a 3.5 GPA
- Start the billiards club
- Join the Jiu Jitsu club
- Get a 6 pack and/or weigh 160 lbs. or less by the end of the semester
- No smoking or drinking
I like making lists, i feel so organized when I do. I remember once I read a book that said "Goals are just dreams, until you write them down." Makes sense, doesn't it? I think it does... well I'm outie like a bellybutton, my breakfast is almost ready.
"But WAIT! Didn't you say you had a long day, Rubes?"
"Then why are having breakfast? Hmmmmmmmmmm!?"
"Lulz, I wrote the 1st paragraph last night and finished it the next morning, homes."
"Oh, I see, thanks for clarifying, Uncle Rubes."
"You're welcome, random lines of dialogue with no person or character to attribute to!"
Lulz.. later.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Omg.....the title of this post says it all. Quentin Tarantino's latest film was so incredibly awesome that I have to dedicate this post to it. I swear I've never seen a movie more badass than Inglorious Basterds. Seriously. Don't worry, I wont get into detail, and that's because you MUST go see it. Now. Yeah, check the times that it's playing at your local theater and go see it, right now. This might just be my favorite movie, ever... Idk, but it just might be.
Ah, a typical night for me this summer.... typing away in the blog, blasting some TBS... life is good. Today the Days-'Til-Rubes-Moves-Back-To-School-O-Meter hit 9. Can't wait, homes... i gotta start packing in the next couple of days. Tomorrow I'm going to a picnic, hopefully it doesn't rain.... and then after that I'll be heading over to Benihanas for a birthday dinner... sweet, I love me some Benihanas.... I remember the word "benihana" was a trick in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater... that's where i first heard it.
Oh, you know what else? Only a week the Taking Back Sunday/ Envy on the Coast/ Under Oath concert! Woooo! that's gonna be sick. TBS is basically my fave band now, so I'm def excited for next Friday. I just hope I get a ride somehow, cuz that would be such a pain in the ass to come home taking public transportation from Jones Beach. I wouldn't mind it going there, but coming back late at night with trains and buses is gonna be a real bitch. Everything runs slower later at night... last time i took the LIRRRRR home to the 2 train from Jones Beach, I didn't get home 'til 2:30 in the morning. Beast, I know. I wish i had a friend going who had a car, that would be epic.
Wow, it feels so late but its only 9:30. Weird.... time goes slower in the summer it seems, to me at least. Man, I HATE to leave posts this short... but I think I'm hitting writer's block. Who knows, maybe I burnt myself out after 30 something posts in 30 something days. Eh, its whatevs... I'll see you guys later though, I have some business to attend to.... Risky Business... *slides down the hallway in a white tee and briefs*
Haha... later.
Ah, a typical night for me this summer.... typing away in the blog, blasting some TBS... life is good. Today the Days-'Til-Rubes-Moves-Back-To-School-O-Meter hit 9. Can't wait, homes... i gotta start packing in the next couple of days. Tomorrow I'm going to a picnic, hopefully it doesn't rain.... and then after that I'll be heading over to Benihanas for a birthday dinner... sweet, I love me some Benihanas.... I remember the word "benihana" was a trick in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater... that's where i first heard it.
Oh, you know what else? Only a week the Taking Back Sunday/ Envy on the Coast/ Under Oath concert! Woooo! that's gonna be sick. TBS is basically my fave band now, so I'm def excited for next Friday. I just hope I get a ride somehow, cuz that would be such a pain in the ass to come home taking public transportation from Jones Beach. I wouldn't mind it going there, but coming back late at night with trains and buses is gonna be a real bitch. Everything runs slower later at night... last time i took the LIRRRRR home to the 2 train from Jones Beach, I didn't get home 'til 2:30 in the morning. Beast, I know. I wish i had a friend going who had a car, that would be epic.
Wow, it feels so late but its only 9:30. Weird.... time goes slower in the summer it seems, to me at least. Man, I HATE to leave posts this short... but I think I'm hitting writer's block. Who knows, maybe I burnt myself out after 30 something posts in 30 something days. Eh, its whatevs... I'll see you guys later though, I have some business to attend to.... Risky Business... *slides down the hallway in a white tee and briefs*
Haha... later.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Rosetta Stone, Smh.../ Parenthood
Yup, it's one of those nights, folks... one of those nights that I don't have a fucking clue what to write about. I'm listening to me and my cousin's favorite Eminem freestyle, featuring Proof.... it's 7 minutes long, and we memorized the whole thing in its entirety. I don't even know what it's called, on my iPhone the title for it is "7 Minute Freestyle." How creative.. ha. OH! I have something to write about...
Fuck Rosetta Stone, man... that shit is a pain in the ass. I tried to install a language disc on my computer, and I got an error message, upon which after clicking the error message, the whole Rosetta Stone program closes. This happens every time. I emailed Rosetta Stone tech support, and they said to uninstall my audio software because it was causing the speech engine on the language disc to crash. Then they said to try ad run Rosetta Stone after that. Now not only does Rosetta Stone STILL not work, but now I have no sound in my laptop. Omg. Wtf. Fml. Bbq(?). Now I have to find my drivers that came with the laptop to reinstall the sound driver, which I know is a fucking task in itself...than I have to see what other random shit the Rosetta Stone tech guys tell me to do... if it sounds sketchy then i won't follow their instructions, cuz I had a feeling uninstalling the sound capabilities on my comp was not a good idea, but I went against my gut feeling, and look where that got me.
It's now Friday... I put this one on hold through the night, I felt like it was too short and didn't wanna post it yet. I feel a random thought coming... I wonder how being a parent is gonna be like. Like, I can't imagine how it is to be a Dad, to have to raise somebody. I def want kids when I'm older, but idk how I will manage. Like, will I be a cool Dad, or an over the top Dad, a hard ass Dad, and overprotective Dad.. idk. I think I'll be a cool one, but if I have to I'll be a hard ass, cuz if you're cool all the time then the kids will think they can get away with anything. Ha, and I'm def teaching my kids Spanish as well as English, and if their mom is of another culture then they're gonna learn that language too. I want my kids to be diversified (if that's a real word, lulz). I'm gonna let my kids be what they want to be when they grow up, like my parents did for me. Unless they come up to me and say "Daddy, I want to be a drug kingpin!" Lmao. That's the only exception to my "be what you want to be" policy. And since I'm gonna be rich when I'm older =), I'll take me and my fam around the world to see sights. I wanna hit up all the cool places, like all the nice cities in Europe, the Caribbean, and def Tokyo, Japan. And there's no doubt that we're going to visit Puerto Rico, more than once... unlike me, who hasn't been since I was a toddler >_<. I swear I really want to meet my family in PR. I just want to be fluent in Spanish 1st. I don't wanna be the family gringo, lol. That sounds like a name for a Mexican-American family restaurant, "The Family Gringo." Haha. Well, back to the topic... I really would love to get a nice big house for my family somewhere. I used to not want to leave NYC, but fuck that, sir... There's a world outside the city, as hard as that is to believe for New Yorkers. Maybe I'll get a nice house with a huge back yard in Pennsylvania, or Virginia, or maybe Cali. Cali would be really cool.... or maybe Florida, i love me some Florida... I mean if i had to stay in NYC and raise a family, I would do it in Queens. That's really my fave borough to be.. it's so nice over there. Only bad part is you need a car to get around most places outside the city... but I'm sure I'll have my license and a car by then. Yeah, I'm 19 and I dont have my license, smh... but then again I don't really have a car to drive, so it's not very practical to have one yet. I plan to get my license no later than next summer, though. Only cuz my permit expires when i turn 21... so I kinda have to learn before then, or else go through the whole permit process again, which is a pain in the ass and a half. Well I shall retire for the day... and come back out of retirement later, like Brett Favre. Haha.. had to throw that in there somehow. Peace.
Fuck Rosetta Stone, man... that shit is a pain in the ass. I tried to install a language disc on my computer, and I got an error message, upon which after clicking the error message, the whole Rosetta Stone program closes. This happens every time. I emailed Rosetta Stone tech support, and they said to uninstall my audio software because it was causing the speech engine on the language disc to crash. Then they said to try ad run Rosetta Stone after that. Now not only does Rosetta Stone STILL not work, but now I have no sound in my laptop. Omg. Wtf. Fml. Bbq(?). Now I have to find my drivers that came with the laptop to reinstall the sound driver, which I know is a fucking task in itself...than I have to see what other random shit the Rosetta Stone tech guys tell me to do... if it sounds sketchy then i won't follow their instructions, cuz I had a feeling uninstalling the sound capabilities on my comp was not a good idea, but I went against my gut feeling, and look where that got me.
It's now Friday... I put this one on hold through the night, I felt like it was too short and didn't wanna post it yet. I feel a random thought coming... I wonder how being a parent is gonna be like. Like, I can't imagine how it is to be a Dad, to have to raise somebody. I def want kids when I'm older, but idk how I will manage. Like, will I be a cool Dad, or an over the top Dad, a hard ass Dad, and overprotective Dad.. idk. I think I'll be a cool one, but if I have to I'll be a hard ass, cuz if you're cool all the time then the kids will think they can get away with anything. Ha, and I'm def teaching my kids Spanish as well as English, and if their mom is of another culture then they're gonna learn that language too. I want my kids to be diversified (if that's a real word, lulz). I'm gonna let my kids be what they want to be when they grow up, like my parents did for me. Unless they come up to me and say "Daddy, I want to be a drug kingpin!" Lmao. That's the only exception to my "be what you want to be" policy. And since I'm gonna be rich when I'm older =), I'll take me and my fam around the world to see sights. I wanna hit up all the cool places, like all the nice cities in Europe, the Caribbean, and def Tokyo, Japan. And there's no doubt that we're going to visit Puerto Rico, more than once... unlike me, who hasn't been since I was a toddler >_<. I swear I really want to meet my family in PR. I just want to be fluent in Spanish 1st. I don't wanna be the family gringo, lol. That sounds like a name for a Mexican-American family restaurant, "The Family Gringo." Haha. Well, back to the topic... I really would love to get a nice big house for my family somewhere. I used to not want to leave NYC, but fuck that, sir... There's a world outside the city, as hard as that is to believe for New Yorkers. Maybe I'll get a nice house with a huge back yard in Pennsylvania, or Virginia, or maybe Cali. Cali would be really cool.... or maybe Florida, i love me some Florida... I mean if i had to stay in NYC and raise a family, I would do it in Queens. That's really my fave borough to be.. it's so nice over there. Only bad part is you need a car to get around most places outside the city... but I'm sure I'll have my license and a car by then. Yeah, I'm 19 and I dont have my license, smh... but then again I don't really have a car to drive, so it's not very practical to have one yet. I plan to get my license no later than next summer, though. Only cuz my permit expires when i turn 21... so I kinda have to learn before then, or else go through the whole permit process again, which is a pain in the ass and a half. Well I shall retire for the day... and come back out of retirement later, like Brett Favre. Haha.. had to throw that in there somehow. Peace.
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