Y'omes.... that's an abbreviation of "Yo homes." I'm officially back at St. John's, in the brand new dorm building.!!!!.... I'm so happy to be back and to see everyone from last year. I have a pretty nice set up.... I have my sister's old TV and my laptop with the powerful speakers I bought a few weeks ago. I have a nice size room, and I'm supposed to have a roommate, but he's not here yet. So for now I have a single room, which is pretty nice... but I can't get used to it, seeing that the bed will probably be filled soon. There's one thing I kinda have a problem with, and it's how surprisingly boring its been since I've been here. I'm pretty sure things will pick up, but as for now my suite is pretty dead. I have at least one really cool roommate so far, though. And another thing, the door to get into the suite is retarded. It's operated by my ID card, like a hotel, but sometimes the door gets jammed and the electronic lock doesn't open. So I have to try like 10 times to get into the suite before I can actually get in -_-. I look like I'm trying to break into my own apartment, lulz. And one more thing that pissed me off since I've been here, my new printer doesn't come with a USB cable to hook up to a computer. WTF... why would it not come with that? So i bought a USB to USB cable from the St. John's bookstore for $25, only to realize that it wasn't a USB to USB cable, it's a USB extension cable -_-. FML. Just wasted $25, homes...btw, if anyone has a USB to USB cable that they don't want and are willing to give me, please let me know. Gracias in advance.
Anyways... my classes start on the 2nd. I'm curious to see how it's all gonna work out this year. Hopefully I have good professors and a good group of classmates in each class. I'm also now a creative writing minor!! Although its merely a title now, since my classes are set for this and next semester. I'm also gonna see if I can add a music class as an elective this semester.
Well I think I'm gonna cut this post a little short sorry folks.... it's just I'm really hungry. So I'll talk to you guys later. Peace
Monday, August 31, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Best Night Of The Whole Summer
Hey guys.... the concert was so fucking epic.... I can now die a happy man, seeing that I saw my favorite band in concert. We got there late, and unfortunately we missed Envy On The Coast, but we still saw all of Under Oath's set, and they were pretty damn good, not mention TBSTBSTBSTBS!!!!Oh my god.... Taking Back Sunday was amazing.... I knew every single song that they played, including my all time favorite, "What's it Feel Like to be a Ghost?" which they played as their first song of the night. They were just great, not much else I can say except they were awesome.... I loved to see Adam Lazzara spinning the mic around the stage. They played all my fave songs from them... I was moshing a bit too, which was a lot of fun.... and i spent the whole night with the lady friend and a friend of hers.... all three of us had an awesome time. I was gonna meet up with a few friends of mine but I'm glad i didn't get a chance to, because unfortunately one of my more hot-headed friends got arrested for mouthing off to a cop... I hope the best for him, because since it was a Friday he might have had to stay overnight in bookings or maybe even the weekend, God forbid. Other than that, the night went off without a hitch, and it exceeded my expectations of how incredible it would be. Btw, Taking Back Sunday is a pretty funny band in between songs... I can't remember everything they said but they were saying some funny stuff. They're from Amityville, LI, and the venue was at Jones Beach, so they payed homage to Long Island a bit. We got rides to and from the concert, which definitely beat taking the LIRRRRRR back to the 2 train, like I had to do for the No Doubt/Paramore concert a couple of months ago. Overall on a scale from 1 to 10, I would give this night a million.... that's how awesome it was. It was the climax of the whole summer.
Now it's time for school mode.... seeing why I'm up so early... it's 6:15 AM... I have to start waking up this early because I have 7 AM classes this semester.... I just hope I don't fall asleep like with my classes last Fall.... so I'm practicing now, hopefully I don't make a bad impression on any of my professors by dozing off =X. I'll be taking Child Psychology, Theories of Personality, Intro to Sociology, Speech, and Intro to College Math. And I might take Music as a 6th class... I'm not sure yet. I figured why not take a 6th class, I probably won't be getting a job, so I might as well get my money's worth. Also, I want to Minor in Creative Writing, and see how that goes. An then after this semester, I embark on my trip to Europe, which is a little bitter sweet now that I'm really interested in the girl I've been telling you guys about. I think me and her can figure something out, though... we'll find a way around not seeing each other for so long.
Oh btw, I've been slacking horrifically on Rubes' weight loss challenge again... when school starts, it is a MUST that i hit the gym, hard. Like hit that shit with a hay maker, man.... I'll have free time, so it won't be a problem. Than I have to buy books, and take my laptop in to reinstall the sound driver, which I uninstalled for NO FUCKING REASON thanks to Rosetta Stone.... it turns out after all the nonsense I through troubleshooting and what not, I just needed a new disc -_-. Oh well....I just hope the laptop shop doesn't take until the new ice age to fix the problem. I mean it should be a very quick procedure, but I'm just a little concerned because when my cousin brought in his laptop it took them 5 weeks to repair it, while class was in session. But then again, he had a hardware problem while I have a small software problem. So we'll see what happens.... I'm gonna finish packing up today... and I gotta say bye to my cousin and my best friend from across the hall. Him and I fell on some rocky times this summer, but I still consider him a best friend of mine.
Well, I think I rambled on enough. I'm shuttin' the studio down! Unless y'all go down to Brooklyn and get me a sugar cookie! Lol... Chappelle's Show FTW. Catch you guys later.
Now it's time for school mode.... seeing why I'm up so early... it's 6:15 AM... I have to start waking up this early because I have 7 AM classes this semester.... I just hope I don't fall asleep like with my classes last Fall.... so I'm practicing now, hopefully I don't make a bad impression on any of my professors by dozing off =X. I'll be taking Child Psychology, Theories of Personality, Intro to Sociology, Speech, and Intro to College Math. And I might take Music as a 6th class... I'm not sure yet. I figured why not take a 6th class, I probably won't be getting a job, so I might as well get my money's worth. Also, I want to Minor in Creative Writing, and see how that goes. An then after this semester, I embark on my trip to Europe, which is a little bitter sweet now that I'm really interested in the girl I've been telling you guys about. I think me and her can figure something out, though... we'll find a way around not seeing each other for so long.
Oh btw, I've been slacking horrifically on Rubes' weight loss challenge again... when school starts, it is a MUST that i hit the gym, hard. Like hit that shit with a hay maker, man.... I'll have free time, so it won't be a problem. Than I have to buy books, and take my laptop in to reinstall the sound driver, which I uninstalled for NO FUCKING REASON thanks to Rosetta Stone.... it turns out after all the nonsense I through troubleshooting and what not, I just needed a new disc -_-. Oh well....I just hope the laptop shop doesn't take until the new ice age to fix the problem. I mean it should be a very quick procedure, but I'm just a little concerned because when my cousin brought in his laptop it took them 5 weeks to repair it, while class was in session. But then again, he had a hardware problem while I have a small software problem. So we'll see what happens.... I'm gonna finish packing up today... and I gotta say bye to my cousin and my best friend from across the hall. Him and I fell on some rocky times this summer, but I still consider him a best friend of mine.
Well, I think I rambled on enough. I'm shuttin' the studio down! Unless y'all go down to Brooklyn and get me a sugar cookie! Lol... Chappelle's Show FTW. Catch you guys later.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Taking Back Sunday's Eve, Part Dos: Oh, How I've Changed
So here I am, once again my friends... DJ Ruby Rubez on the 1s and 2s. I realized something this year and its been gradually becoming more and more evident every single day. What I realized is that I've changed so much since a couple of years ago.... I know I've talked about this before on the blog, but I feel like I should dedicate a whole or at least a good portion of a post to this. I went through like, a complete metamorphosis from my 17th birthday to now. At 17, I liked a totally different style of music, with a few exceptions... I dressed differently, was a lot more innocent, a lot more shy, and most of all, a lot less happy. Not to say I was depressed, but I wasn't happy with myself. Comparing my life now to my life then is like comparing day and night. I listen to better music, dress better, am A LOT happier, the happiest I've ever been, and have a whole different outlook on life.
You see at 17, I was coming off some bad times... the worst times of my life, actually. WARNING: Do not ask me about what i went through. It's extremely personal, and if I wanted you to know, I would have told you already. Anyways, I was on the rebound from the stuff I went through the previous year. I gained about 50-60 pounds since a year ago... I know, beastttt. I couldn't wear contacts anymore, because of previous (and REALLY bad) eye infections. So I wasn't happy about my appearance. Apart from that, life just wasn't the way I wanted it to be. Come 2008, things were better, I was back on the happy train, but hadn't reached the destination of Awesome City yet. I graduated high school, and started college. I also lost about 20 or so pounds by the end of the year. '09 Has been by far my best year, and the year that I changed the most. My whole lifestyle changed... I started dressing totally different, listening to different music, and started thinking differently. And I'm still not at Awesome City yet, but I feel like I'm awfully close. I've been thinking about this because a year ago I was barely familiar with most of the bands I listen to, including TBS, and now I'm all into it. I'm so glad I went through this change... it's probably the best thing I ever did.
So yeah... that's how my life has gone the last couple of years. Also, I'm gonna try to not eat meat and see how that goes. It's not because i feel bad for the animals, though, lol. It's just to see if I can lose weight and be healthier, na mean?! So as of today, I guess I'm an experimental vegetarian.
Oh I thought of something really funny while chilliando with my lady friend today... We were talking about how WaMu was taken over by Chase. I remembered how one day at my local Chase they had coffee and donuts to celebrate the takeover. I always pictured an ancient battle of epic proportions when I thought of Chase taking over WaMu... I thought of armies with swords, big shields, bow and arrow, and heavy armor on both sides, with one army having the Chase logo on their banners and one having the WaMu logo on theirs. And then... they charge at each other in formation, shouting battle cries like "FREEEEEEEEEEE CHECKING!!!" or "PAY YOUR BILLS ONLIIIIIIIIINE!!"... and then they clash, swords swinging, arrows flying, blood being spilled everywhere. Then after a long, hard fought battle, Chase emerges victorious. The WaMu army has been almost completely eviscerated, save for the prisoners of war from WaMu, who are carted off to become slaves of Chase. And then all the Chase bankers get the spoils of war: free coffee and donuts the morning after the glorious triumph.
Lmfao... Idk what to write after that, so I think I'll end this one, see you guys after the concert tomorrow! =D Peace.
You see at 17, I was coming off some bad times... the worst times of my life, actually. WARNING: Do not ask me about what i went through. It's extremely personal, and if I wanted you to know, I would have told you already. Anyways, I was on the rebound from the stuff I went through the previous year. I gained about 50-60 pounds since a year ago... I know, beastttt. I couldn't wear contacts anymore, because of previous (and REALLY bad) eye infections. So I wasn't happy about my appearance. Apart from that, life just wasn't the way I wanted it to be. Come 2008, things were better, I was back on the happy train, but hadn't reached the destination of Awesome City yet. I graduated high school, and started college. I also lost about 20 or so pounds by the end of the year. '09 Has been by far my best year, and the year that I changed the most. My whole lifestyle changed... I started dressing totally different, listening to different music, and started thinking differently. And I'm still not at Awesome City yet, but I feel like I'm awfully close. I've been thinking about this because a year ago I was barely familiar with most of the bands I listen to, including TBS, and now I'm all into it. I'm so glad I went through this change... it's probably the best thing I ever did.
So yeah... that's how my life has gone the last couple of years. Also, I'm gonna try to not eat meat and see how that goes. It's not because i feel bad for the animals, though, lol. It's just to see if I can lose weight and be healthier, na mean?! So as of today, I guess I'm an experimental vegetarian.
Oh I thought of something really funny while chilliando with my lady friend today... We were talking about how WaMu was taken over by Chase. I remembered how one day at my local Chase they had coffee and donuts to celebrate the takeover. I always pictured an ancient battle of epic proportions when I thought of Chase taking over WaMu... I thought of armies with swords, big shields, bow and arrow, and heavy armor on both sides, with one army having the Chase logo on their banners and one having the WaMu logo on theirs. And then... they charge at each other in formation, shouting battle cries like "FREEEEEEEEEEE CHECKING!!!" or "PAY YOUR BILLS ONLIIIIIIIIINE!!"... and then they clash, swords swinging, arrows flying, blood being spilled everywhere. Then after a long, hard fought battle, Chase emerges victorious. The WaMu army has been almost completely eviscerated, save for the prisoners of war from WaMu, who are carted off to become slaves of Chase. And then all the Chase bankers get the spoils of war: free coffee and donuts the morning after the glorious triumph.
Lmfao... Idk what to write after that, so I think I'll end this one, see you guys after the concert tomorrow! =D Peace.
Taking Back Sunday's Eve
Oh, man... 'twas the night 'fore the concert, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse... I'm so hyped for this concert! Under Oath, Envy On The Coast, and Taking Back Sunday!!!!!!!&!
So yesterday I went to buy headphones down the block. I thought they were blue in the light at the store, but it said "Violet" on the packaging. I figured they look blue enough, so I bought them and when I took them out of the packaging at home, they were really purple. FML. Oh well, idc purple is a cool color. I have purple jeans, belts, and hoodies, so who cares about headphones, right? Btw if you think I'm gay for having stuff that's purple, you're just retarded. Plain and simple. Idk how purple ever got associated with being gay, when the gay flag has the whole rainbow on it -_- makes no sense to me. I understand if someone thinks I'm gay for rocking a rainbow flag or something, but just for wearing purple? Nah, homie...
Soooo.... yeah... life. Come Sunday I'll be in school again... and I might not be writing as often, since most of my writing will be dedicated to writing papers and what not. So if I go days without writing, don't worry... Uncle Rubes will come back eventually to tell all you kids about my college adventures. I have a schedule chock full of early classes... but on the bright side, I'm usually done for the day at 10:30 or 10 am, before some people even wake up! I'm gonna exercise, play guitar, and blog in my spare time. I can't wait to move in already... most of my shit is packed... and I plan to be there bright and early so i have my choice of what bed I get. I'll be damned if i get the top bunk... fuck that, sir. Well I gotta get ready to go somewhere, so I gotta end this one early.... sorry folks. I'll probably be writing tonight, so look out for another post later. Peace.
So yesterday I went to buy headphones down the block. I thought they were blue in the light at the store, but it said "Violet" on the packaging. I figured they look blue enough, so I bought them and when I took them out of the packaging at home, they were really purple. FML. Oh well, idc purple is a cool color. I have purple jeans, belts, and hoodies, so who cares about headphones, right? Btw if you think I'm gay for having stuff that's purple, you're just retarded. Plain and simple. Idk how purple ever got associated with being gay, when the gay flag has the whole rainbow on it -_- makes no sense to me. I understand if someone thinks I'm gay for rocking a rainbow flag or something, but just for wearing purple? Nah, homie...
Soooo.... yeah... life. Come Sunday I'll be in school again... and I might not be writing as often, since most of my writing will be dedicated to writing papers and what not. So if I go days without writing, don't worry... Uncle Rubes will come back eventually to tell all you kids about my college adventures. I have a schedule chock full of early classes... but on the bright side, I'm usually done for the day at 10:30 or 10 am, before some people even wake up! I'm gonna exercise, play guitar, and blog in my spare time. I can't wait to move in already... most of my shit is packed... and I plan to be there bright and early so i have my choice of what bed I get. I'll be damned if i get the top bunk... fuck that, sir. Well I gotta get ready to go somewhere, so I gotta end this one early.... sorry folks. I'll probably be writing tonight, so look out for another post later. Peace.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
What A Summer This Has Been..../Three Stooges, Nigga!
Wow.. idk if I've mentioned this on the blog or not, but this been a VERY eventful summer. A lot of ups and downs.... I like to compare it to a roller coaster. And not some shitty wooden one... my summer is like, Nitro at Six Flags Great Adventure. It started off with much anticipation and optimism, where everything looked up, like the long climb to the top. Then a huge down turn... biggest drop of the whole ride.... something I'm a little too embarrassed about to make it public on the blog. Then another upturn when I got the job at Cold Stone... and another downturn when I stopped working there. A turn for the better happened again when I started spending time with the girl i mentioned in the last post. I really hope things work out between me and her. Ha... once i mentioned her one of my fave love songs started playing on my iPhone on shuffle... coincidence? I think NOT!!
I went to a lot of shows this summer... I went to Bamboozle, even though that wasn't really summer, and then No Doubt & Paramore, than Warped(!!!), then American Idol, which was the most badass show of them all! For real! Adam Lambert was spitting fire, and Kris Allen bit a head off of a bat!! Lmao... and then I'm going to the grand daddy of 'em all.... well not, really, but to me they are cuz they're my fave band.... Taking Back Sunday at Jones Beach this Friday. Woooo! What an awesome way to end the summer, man... haha, "Summer, Man".... that's one of TBS's songs. That was totally unplanned, like some pregnancies... LOL! And best of all is that my new lady friend is coming with me to the show! Can't wait, homes.. then two days later I'm a college boy again... things are looking up.
Just had some breakfast.... bacon, egg & cheese FTW. It's funny... whenever I don't have a job, I wish I had one, and vice versa. Blasting some TBS... I'm getting ready for the main event on Friday.
OH! I almost forgot to write about something really funny. You see, there's a famous picture of the Three Stooges playing golf. I saw it in a pizza shop yesterday, Here it is:

It's a cool picture, pretty badass. But when I look at it, I can't help but think of this:

Or this:

Lmao. Is it just me, or are the Three Stooges doing a G'd up pose in that pic? I think they are... that pic is an epic win. On that note, I shall bring this chapter of Words from the studly Ruben to a close... au revoir, les enfants.
I went to a lot of shows this summer... I went to Bamboozle, even though that wasn't really summer, and then No Doubt & Paramore, than Warped(!!!), then American Idol, which was the most badass show of them all! For real! Adam Lambert was spitting fire, and Kris Allen bit a head off of a bat!! Lmao... and then I'm going to the grand daddy of 'em all.... well not, really, but to me they are cuz they're my fave band.... Taking Back Sunday at Jones Beach this Friday. Woooo! What an awesome way to end the summer, man... haha, "Summer, Man".... that's one of TBS's songs. That was totally unplanned, like some pregnancies... LOL! And best of all is that my new lady friend is coming with me to the show! Can't wait, homes.. then two days later I'm a college boy again... things are looking up.
Just had some breakfast.... bacon, egg & cheese FTW. It's funny... whenever I don't have a job, I wish I had one, and vice versa. Blasting some TBS... I'm getting ready for the main event on Friday.
OH! I almost forgot to write about something really funny. You see, there's a famous picture of the Three Stooges playing golf. I saw it in a pizza shop yesterday, Here it is:

It's a cool picture, pretty badass. But when I look at it, I can't help but think of this:

Or this:

Lmao. Is it just me, or are the Three Stooges doing a G'd up pose in that pic? I think they are... that pic is an epic win. On that note, I shall bring this chapter of Words from the studly Ruben to a close... au revoir, les enfants.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
So There's This Girl...
Hey Daddy-O, Rubes McGee here, just havin' some pop and dancing to a good record.... that new Elvis song sure is swell, Mary Jane! Haha, what's up my damies....I'ma sign yo pitty on the runny kine.... lulz! I'm in a good mood as one can assume. But NEVER assume, cuz than you make an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me'... put 'em all together and what do you get? Ha... wanna know why I'm in such a good mood? Of course you do! so I'll go ahead and ejamacate ya'll youngins on why I seem so happy...
So there's a girl I've been spending a lot of time with lately. I really like her. She's freakin' awesome... she's into the same type of music I am, she went to my high school, and she really likes me too. There's only one problem with this whole thing: Europe.
"But wait a minute, Rubers, what does that continent have to do with your relationship to this girl?"
"Well, random voice with nothing to attribute to, my trip to Europe early next year kinda messes up a potential relationship with this girl that I'm interested in."
"Oh I see, and btw I resent being called a random voice, I have feelings too, and my name is Fred!"
"I'm sorry, Freddie old pal."
"It's cool, Rubes... tubes, boobs, cubes.... sounds like you're dealing with some continental cock blockage, my friend. Sucks."
"Word to Big Bird. Big Bird is yellow."
So yeah, that's my dilemma, as explained as a dialogue between me and some dude named Fred. I like her, alot. On the contrary, it would suck if we got together but then had to not see each other for 4 months... would be no bueno, homes. But I really like her man, so I hope things can work out.
The coolest nigga, what, the coolest nigga what... I'm feeling exceptionally random today. I'm hanging out with her again tomorrow... that's gonna be a lot of fun. We've hung out the past 2 days now, it's been real nice. We went to Union Square the other day and saw a couple of crackhead squirrels ;) and today we just chilled in the park by her house... I guess parks are our thing, now.
We met in high school, way back, when i had the red and black lumberjack, with the hat to match... haha. She was a year behind me in school. We talked here and there but didn't get too close until recently. I really feel something special wit her.. hopefully things work out for the best, like I said before. Well, it's 2 am, and I REALLY hope you know where your children are. I'm bouncing for the night, but before I go I'll leave you guys with a funny pick up line... well, its more like a pick up strategy....
Guy: Hey, how's it goin'? Can we talk for a minute?
Girl: I'm sorry, but I have a boyfriend.
Guy: Oh, really, when I was little I had a pet goldfish.
Girl: Why did you just say that?
Guy: Well, you mentioned your boyfriend, so I thought we were talking about shit that doesn't matter.
Lol.... that little piece was compliments of DJ Illen.. later.
So there's a girl I've been spending a lot of time with lately. I really like her. She's freakin' awesome... she's into the same type of music I am, she went to my high school, and she really likes me too. There's only one problem with this whole thing: Europe.
"But wait a minute, Rubers, what does that continent have to do with your relationship to this girl?"
"Well, random voice with nothing to attribute to, my trip to Europe early next year kinda messes up a potential relationship with this girl that I'm interested in."
"Oh I see, and btw I resent being called a random voice, I have feelings too, and my name is Fred!"
"I'm sorry, Freddie old pal."
"It's cool, Rubes... tubes, boobs, cubes.... sounds like you're dealing with some continental cock blockage, my friend. Sucks."
"Word to Big Bird. Big Bird is yellow."
So yeah, that's my dilemma, as explained as a dialogue between me and some dude named Fred. I like her, alot. On the contrary, it would suck if we got together but then had to not see each other for 4 months... would be no bueno, homes. But I really like her man, so I hope things can work out.
The coolest nigga, what, the coolest nigga what... I'm feeling exceptionally random today. I'm hanging out with her again tomorrow... that's gonna be a lot of fun. We've hung out the past 2 days now, it's been real nice. We went to Union Square the other day and saw a couple of crackhead squirrels ;) and today we just chilled in the park by her house... I guess parks are our thing, now.
We met in high school, way back, when i had the red and black lumberjack, with the hat to match... haha. She was a year behind me in school. We talked here and there but didn't get too close until recently. I really feel something special wit her.. hopefully things work out for the best, like I said before. Well, it's 2 am, and I REALLY hope you know where your children are. I'm bouncing for the night, but before I go I'll leave you guys with a funny pick up line... well, its more like a pick up strategy....
Guy: Hey, how's it goin'? Can we talk for a minute?
Girl: I'm sorry, but I have a boyfriend.
Guy: Oh, really, when I was little I had a pet goldfish.
Girl: Why did you just say that?
Guy: Well, you mentioned your boyfriend, so I thought we were talking about shit that doesn't matter.
Lol.... that little piece was compliments of DJ Illen.. later.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Awesome Weekend Around the City/ Goals For This Semester
What up gangsta?! 'Tis the Rubenator. I missed two nights in a row, my bads man, my bads... I've been slacking on the blog lately, I know. I'm soooo tired, had a long day, homes... Let's see, I went to chill with some of my friends in a party hall that we had all to ourselves... it was awesome. Dominoes, cards, lost of food, good times man. I bounced from there pretty early, to go hang out with a good friend of mine downtown. Apparently some drama went down after I left the party hall, but I'm glad I missed it, cuz then this weekend wouldn't have been as awesome as it was. The night before me and a lot of my friends from high school went to Benihana to celebrate one of our friends' birthdays. The food was awesome, as usual...expensive, but still awesome.
After Benihana we started walking to Times Square, and a few blocks away from Benihana, we saw a big sign that that said "LOVE" in big, red letters. It was about 15 or so feet high, with the letters V and E under L and O, making a square. A few us posed next to, and climbed the love sign, resulting in this awesome picture:

Sick.... that's me on the E with my thumb up, lol. So overall, this weekend was just about perfect for me, couldn't have been any better. I'm just looking forward to next weekend, with the TBS/EOTC/Under Oath concert and then move in day back to St. Johns! Woo! Can't wait to move back into the dorms... I gotta get a feel for my neighborhood when i get there, since my building is a few blocks off campus. I also need to resubmit my form to start up my club on campus. I'm trying to start a Billiards club, since their is an absence of one on campus. I mean there are a few pool tables on campus, but they suck, to be honest. They're usually really small, old, not level, or all three =(. My plan is to get a room with 4 pool tables that are brand new and official size. I just hope that my plan gets approved and that if it gets approved the club's budget allows for 4 full size pool tables. We'll see... hopefully all goes according to plan.. and then the world shall be MINE, muahaha.
I have a lot of big ambitions for this semester at St. Johns. First thing is get at least a 3.5 gpa. Next is to start up the Billiards club. After that (if possible) I want to join the new Jiu Jitsu club that's being started on campus. I've always wanted to learn Jiu Jitsu. Another important goal for me this semester is Rubes' Weight Loss Challenge, which is to get down to 160 pounds or less by the end of the semester or get a 6 pack again, whichever comes 1st. I have one more thing to abide by this semester, and its no smoking/drinking. I feel like it's the best thing to supplement my weight loss and academic goals, na meannnnnn!? You gotta diversify yo bonds, nigga! If you know where that's from, I tip my hat to you, good sir, or madame. So lets recap all the shit I plan to achieve this semester:
- At least a 3.5 GPA
- Start the billiards club
- Join the Jiu Jitsu club
- Get a 6 pack and/or weigh 160 lbs. or less by the end of the semester
- No smoking or drinking
I like making lists, i feel so organized when I do. I remember once I read a book that said "Goals are just dreams, until you write them down." Makes sense, doesn't it? I think it does... well I'm outie like a bellybutton, my breakfast is almost ready.
"But WAIT! Didn't you say you had a long day, Rubes?"
"Then why are having breakfast? Hmmmmmmmmmm!?"
"Lulz, I wrote the 1st paragraph last night and finished it the next morning, homes."
"Oh, I see, thanks for clarifying, Uncle Rubes."
"You're welcome, random lines of dialogue with no person or character to attribute to!"
Lulz.. later.
After Benihana we started walking to Times Square, and a few blocks away from Benihana, we saw a big sign that that said "LOVE" in big, red letters. It was about 15 or so feet high, with the letters V and E under L and O, making a square. A few us posed next to, and climbed the love sign, resulting in this awesome picture:

Sick.... that's me on the E with my thumb up, lol. So overall, this weekend was just about perfect for me, couldn't have been any better. I'm just looking forward to next weekend, with the TBS/EOTC/Under Oath concert and then move in day back to St. Johns! Woo! Can't wait to move back into the dorms... I gotta get a feel for my neighborhood when i get there, since my building is a few blocks off campus. I also need to resubmit my form to start up my club on campus. I'm trying to start a Billiards club, since their is an absence of one on campus. I mean there are a few pool tables on campus, but they suck, to be honest. They're usually really small, old, not level, or all three =(. My plan is to get a room with 4 pool tables that are brand new and official size. I just hope that my plan gets approved and that if it gets approved the club's budget allows for 4 full size pool tables. We'll see... hopefully all goes according to plan.. and then the world shall be MINE, muahaha.
I have a lot of big ambitions for this semester at St. Johns. First thing is get at least a 3.5 gpa. Next is to start up the Billiards club. After that (if possible) I want to join the new Jiu Jitsu club that's being started on campus. I've always wanted to learn Jiu Jitsu. Another important goal for me this semester is Rubes' Weight Loss Challenge, which is to get down to 160 pounds or less by the end of the semester or get a 6 pack again, whichever comes 1st. I have one more thing to abide by this semester, and its no smoking/drinking. I feel like it's the best thing to supplement my weight loss and academic goals, na meannnnnn!? You gotta diversify yo bonds, nigga! If you know where that's from, I tip my hat to you, good sir, or madame. So lets recap all the shit I plan to achieve this semester:
- At least a 3.5 GPA
- Start the billiards club
- Join the Jiu Jitsu club
- Get a 6 pack and/or weigh 160 lbs. or less by the end of the semester
- No smoking or drinking
I like making lists, i feel so organized when I do. I remember once I read a book that said "Goals are just dreams, until you write them down." Makes sense, doesn't it? I think it does... well I'm outie like a bellybutton, my breakfast is almost ready.
"But WAIT! Didn't you say you had a long day, Rubes?"
"Then why are having breakfast? Hmmmmmmmmmm!?"
"Lulz, I wrote the 1st paragraph last night and finished it the next morning, homes."
"Oh, I see, thanks for clarifying, Uncle Rubes."
"You're welcome, random lines of dialogue with no person or character to attribute to!"
Lulz.. later.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Omg.....the title of this post says it all. Quentin Tarantino's latest film was so incredibly awesome that I have to dedicate this post to it. I swear I've never seen a movie more badass than Inglorious Basterds. Seriously. Don't worry, I wont get into detail, and that's because you MUST go see it. Now. Yeah, check the times that it's playing at your local theater and go see it, right now. This might just be my favorite movie, ever... Idk, but it just might be.
Ah, a typical night for me this summer.... typing away in the blog, blasting some TBS... life is good. Today the Days-'Til-Rubes-Moves-Back-To-School-O-Meter hit 9. Can't wait, homes... i gotta start packing in the next couple of days. Tomorrow I'm going to a picnic, hopefully it doesn't rain.... and then after that I'll be heading over to Benihanas for a birthday dinner... sweet, I love me some Benihanas.... I remember the word "benihana" was a trick in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater... that's where i first heard it.
Oh, you know what else? Only a week the Taking Back Sunday/ Envy on the Coast/ Under Oath concert! Woooo! that's gonna be sick. TBS is basically my fave band now, so I'm def excited for next Friday. I just hope I get a ride somehow, cuz that would be such a pain in the ass to come home taking public transportation from Jones Beach. I wouldn't mind it going there, but coming back late at night with trains and buses is gonna be a real bitch. Everything runs slower later at night... last time i took the LIRRRRR home to the 2 train from Jones Beach, I didn't get home 'til 2:30 in the morning. Beast, I know. I wish i had a friend going who had a car, that would be epic.
Wow, it feels so late but its only 9:30. Weird.... time goes slower in the summer it seems, to me at least. Man, I HATE to leave posts this short... but I think I'm hitting writer's block. Who knows, maybe I burnt myself out after 30 something posts in 30 something days. Eh, its whatevs... I'll see you guys later though, I have some business to attend to.... Risky Business... *slides down the hallway in a white tee and briefs*
Haha... later.
Ah, a typical night for me this summer.... typing away in the blog, blasting some TBS... life is good. Today the Days-'Til-Rubes-Moves-Back-To-School-O-Meter hit 9. Can't wait, homes... i gotta start packing in the next couple of days. Tomorrow I'm going to a picnic, hopefully it doesn't rain.... and then after that I'll be heading over to Benihanas for a birthday dinner... sweet, I love me some Benihanas.... I remember the word "benihana" was a trick in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater... that's where i first heard it.
Oh, you know what else? Only a week the Taking Back Sunday/ Envy on the Coast/ Under Oath concert! Woooo! that's gonna be sick. TBS is basically my fave band now, so I'm def excited for next Friday. I just hope I get a ride somehow, cuz that would be such a pain in the ass to come home taking public transportation from Jones Beach. I wouldn't mind it going there, but coming back late at night with trains and buses is gonna be a real bitch. Everything runs slower later at night... last time i took the LIRRRRR home to the 2 train from Jones Beach, I didn't get home 'til 2:30 in the morning. Beast, I know. I wish i had a friend going who had a car, that would be epic.
Wow, it feels so late but its only 9:30. Weird.... time goes slower in the summer it seems, to me at least. Man, I HATE to leave posts this short... but I think I'm hitting writer's block. Who knows, maybe I burnt myself out after 30 something posts in 30 something days. Eh, its whatevs... I'll see you guys later though, I have some business to attend to.... Risky Business... *slides down the hallway in a white tee and briefs*
Haha... later.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Rosetta Stone, Smh.../ Parenthood
Yup, it's one of those nights, folks... one of those nights that I don't have a fucking clue what to write about. I'm listening to me and my cousin's favorite Eminem freestyle, featuring Proof.... it's 7 minutes long, and we memorized the whole thing in its entirety. I don't even know what it's called, on my iPhone the title for it is "7 Minute Freestyle." How creative.. ha. OH! I have something to write about...
Fuck Rosetta Stone, man... that shit is a pain in the ass. I tried to install a language disc on my computer, and I got an error message, upon which after clicking the error message, the whole Rosetta Stone program closes. This happens every time. I emailed Rosetta Stone tech support, and they said to uninstall my audio software because it was causing the speech engine on the language disc to crash. Then they said to try ad run Rosetta Stone after that. Now not only does Rosetta Stone STILL not work, but now I have no sound in my laptop. Omg. Wtf. Fml. Bbq(?). Now I have to find my drivers that came with the laptop to reinstall the sound driver, which I know is a fucking task in itself...than I have to see what other random shit the Rosetta Stone tech guys tell me to do... if it sounds sketchy then i won't follow their instructions, cuz I had a feeling uninstalling the sound capabilities on my comp was not a good idea, but I went against my gut feeling, and look where that got me.
It's now Friday... I put this one on hold through the night, I felt like it was too short and didn't wanna post it yet. I feel a random thought coming... I wonder how being a parent is gonna be like. Like, I can't imagine how it is to be a Dad, to have to raise somebody. I def want kids when I'm older, but idk how I will manage. Like, will I be a cool Dad, or an over the top Dad, a hard ass Dad, and overprotective Dad.. idk. I think I'll be a cool one, but if I have to I'll be a hard ass, cuz if you're cool all the time then the kids will think they can get away with anything. Ha, and I'm def teaching my kids Spanish as well as English, and if their mom is of another culture then they're gonna learn that language too. I want my kids to be diversified (if that's a real word, lulz). I'm gonna let my kids be what they want to be when they grow up, like my parents did for me. Unless they come up to me and say "Daddy, I want to be a drug kingpin!" Lmao. That's the only exception to my "be what you want to be" policy. And since I'm gonna be rich when I'm older =), I'll take me and my fam around the world to see sights. I wanna hit up all the cool places, like all the nice cities in Europe, the Caribbean, and def Tokyo, Japan. And there's no doubt that we're going to visit Puerto Rico, more than once... unlike me, who hasn't been since I was a toddler >_<. I swear I really want to meet my family in PR. I just want to be fluent in Spanish 1st. I don't wanna be the family gringo, lol. That sounds like a name for a Mexican-American family restaurant, "The Family Gringo." Haha. Well, back to the topic... I really would love to get a nice big house for my family somewhere. I used to not want to leave NYC, but fuck that, sir... There's a world outside the city, as hard as that is to believe for New Yorkers. Maybe I'll get a nice house with a huge back yard in Pennsylvania, or Virginia, or maybe Cali. Cali would be really cool.... or maybe Florida, i love me some Florida... I mean if i had to stay in NYC and raise a family, I would do it in Queens. That's really my fave borough to be.. it's so nice over there. Only bad part is you need a car to get around most places outside the city... but I'm sure I'll have my license and a car by then. Yeah, I'm 19 and I dont have my license, smh... but then again I don't really have a car to drive, so it's not very practical to have one yet. I plan to get my license no later than next summer, though. Only cuz my permit expires when i turn 21... so I kinda have to learn before then, or else go through the whole permit process again, which is a pain in the ass and a half. Well I shall retire for the day... and come back out of retirement later, like Brett Favre. Haha.. had to throw that in there somehow. Peace.
Fuck Rosetta Stone, man... that shit is a pain in the ass. I tried to install a language disc on my computer, and I got an error message, upon which after clicking the error message, the whole Rosetta Stone program closes. This happens every time. I emailed Rosetta Stone tech support, and they said to uninstall my audio software because it was causing the speech engine on the language disc to crash. Then they said to try ad run Rosetta Stone after that. Now not only does Rosetta Stone STILL not work, but now I have no sound in my laptop. Omg. Wtf. Fml. Bbq(?). Now I have to find my drivers that came with the laptop to reinstall the sound driver, which I know is a fucking task in itself...than I have to see what other random shit the Rosetta Stone tech guys tell me to do... if it sounds sketchy then i won't follow their instructions, cuz I had a feeling uninstalling the sound capabilities on my comp was not a good idea, but I went against my gut feeling, and look where that got me.
It's now Friday... I put this one on hold through the night, I felt like it was too short and didn't wanna post it yet. I feel a random thought coming... I wonder how being a parent is gonna be like. Like, I can't imagine how it is to be a Dad, to have to raise somebody. I def want kids when I'm older, but idk how I will manage. Like, will I be a cool Dad, or an over the top Dad, a hard ass Dad, and overprotective Dad.. idk. I think I'll be a cool one, but if I have to I'll be a hard ass, cuz if you're cool all the time then the kids will think they can get away with anything. Ha, and I'm def teaching my kids Spanish as well as English, and if their mom is of another culture then they're gonna learn that language too. I want my kids to be diversified (if that's a real word, lulz). I'm gonna let my kids be what they want to be when they grow up, like my parents did for me. Unless they come up to me and say "Daddy, I want to be a drug kingpin!" Lmao. That's the only exception to my "be what you want to be" policy. And since I'm gonna be rich when I'm older =), I'll take me and my fam around the world to see sights. I wanna hit up all the cool places, like all the nice cities in Europe, the Caribbean, and def Tokyo, Japan. And there's no doubt that we're going to visit Puerto Rico, more than once... unlike me, who hasn't been since I was a toddler >_<. I swear I really want to meet my family in PR. I just want to be fluent in Spanish 1st. I don't wanna be the family gringo, lol. That sounds like a name for a Mexican-American family restaurant, "The Family Gringo." Haha. Well, back to the topic... I really would love to get a nice big house for my family somewhere. I used to not want to leave NYC, but fuck that, sir... There's a world outside the city, as hard as that is to believe for New Yorkers. Maybe I'll get a nice house with a huge back yard in Pennsylvania, or Virginia, or maybe Cali. Cali would be really cool.... or maybe Florida, i love me some Florida... I mean if i had to stay in NYC and raise a family, I would do it in Queens. That's really my fave borough to be.. it's so nice over there. Only bad part is you need a car to get around most places outside the city... but I'm sure I'll have my license and a car by then. Yeah, I'm 19 and I dont have my license, smh... but then again I don't really have a car to drive, so it's not very practical to have one yet. I plan to get my license no later than next summer, though. Only cuz my permit expires when i turn 21... so I kinda have to learn before then, or else go through the whole permit process again, which is a pain in the ass and a half. Well I shall retire for the day... and come back out of retirement later, like Brett Favre. Haha.. had to throw that in there somehow. Peace.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Fun Day In Queens/ Childhood Memory
Hey boys and girls... Mr. Rubes here to teach some math.... today we're doing Blogarithms. Haha, sup guys... Idk about you, but I had a really chill day today. I spent it with a few really good friends. Me and MacDeezy chilled for a while at my house, I serenaded him with my songs that I wrote... and when I say "serenaded," I mean that in a totally non-gay way... it was more like a musical chest bump. Then we played pool for a bit. Then later on I hung out with my 2 favorite Californians in their new apartment in Queens and had a grand old time. 'Twas quite a fun day... I didn't exercise though! Grr! Rubes' weight loss challenge isn't going too well... BUT I SHALL NOT YIELD!! I'm still determined to lose the weight I want to lose and get the body I want, nah mean homes? Yeah, you do...
I'm listening to like, the chillest song ever made. It's like Lenny Fonz the Legend on steroids... chill steroids. It's called "Something About Us" by Daft Punk. It feels like such a sex song... like a modern day, techno version of Barry White's voice. Now I'm just listening to chill songs... I'm about to make a chill song playlist.... and I'll call it "Lenny Fonz the Legend." Sweet.
So today my dad gave me this huge "One Way" sign today that he used as a wall decoration. 'Tis now hanging triumphantly above my mirror, look:

That sign wreaks of win and awesomeness. I've always wanted to get street signs in my room, and now my life long dream has finally come true. I will now bask in it's glory.
A friend of mine just asked me "What was my favorite childhood memory?" and I really didn't know how to answer that, but for a good reason. It kinda dawned on me just now, but I had an amazing childhood. It was great, every summer was fun filled, I went to good schools, and I had friends that stayed with me from when I first started school until the present day. And to tell you the truth, it's all thanks to my parents, who put me and my sis before anything and everything. Like it's little things they did that made a big difference. For example, I was on a baseball team when I was 8. I wasn't very good at all, from what I can remember, but my parents still showed up to every game. I recently found a little plaque with the team picture and my little personal baseball card type picture. Btw, I look like a total 8 year old badass with my bat posing like I'm about to knock one out the park =). Well I took a look at the team photo, and I remembered something that I total forgot: My dad was a coach on my team. And from what he told me about his childhood, he never even played baseball himself. But he was a volunteer coach, just for me. That's love, man... I remember when i was on the track team in middle school, my parents showed up to all my track meets... and every football game in high school too, even away games. One time my dad even helped out with the 1st down chains when no one else wanted to at one of my football games. They were always there to give me a ride, always made sure I was prepared for what I was doing, and everything in between.
Well after my little trip down Memory Lane, I think I'm gonna call it quits for the night. I'll leave you guys with a nice little parting gift, though: Me looking like a badass 8 year old baseball player! Enjoy:
I'm listening to like, the chillest song ever made. It's like Lenny Fonz the Legend on steroids... chill steroids. It's called "Something About Us" by Daft Punk. It feels like such a sex song... like a modern day, techno version of Barry White's voice. Now I'm just listening to chill songs... I'm about to make a chill song playlist.... and I'll call it "Lenny Fonz the Legend." Sweet.
So today my dad gave me this huge "One Way" sign today that he used as a wall decoration. 'Tis now hanging triumphantly above my mirror, look:

That sign wreaks of win and awesomeness. I've always wanted to get street signs in my room, and now my life long dream has finally come true. I will now bask in it's glory.
A friend of mine just asked me "What was my favorite childhood memory?" and I really didn't know how to answer that, but for a good reason. It kinda dawned on me just now, but I had an amazing childhood. It was great, every summer was fun filled, I went to good schools, and I had friends that stayed with me from when I first started school until the present day. And to tell you the truth, it's all thanks to my parents, who put me and my sis before anything and everything. Like it's little things they did that made a big difference. For example, I was on a baseball team when I was 8. I wasn't very good at all, from what I can remember, but my parents still showed up to every game. I recently found a little plaque with the team picture and my little personal baseball card type picture. Btw, I look like a total 8 year old badass with my bat posing like I'm about to knock one out the park =). Well I took a look at the team photo, and I remembered something that I total forgot: My dad was a coach on my team. And from what he told me about his childhood, he never even played baseball himself. But he was a volunteer coach, just for me. That's love, man... I remember when i was on the track team in middle school, my parents showed up to all my track meets... and every football game in high school too, even away games. One time my dad even helped out with the 1st down chains when no one else wanted to at one of my football games. They were always there to give me a ride, always made sure I was prepared for what I was doing, and everything in between.
Well after my little trip down Memory Lane, I think I'm gonna call it quits for the night. I'll leave you guys with a nice little parting gift, though: Me looking like a badass 8 year old baseball player! Enjoy:

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Uneasy Hearts Wiegh The Most/Beach Bum
What's poppin, DJ Ruby Tues on the 1s and 2s! Haha, I got another song to share with you guys. It's fucking awesome, plain and simple... it's called "Uneasy Hearts Weigh The Most" By Dance Gavin Dance. They were the last band I saw at Warped, and they were great. I don't remember if they played this song or not at Warped, but I'm guessing that they did because it was on the iTunes Music Pass from Warped. So take a break from catching up on my blog, and give this song a listen:
Awesome... love that song, can't stop listening to it lately. I went to beach today with Le Pops. That's French for "my dad." So me and Le Pops chilled their for a while, and i got BURNED LIKE FUCKING CRAZY. My entire torso is red, man.... and my arms and legs got a little burnt too. I used to never get sun burn when i was little, no matter how hot it was. Those days are apparently over =(. But other than that I had a real fun time at the beach. Me and my dad were throwing the 20 something year old frisbee around, and just chilled, checked out girls, talked about life. So now I have the house to myself until my sis comes home.... nice. Oh, before I forget....shit, I forgot. I had already forgotten what I was gonna say, and in hopes of remembering I wrote "Oh, before I forget," but it didn't work. Shux.
I'm tired... I was at the beach from like... 10am to 2:30ish. Yeah me and Le Pops do shit early homes... and I STILL can't remember what I was gonna say and it's really irritating me! Fuck, man. Don't you hate when that happens? Shit, me too! I'm debating whether or not to exercise in a little while... I know I should but I'm really drained from the beach. I wish there was a nice beach I could go to whenever I wanted... I mean there's always Orchard Beach, but it's kinda ghetto there and always crowded, or at least it seems so. It would be awesome to live in Rockaway, Queens... the beach is literally across the street from a whole bunch of apartment buildings. I envy those people who live there, man... I would be at the beach everyday in the summer if that were the case. I wouldn't mind going to Orchard,but it takes a while to get there without a car. Three buses FTL. I wish there was at least a big park near me that I can run in. Like if I lived near Central Park, oh mannnn I would be in there every day. There's the park by the Bronx River, about 5 blocks down from my house, I could look into that I guess.
Only 12 days 'til I move back to school. Woo! Can't wait, homes....I should start packing in a few days. I hope there's a park around there that i can chill at, that would be nice.. hm i wonder if there is one... *Google Maps* Heeeeey would you look at that! there is a little park a few blocks away! Awesome.. plus i have the free St. John's gym and track... oh man now I really can't wait to go back.
OHHHH shit! I just remembered what I forgot! Let me say it before I forget. Me and a friend of mine are considering dying our hair. He wants to get an orangish like color, and I'm thinking of getting this:

Personally I think that color would look fucking sick, but I need to grow the 'Hawk out a little more and find stronger gel to better fan out my hair. It would be epic though... Well I'm gonna give this post the old heave-ho....always wanted to say that =). I'll write something later on or tomorrow. See you guys... I'm Ron Burgundy?
Awesome... love that song, can't stop listening to it lately. I went to beach today with Le Pops. That's French for "my dad." So me and Le Pops chilled their for a while, and i got BURNED LIKE FUCKING CRAZY. My entire torso is red, man.... and my arms and legs got a little burnt too. I used to never get sun burn when i was little, no matter how hot it was. Those days are apparently over =(. But other than that I had a real fun time at the beach. Me and my dad were throwing the 20 something year old frisbee around, and just chilled, checked out girls, talked about life. So now I have the house to myself until my sis comes home.... nice. Oh, before I forget....shit, I forgot. I had already forgotten what I was gonna say, and in hopes of remembering I wrote "Oh, before I forget," but it didn't work. Shux.
I'm tired... I was at the beach from like... 10am to 2:30ish. Yeah me and Le Pops do shit early homes... and I STILL can't remember what I was gonna say and it's really irritating me! Fuck, man. Don't you hate when that happens? Shit, me too! I'm debating whether or not to exercise in a little while... I know I should but I'm really drained from the beach. I wish there was a nice beach I could go to whenever I wanted... I mean there's always Orchard Beach, but it's kinda ghetto there and always crowded, or at least it seems so. It would be awesome to live in Rockaway, Queens... the beach is literally across the street from a whole bunch of apartment buildings. I envy those people who live there, man... I would be at the beach everyday in the summer if that were the case. I wouldn't mind going to Orchard,but it takes a while to get there without a car. Three buses FTL. I wish there was at least a big park near me that I can run in. Like if I lived near Central Park, oh mannnn I would be in there every day. There's the park by the Bronx River, about 5 blocks down from my house, I could look into that I guess.
Only 12 days 'til I move back to school. Woo! Can't wait, homes....I should start packing in a few days. I hope there's a park around there that i can chill at, that would be nice.. hm i wonder if there is one... *Google Maps* Heeeeey would you look at that! there is a little park a few blocks away! Awesome.. plus i have the free St. John's gym and track... oh man now I really can't wait to go back.
OHHHH shit! I just remembered what I forgot! Let me say it before I forget. Me and a friend of mine are considering dying our hair. He wants to get an orangish like color, and I'm thinking of getting this:
Personally I think that color would look fucking sick, but I need to grow the 'Hawk out a little more and find stronger gel to better fan out my hair. It would be epic though... Well I'm gonna give this post the old heave-ho....always wanted to say that =). I'll write something later on or tomorrow. See you guys... I'm Ron Burgundy?
Monday, August 17, 2009
August 17/ Lenny Fonz, the Legend
August 17th is kinda like a holiday for me and a few of my friends. Not gonna say why, but those who know me well enough know why. For a couple other of my friends, however, it's a day they would much rather forget. Once again, no details on that part either, sorry. But yeah August 17 is a special day. I wanted to celebrate, but apparently no one else did, except for a select few =(. Oh well, whatever, I know my friends suck at keeping plans but it just sucks more when you're the one planning, feel me? Yeah you feel me.... do i feel good? ;). Haha.
Anyways... one of George Lopez's stand up specials just ended. He's always funny.... in a racist kind of way, but funny still. I need to watch more stand up comedy... I used to watch it all the time but now since I hardly watch tv i never watch it anymore. I'm going to the beach tomorrow for the first time this summer.. about time, huh? Yup, its gonna be 96 degrees, homes... I know, holy shit. Super hot. Like Jessica Alba. There's only one thing that will make me sweat more than tomorrow's weather, and it's her. -Drools-
Haha. I need to really buckle down with the whole Rubes' weight loss challenge thing, man... I haven't been as consistent as I had hoped to be. Fuck. I need to really get with the program. I need to hop on Skinny, the weight loss stallion, and go for a nice dashing ride through the countryside. When i get back, they'll be calling me skinny ... and they'll call the horse Uncle Vanderbilt. Idk why, but they will.... Lmao. But yeah, I've been slacking.
I think names for racehorses are some of the funniest, most random names that people come up with. Besides porn star names. Like for horse names, they're all wierd... some of the ones i remember are Seattle Slew, Funny Cide, and Smarty Jones. I think Smarty Jones should be a name of a good calculator brand or a nickname of a smart kid whose last name is Jones. Now let's see about porn star names... Seymour Butts is a good one I've heard... another one is Luvlee Lemons, haha. Lmao... I just thought of these rapper names my cousin gave to my best friend Bro to use... shit was priceless. The first one he said was "Niggaz Delicious," haha. The next one he said was "Incognegro," lmao. The last, and best one was "Deuce Niggalo: Black Gigolo," Rofllllll. Oh man my cousin is random as shit... and believe me, shit is random, it comes in all shapes and sizes! Lulz.
Wow... I just realized that the band Jimmy Eat World did a cover to the song "Last Christmas." My sister loves that song. Shuffle late at night is the best... A John Legend song came on. He's the man... all his songs are super chill. Like he should be a superhero, with the power to be really, really chilled out. Like take John Legend, fuse him with the Fonz, and then have John Legend-Fonz fuse with Lenny Kravitz. Thats pretty fuckin' chill if you ask me. Yup... and you know what's awesome? They even make a chill ass name when they're all fused: Lenny Fonz, the Legend. He'll go chill adventures to calm people down who aren't chill. That would be his main job, to chill people out. This whole conversation reminded me of this episode of Pimp My Ride, at 16:01.
Lol I really wish i had one of those signs when i get a car, that would be epic. Well I gotta be up early tomorrow, so I think I'm gonna stop at 3rd and wait for a sac fly. In other words, I'm out, man. Later.
Anyways... one of George Lopez's stand up specials just ended. He's always funny.... in a racist kind of way, but funny still. I need to watch more stand up comedy... I used to watch it all the time but now since I hardly watch tv i never watch it anymore. I'm going to the beach tomorrow for the first time this summer.. about time, huh? Yup, its gonna be 96 degrees, homes... I know, holy shit. Super hot. Like Jessica Alba. There's only one thing that will make me sweat more than tomorrow's weather, and it's her. -Drools-
Haha. I need to really buckle down with the whole Rubes' weight loss challenge thing, man... I haven't been as consistent as I had hoped to be. Fuck. I need to really get with the program. I need to hop on Skinny, the weight loss stallion, and go for a nice dashing ride through the countryside. When i get back, they'll be calling me skinny ... and they'll call the horse Uncle Vanderbilt. Idk why, but they will.... Lmao. But yeah, I've been slacking.
I think names for racehorses are some of the funniest, most random names that people come up with. Besides porn star names. Like for horse names, they're all wierd... some of the ones i remember are Seattle Slew, Funny Cide, and Smarty Jones. I think Smarty Jones should be a name of a good calculator brand or a nickname of a smart kid whose last name is Jones. Now let's see about porn star names... Seymour Butts is a good one I've heard... another one is Luvlee Lemons, haha. Lmao... I just thought of these rapper names my cousin gave to my best friend Bro to use... shit was priceless. The first one he said was "Niggaz Delicious," haha. The next one he said was "Incognegro," lmao. The last, and best one was "Deuce Niggalo: Black Gigolo," Rofllllll. Oh man my cousin is random as shit... and believe me, shit is random, it comes in all shapes and sizes! Lulz.
Wow... I just realized that the band Jimmy Eat World did a cover to the song "Last Christmas." My sister loves that song. Shuffle late at night is the best... A John Legend song came on. He's the man... all his songs are super chill. Like he should be a superhero, with the power to be really, really chilled out. Like take John Legend, fuse him with the Fonz, and then have John Legend-Fonz fuse with Lenny Kravitz. Thats pretty fuckin' chill if you ask me. Yup... and you know what's awesome? They even make a chill ass name when they're all fused: Lenny Fonz, the Legend. He'll go chill adventures to calm people down who aren't chill. That would be his main job, to chill people out. This whole conversation reminded me of this episode of Pimp My Ride, at 16:01.
Lol I really wish i had one of those signs when i get a car, that would be epic. Well I gotta be up early tomorrow, so I think I'm gonna stop at 3rd and wait for a sac fly. In other words, I'm out, man. Later.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Awesome Day At The Park/Weird Dream
Hey dudes, General Rubes reporting for duty. Sorry for not writing the last two nights, I was just too tired man. I love that old song from The Killers, All These Things That I Have Done. Kris Allen performed it at that American Idol concert, and ever since then it's like I rediscovered the song for myself. I do that a lot with music on my iTunes, just put it on shuffle and see what comes up. Na mean, playa? My night of sleep really sucked. I mean, it was bad. I left the AC on low the whole time so i woke up all sweaty and shit. No bueno.
You know there's one thing I always take for granted about where I live. You see, I live in a tall building on one of the top floors. I can deadass see Manhattan from my living room and I have a balcony too. Yeah, be jealous. Lulz. But we never use the balcony, ever. It's just there. I've been using it lately more though, to go outside and play my guitar on it.
I had a great day at Central Park today with my cousin who's named after the Lord and a few of his friends. We threw the frisbee around the whole day and just chilled, good freakin times man. It was I think 7 of us only, but we still had fun. We were there most of the day, and it showed - we were all tired as shit by the time we left. It's funny how I've been exercising at home ever since the commencement of Rubes' weight loss challenge, but today i did by far the most exercise that I did this whole summer in one day. My legs are aching like shit though, =/. It was really hot today, like 90 something at one point.
I've been practicing my new song lately and it's awesome, but there's a problem with all my songs: they sound like shit, no matter how good I play the guitar! Know why? Cuz i can't sing for my life! I sound so terrible when I sing =(. SO....if anyone who dorms at St. John's knows how to sing, and is willing to teach me, it would be much appreciated. That would be beyond awesome... cuz then my songs would actually sound good, haha.. I mean the guitar part I have down mostly, its just the vocals that need TREMENDOUS work. If I could sing, my songs would sound awesome. I thought about getting someone who knows how to sing to sing them while I play the guitar but I'd rather do it myself, considering I wrote them all by myself.
I'm listening to what I think is the most chill song ever made, Stellar by Incubus. It's just so calm and mellow. I had a really weird dream last night.... I'll tell you guys what I remember.
For some reason I was in my dad's car with the lady from the Chinese food store. I guess we were waiting for my dad? Idk. So the car was parked, but out of nowhere the Chinese food lady puts the car in drive while no ones in the driver's seat! I'm like "wtfff!" So I hop into the driver's seat and start drving, or trying to, cuz I'm not a good or experienced driver. So we end up driving up this ramp that led to a school's parking lot. Something happened that I forgot but we ended up driving back down the ramp and I hit someone's car. It was just a fender bender, but we both pulled into the gas station across the street. My mom somehow came out of nowhere, and kept telling me to give the other people in the car my dad's insurance number when I think they wanted money. So they drove away, we went back home, and somehow my dad was with us and the chinese food lady was gone. Then I was sitting outside my building and I heard the Grudge sound coming from behind a van parked on my block. I was getting freaked out, cuz that movie scared the shit out of me when I saw it. And then I woke up.
That was really weird man, I mean it doesn't top my weirdest dream ever, but it's still quite odd. I mean what was the chinese food lady in my dad's car for? Why was the Grudge sound coming from behind that van? All these questions and more answered on the next episode of.... The Rubes Files.
Blog Reader: Hit me again, Blogtender!
Rubes: I don't know about that man, you look pretty sauced.
Blog Reader: What, are you kidding me? I only read 6 of your posts today! I'm ok, blogkeep! Really!
Rubes: Nah man, I'm sorry but I'm cutting you off. I think you have enough blog in you for one night.
Blog Reader: I'll tell you when I've had enough! Hit me again, cha'mon, Lee!
Rubes: I wont be getting you any more blogs for the night, but I will call you a cab home, you're no good to drive after all those blogs you had.
Blog Reader: Oh, please, blogkeep, I blog and drive all the time! Ain't nothing gonna happen!
That goes for all you guys too, last call for blogs tonight, I'm closing up the bar. Catch you guys another night. Even though it's 10 am right now >_< but for the sake of the joke, just roll with me. Haha, later.
You know there's one thing I always take for granted about where I live. You see, I live in a tall building on one of the top floors. I can deadass see Manhattan from my living room and I have a balcony too. Yeah, be jealous. Lulz. But we never use the balcony, ever. It's just there. I've been using it lately more though, to go outside and play my guitar on it.
I had a great day at Central Park today with my cousin who's named after the Lord and a few of his friends. We threw the frisbee around the whole day and just chilled, good freakin times man. It was I think 7 of us only, but we still had fun. We were there most of the day, and it showed - we were all tired as shit by the time we left. It's funny how I've been exercising at home ever since the commencement of Rubes' weight loss challenge, but today i did by far the most exercise that I did this whole summer in one day. My legs are aching like shit though, =/. It was really hot today, like 90 something at one point.
I've been practicing my new song lately and it's awesome, but there's a problem with all my songs: they sound like shit, no matter how good I play the guitar! Know why? Cuz i can't sing for my life! I sound so terrible when I sing =(. SO....if anyone who dorms at St. John's knows how to sing, and is willing to teach me, it would be much appreciated. That would be beyond awesome... cuz then my songs would actually sound good, haha.. I mean the guitar part I have down mostly, its just the vocals that need TREMENDOUS work. If I could sing, my songs would sound awesome. I thought about getting someone who knows how to sing to sing them while I play the guitar but I'd rather do it myself, considering I wrote them all by myself.
I'm listening to what I think is the most chill song ever made, Stellar by Incubus. It's just so calm and mellow. I had a really weird dream last night.... I'll tell you guys what I remember.
For some reason I was in my dad's car with the lady from the Chinese food store. I guess we were waiting for my dad? Idk. So the car was parked, but out of nowhere the Chinese food lady puts the car in drive while no ones in the driver's seat! I'm like "wtfff!" So I hop into the driver's seat and start drving, or trying to, cuz I'm not a good or experienced driver. So we end up driving up this ramp that led to a school's parking lot. Something happened that I forgot but we ended up driving back down the ramp and I hit someone's car. It was just a fender bender, but we both pulled into the gas station across the street. My mom somehow came out of nowhere, and kept telling me to give the other people in the car my dad's insurance number when I think they wanted money. So they drove away, we went back home, and somehow my dad was with us and the chinese food lady was gone. Then I was sitting outside my building and I heard the Grudge sound coming from behind a van parked on my block. I was getting freaked out, cuz that movie scared the shit out of me when I saw it. And then I woke up.
That was really weird man, I mean it doesn't top my weirdest dream ever, but it's still quite odd. I mean what was the chinese food lady in my dad's car for? Why was the Grudge sound coming from behind that van? All these questions and more answered on the next episode of.... The Rubes Files.
Blog Reader: Hit me again, Blogtender!
Rubes: I don't know about that man, you look pretty sauced.
Blog Reader: What, are you kidding me? I only read 6 of your posts today! I'm ok, blogkeep! Really!
Rubes: Nah man, I'm sorry but I'm cutting you off. I think you have enough blog in you for one night.
Blog Reader: I'll tell you when I've had enough! Hit me again, cha'mon, Lee!
Rubes: I wont be getting you any more blogs for the night, but I will call you a cab home, you're no good to drive after all those blogs you had.
Blog Reader: Oh, please, blogkeep, I blog and drive all the time! Ain't nothing gonna happen!
That goes for all you guys too, last call for blogs tonight, I'm closing up the bar. Catch you guys another night. Even though it's 10 am right now >_< but for the sake of the joke, just roll with me. Haha, later.
Friday, August 14, 2009
A Nothing Day
Hey guys, whats goin' on.... I didn't do anything today. Really, like anything at all. If you can think of something to do, chances are I didn't do it. But there's one thing I did do and I'm very proud of, I wrote my fourth song, and it's my best one yet. It's called Blissful Anxiety, and it's about a guy who likes a girl but is scared as shit to even talk to her. He gets a feeling of "blissful anxiety" whenever he sees her, so that's why I named my song that. Seems obvious enough, right? I worked really hard on this one, so I hope people like it when I play it for them.
So besides writing my new song, which is my favorite out of all my originals, I didnt do much. I actually haven't left the house since Wednesday. That's kind of embarrassing, considering now it's Friday night... haha. Oh well, I guess it's that kind of week. I'm stuck in like, summer purgatory right now. The bad part of my summer is over, and the awesome end to summer/beginning of school has yet to begin. So it's just like, I'm in a state of nothingness... floating in space, it seems. I swear if it wasn't for the blog and for my guitar, I would have gone totally nuts by now. Days like these i call "nothing days," cuz its like nothing meaningful was done or accomplished. I'm getting lazy... I didn't exercise or run today, and I really need to daily to make this weight loss thing work. I'll just double it up tomorrow, then. Shit. I'm getting hungry but there's nothing to snack on. Wait, that's a good thing... no temptation to eat something unhealthy =). This subject is boring me...
So when the clock strikes 12 I have exactly 15 days until I move back into school. Can't fucking wait, man... I'm gonna be part of the first wave of people to be in the new dorm building off campus.... sweet =). My best friend, Maria, as I called her on the blog earlier I think, is gonna be in my building too! It's crazy, we went through our whole academic career together, and now we're gonna live in the same building. I'e been blessed with not one, not two, not three, not four, not five, not six, not seven, but 5 best friends! For real though. There's my friends Maria and Nathalie, who I've wrote about before, and then there's the three i haven't wrote about, and whose names on the blog are DJ Illen, Bro, And MacDeezy. They know who they are, and if you know me well enough, you might know them too. MacDeezy I met in Kindergarten along with Maria. His blog name is a dead give away to those who know me well. DJ Illen I met just last year in college, but we got mad tight mad quick, and have been really good friends since. I guess DJ Illen is my most recent best friend. Then there's Bro, who's also my next door neighbor of ten years now. We probably spend the most time together out of all my best friends, but not lately =(. Lately Bro's been doing his thing, working most of the summer, which is a really good thing. It just sucks to not chill as much... na mean, son?! But yeah, and it's like Me, Bro, and Natalie were a trifecta back when she lived here, and me, Macdeezy, and Maria are a trio. Man, I have to write down all these fake names... I'm having trouble remembering all of them, lol. So i wrote that whole thing about my BFFs cuz when I say refer to someone as my best friend, they're not my only one. So to all my BFFFFFFs (Best Fuckin' Fanatical Fantastic Ferocious Friends Forever), When I refer to someone else as my best friend on the blog, don't feel left out. I would keep on writing, but I have to be up at 6:30 in the morning to swipe Flanders' newspaper. If you know where that's from, a gold star for you. But anyways, I'm out, homie, 11111111111111111111111.
So besides writing my new song, which is my favorite out of all my originals, I didnt do much. I actually haven't left the house since Wednesday. That's kind of embarrassing, considering now it's Friday night... haha. Oh well, I guess it's that kind of week. I'm stuck in like, summer purgatory right now. The bad part of my summer is over, and the awesome end to summer/beginning of school has yet to begin. So it's just like, I'm in a state of nothingness... floating in space, it seems. I swear if it wasn't for the blog and for my guitar, I would have gone totally nuts by now. Days like these i call "nothing days," cuz its like nothing meaningful was done or accomplished. I'm getting lazy... I didn't exercise or run today, and I really need to daily to make this weight loss thing work. I'll just double it up tomorrow, then. Shit. I'm getting hungry but there's nothing to snack on. Wait, that's a good thing... no temptation to eat something unhealthy =). This subject is boring me...
So when the clock strikes 12 I have exactly 15 days until I move back into school. Can't fucking wait, man... I'm gonna be part of the first wave of people to be in the new dorm building off campus.... sweet =). My best friend, Maria, as I called her on the blog earlier I think, is gonna be in my building too! It's crazy, we went through our whole academic career together, and now we're gonna live in the same building. I'e been blessed with not one, not two, not three, not four, not five, not six, not seven, but 5 best friends! For real though. There's my friends Maria and Nathalie, who I've wrote about before, and then there's the three i haven't wrote about, and whose names on the blog are DJ Illen, Bro, And MacDeezy. They know who they are, and if you know me well enough, you might know them too. MacDeezy I met in Kindergarten along with Maria. His blog name is a dead give away to those who know me well. DJ Illen I met just last year in college, but we got mad tight mad quick, and have been really good friends since. I guess DJ Illen is my most recent best friend. Then there's Bro, who's also my next door neighbor of ten years now. We probably spend the most time together out of all my best friends, but not lately =(. Lately Bro's been doing his thing, working most of the summer, which is a really good thing. It just sucks to not chill as much... na mean, son?! But yeah, and it's like Me, Bro, and Natalie were a trifecta back when she lived here, and me, Macdeezy, and Maria are a trio. Man, I have to write down all these fake names... I'm having trouble remembering all of them, lol. So i wrote that whole thing about my BFFs cuz when I say refer to someone as my best friend, they're not my only one. So to all my BFFFFFFs (Best Fuckin' Fanatical Fantastic Ferocious Friends Forever), When I refer to someone else as my best friend on the blog, don't feel left out. I would keep on writing, but I have to be up at 6:30 in the morning to swipe Flanders' newspaper. If you know where that's from, a gold star for you. But anyways, I'm out, homie, 11111111111111111111111.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Na na na na na na na na Blogman!/ I Dont Speak Spanish, Deal With It
By day he is known as Rubes McGee, renowned psychologist and frequent flyer of JetBlue... but by night he is known as.. Blogman! Fighting against writer's block, boredom, and evil! Along with his trusty sidekick, Draft Boy, they fight crime, spark creative writing ideas, and listen to Kings of Leon!
Blogman: Quick, Draft Boy, pause that Kings of Leon song, there's writer's block afoot! There's a young blogger in Chicago who needs our help!
Draft Boy: Gee willikers, Blogman, how would we ever get there in time all the way from New Blog City?!
Blogman: Quick, to the BlogMobile!
(Queue Blogman theme song)
Lmao... how's it going guys... as you can see i have not much else to do with my time than think of stupid little ideas like that, but what do you expect after I spent the whole day without leaving the house? Anyway, I mentioned Kings of Leon in the whole Blogman bit... i started listening to them today, they're pretty good. I've heard a lot about them recently and I decided to check them out and I really like this one song, Use Somebody. Check it out sometime if you haven't heard it. I've been doing nothing the past hour or so... and I know tomorrow is gonna be pretty boring too =(. Eh, better to be bored than swamped with responsibility, so I'll take it. I want some ice cream... I'm not talking about Mr. Softee or Cold Stone or anything like that. I'm in the mood for some hard as rocks, straight out the freezer ice cream, that's at least a month old. Mmmm, yummy. I replaced a light bulb for my grandmother today... that was the highlight of my day. FML. I need a fucking life, or at least another job. Well, not really... school is starting again soon.... but until then, I'm stuck in this limbo-esque time of my life where there's not much to do besides stay home and play my guitar all day. Oh, speaking of which I'm working on two new songs... one is gonna be about someone who's really pissed off at someone else, and it's fast paced. Idk what the other one is gonna be like lyrically, but odds are it's gonna be a slow one.
I just thought of something... I wonder how much someone from, lets say, the 1950's would be utterly and completely freaked out by today's technology if they were taken from the 50's and somehow ended up in today's world. Especially if they lived around where I live... I saw pictures of my neighborhood back in the 50's.. it was very secluded and suburban... almost still a rural setting. There's no doubt that anyone who lived around me 50 or so years ago would be shocked at the growth and urbanization my 'hood has gone through over the last half century. Why do I think about these things?! That's probably the most random/trivial shit I've said so far on the blog.. haha. I wonder if I were to travel 50 years into the future, how different would that be? Would there be hovercrafts? Would people live on other planets? Would aliens live on Earth? How ridiculously advanced would technology be? I mean, I know if you gave a 1950s kid an iPhone he would shit his pants on the spot. So with technology advancing more and more rapidly every day, I can't even comprehend what the new phone or gadget is gonna be like in 2059. Maybe I could take a look at my 69 year old self.
I rediscovered a piece of my childhood... a Merengue song called Tiburon. The version I have is from a group called Proyecto Uno... I'm not sure if they were the 1st ones to do the song or not, but I love that song, man. It's like a merengue version of the beat to that disco song "To Be Real" by Cheryl Lynn... still dont know what I'm talking about? Well if you don't, or you just wanna hear it, or both, here it is:
Heh, judging by the video it looks like they were the original makers of the song. I say its from my childhood because my dad used to play it all the time when i was little. I found it on my iTunes - I didn't even know I had it - and have been listening to it all night.
Dammit man, this song, in all its glory, reminds me of what I feel is my worst flaw. I'm of Latino descent, but I don't speak Spanish fluently. I hate the fact that I can't communicate with my family (who, for the most part, I have yet to meet) in Puerto Rico, or even with my older family members who's 1st language was Spanish. My ONLY fluent language is English. It's kind of ironic because my parents were ostracized by kids in school for not knowing English, and I have been singled out for not knowing Spanish! Wtf, Um, I'm sorry for not coming out of the fucking womb speaking Spanish. Please fucking forgive me. If my parents opted to teach me English 1st, and if I lived in an ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRY my whole life, what do you expect? But no, I get to be called things in grade school and middle school, things like "Gringo," "Fake Puerto Rican," "White boy," and "a disgrace to Latinos." Honestly, I know that I should learn Spanish to better connect with my family and culture, and I really am trying. That being said, if there are any people out there reading this that still think I'm less of a Latino for not knowing the language, something that's not my fault, then fuck you, man. Yeah, fuck you! For real... and when I am fluent in Spanish, I'll curse out all the fuckers who called me a fake Puerto Rican, in Spanish! That's right!
Wooo.... that got pretty intense, didn't it? Well I think I just spoke for a whole bunch of 2nd and 3rd Generation Hispanics who have been picked on by people of their own race. Chill with that shit. A few famous people of Hispanic descent who don't speak the language:
Keith Hernandez - World Series winning former baseball player for the New York Mets
Mark Sanchez - New York Jets QB, Former USC Trojan Starting QB, Drafted 5th Overall this year in the NFL Draft
Joan Baez - 1960's musician and activist
So like I said before, I'm trying to learn Spanish, and I wish I knew it already. So here's a message to Hispanics who resent others who don't speak the language and are of similar/the same backgrounds: Don't judge us because of our upbringing. It's really not fair. Especially if it's a family member. It's not right to discriminate against anyone, especially people of your own race, for any reason. Think about it.
Well with all those years of suppressed emotion off my chest, I think I'll call it a night. Later.
Blogman: Quick, Draft Boy, pause that Kings of Leon song, there's writer's block afoot! There's a young blogger in Chicago who needs our help!
Draft Boy: Gee willikers, Blogman, how would we ever get there in time all the way from New Blog City?!
Blogman: Quick, to the BlogMobile!
(Queue Blogman theme song)
Lmao... how's it going guys... as you can see i have not much else to do with my time than think of stupid little ideas like that, but what do you expect after I spent the whole day without leaving the house? Anyway, I mentioned Kings of Leon in the whole Blogman bit... i started listening to them today, they're pretty good. I've heard a lot about them recently and I decided to check them out and I really like this one song, Use Somebody. Check it out sometime if you haven't heard it. I've been doing nothing the past hour or so... and I know tomorrow is gonna be pretty boring too =(. Eh, better to be bored than swamped with responsibility, so I'll take it. I want some ice cream... I'm not talking about Mr. Softee or Cold Stone or anything like that. I'm in the mood for some hard as rocks, straight out the freezer ice cream, that's at least a month old. Mmmm, yummy. I replaced a light bulb for my grandmother today... that was the highlight of my day. FML. I need a fucking life, or at least another job. Well, not really... school is starting again soon.... but until then, I'm stuck in this limbo-esque time of my life where there's not much to do besides stay home and play my guitar all day. Oh, speaking of which I'm working on two new songs... one is gonna be about someone who's really pissed off at someone else, and it's fast paced. Idk what the other one is gonna be like lyrically, but odds are it's gonna be a slow one.
I just thought of something... I wonder how much someone from, lets say, the 1950's would be utterly and completely freaked out by today's technology if they were taken from the 50's and somehow ended up in today's world. Especially if they lived around where I live... I saw pictures of my neighborhood back in the 50's.. it was very secluded and suburban... almost still a rural setting. There's no doubt that anyone who lived around me 50 or so years ago would be shocked at the growth and urbanization my 'hood has gone through over the last half century. Why do I think about these things?! That's probably the most random/trivial shit I've said so far on the blog.. haha. I wonder if I were to travel 50 years into the future, how different would that be? Would there be hovercrafts? Would people live on other planets? Would aliens live on Earth? How ridiculously advanced would technology be? I mean, I know if you gave a 1950s kid an iPhone he would shit his pants on the spot. So with technology advancing more and more rapidly every day, I can't even comprehend what the new phone or gadget is gonna be like in 2059. Maybe I could take a look at my 69 year old self.
I rediscovered a piece of my childhood... a Merengue song called Tiburon. The version I have is from a group called Proyecto Uno... I'm not sure if they were the 1st ones to do the song or not, but I love that song, man. It's like a merengue version of the beat to that disco song "To Be Real" by Cheryl Lynn... still dont know what I'm talking about? Well if you don't, or you just wanna hear it, or both, here it is:
Heh, judging by the video it looks like they were the original makers of the song. I say its from my childhood because my dad used to play it all the time when i was little. I found it on my iTunes - I didn't even know I had it - and have been listening to it all night.
Dammit man, this song, in all its glory, reminds me of what I feel is my worst flaw. I'm of Latino descent, but I don't speak Spanish fluently. I hate the fact that I can't communicate with my family (who, for the most part, I have yet to meet) in Puerto Rico, or even with my older family members who's 1st language was Spanish. My ONLY fluent language is English. It's kind of ironic because my parents were ostracized by kids in school for not knowing English, and I have been singled out for not knowing Spanish! Wtf, Um, I'm sorry for not coming out of the fucking womb speaking Spanish. Please fucking forgive me. If my parents opted to teach me English 1st, and if I lived in an ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRY my whole life, what do you expect? But no, I get to be called things in grade school and middle school, things like "Gringo," "Fake Puerto Rican," "White boy," and "a disgrace to Latinos." Honestly, I know that I should learn Spanish to better connect with my family and culture, and I really am trying. That being said, if there are any people out there reading this that still think I'm less of a Latino for not knowing the language, something that's not my fault, then fuck you, man. Yeah, fuck you! For real... and when I am fluent in Spanish, I'll curse out all the fuckers who called me a fake Puerto Rican, in Spanish! That's right!
Wooo.... that got pretty intense, didn't it? Well I think I just spoke for a whole bunch of 2nd and 3rd Generation Hispanics who have been picked on by people of their own race. Chill with that shit. A few famous people of Hispanic descent who don't speak the language:
Keith Hernandez - World Series winning former baseball player for the New York Mets
Mark Sanchez - New York Jets QB, Former USC Trojan Starting QB, Drafted 5th Overall this year in the NFL Draft
Joan Baez - 1960's musician and activist
So like I said before, I'm trying to learn Spanish, and I wish I knew it already. So here's a message to Hispanics who resent others who don't speak the language and are of similar/the same backgrounds: Don't judge us because of our upbringing. It's really not fair. Especially if it's a family member. It's not right to discriminate against anyone, especially people of your own race, for any reason. Think about it.
Well with all those years of suppressed emotion off my chest, I think I'll call it a night. Later.
No Walls Of Death Before Noon
Hey peeps... man I wonder who actually says peeps anymore, besides me, just now. I wonder if there's people who still use 90s slang like "the bomb" or "Boo-yah!".... I wonder because if people still do, it's a damn shame. But anyways, I went to the American Idol concert last night with the fam-a-lam and it was actually a lot of fun. Every single song was a cover, but most performances were very good and not tacky or cheesy or anything. I think the Idol who surprised me the most was Anoop Desai, he actually kicked a lot of ass with his performance of Bobby Brown's My Prerogative. Of course Adam Lambert and Kris Allen did very good, but Adam got the most cheers, as well as (I kid you not) a few bras and panties thrown at him! Lmao... There was one rather large pair of panties that were thrown, idk if that was meant as a joke or not but that was some funny shit to see Adam Lambert pick up the over sized panties and throw them back into the crowd. Danny Gokey performed Michael Jackson's P.Y.T., which i thought was pretty cool. Overall the show was good, idc how many man points i lose by saying that.
Man, it is super dark in my room right now, even though it's 10 am o_0. I blame the overcast and my drawn shades. I finished my third song the other day, its rather simple, but I think it's good. I have two other riffs that I'm waiting to build on and make songs out of, but I'm in no hurry, I'll just let the songs come to me. I have nothing to do today, I just realized... it's gonna be one of those days where i just stay home and do absolutely nothing. Those days can be awesome, until you run out of things to do or get too many of those days, then it sucks. Damn, the battery on my laptop goes pretty fast.. it lost about 25% battery life in about 40 minutes =(. I cant wait for the rest of the fam to wake up so I can blast music and play my guitar... you know, be a teenager and shit. Wait, I'm 19... since I'm over 18, am I not a teen anymore? I can never figure that out. Oh btw, the title of this post has nothing to do with the content of the post, as you might have realized. I just thought it would be funny to see a sign somewhere that said that, or maybe a NYC parking style sign that said something like:
Haha. Wow... I have like 15 full bottles of cologne. No joke. Like wtf, every Christmas I get 2-3 bottles of cologne from the same people who gave me cologne the last year! Grr.. this year I'm gonna tell everyone to NOT buy me cologne, cuz my current supply is gonna last me for a few years at the very least. Whatever happened to the band Yellowcard? I've been wondering that lately... a song of theirs just came on my iTunes. I remember they were one of the few bands that I liked way back when, and I haven't heard anything about them in years. Eh, whatevs... I've been rambling for a while now... some people call it free-writing, which makes it sounds better, but I call it rambling. Well since i have nothing relevant to write about, I might as well end this one... I might post another one tonight. Peace homes.
Man, it is super dark in my room right now, even though it's 10 am o_0. I blame the overcast and my drawn shades. I finished my third song the other day, its rather simple, but I think it's good. I have two other riffs that I'm waiting to build on and make songs out of, but I'm in no hurry, I'll just let the songs come to me. I have nothing to do today, I just realized... it's gonna be one of those days where i just stay home and do absolutely nothing. Those days can be awesome, until you run out of things to do or get too many of those days, then it sucks. Damn, the battery on my laptop goes pretty fast.. it lost about 25% battery life in about 40 minutes =(. I cant wait for the rest of the fam to wake up so I can blast music and play my guitar... you know, be a teenager and shit. Wait, I'm 19... since I'm over 18, am I not a teen anymore? I can never figure that out. Oh btw, the title of this post has nothing to do with the content of the post, as you might have realized. I just thought it would be funny to see a sign somewhere that said that, or maybe a NYC parking style sign that said something like:
Haha. Wow... I have like 15 full bottles of cologne. No joke. Like wtf, every Christmas I get 2-3 bottles of cologne from the same people who gave me cologne the last year! Grr.. this year I'm gonna tell everyone to NOT buy me cologne, cuz my current supply is gonna last me for a few years at the very least. Whatever happened to the band Yellowcard? I've been wondering that lately... a song of theirs just came on my iTunes. I remember they were one of the few bands that I liked way back when, and I haven't heard anything about them in years. Eh, whatevs... I've been rambling for a while now... some people call it free-writing, which makes it sounds better, but I call it rambling. Well since i have nothing relevant to write about, I might as well end this one... I might post another one tonight. Peace homes.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Post Workout Bliss
Hey dudes.... and female dudes. What's the female word for dude? Is it dudette? You know, like smurf and smurfette? Idk, I guess it would be "chick" in today's slang terms... like how there's "niggas" and "bitches", "ladies" and "gentlemen".... there's dudes and chicks. Haha... my first two examples contrast each other a lot. So here I am, in day 3 of Rubes' Weight Loss Challenge. I just finished a workout and it feels awesome. I forgot about that tired-but-happy feeling I get after a good workout. I got new computer speakers, they're pretty good... very clear sound, and it can get pretty loud. It also came with a nice size sub woofer... for all my woofing needs. I have a confession to make... and after I make it I know I'm gonna lose a shitload of man points, you know, the points that you are rewarded for manly things and are taken away for non-manly things. So yeah I'm gonna lose a lot of man points after what I'm about to say, but oh well. The cat's about to come out of the bag. And once he comes out, there's no going back. So here it is: I'm going to the American Idol concert tomorrow. There, I said it. You happy? HUH?! YOU HAPPY, FUCKER?! Lulz.... but yeah I'm going with the fam... the tickets were a present from me and my sis to my mom, cuz my mom is a huge American Idol fan.
So John Hughes died recently... I honestly didn't know who he was until literally just now, but his movies were awesome! He directed a few of my favorites, such as Home Alone, The Breakfast Club, and Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
I'm still reminiscing about Michael Jackson, man.... he had so many classics, including my all time favorite, song Beat It. I actually attribute me getting hired to Michael Jackson in a way. Let me explain... you see there's a part of the Cold Stone audition where we're split up into groups and have to make up a song about Cold Stone based on any popular song we choose. My group did a spoof of Beat It. How fitting for me, its my fave song EVARRRR. So our song was a hit, and I was dancing around and singing just like Michael. I was the only person out the 30 or so people that tried out at the audition to make it past training. Coincidence? Once again, I think NOT! Haha, you know what's funny... a Michael Jackson song just came on shuffle on my iTunes.
It was such a nice day out.. everyone said it was going to rain, but they were wrong as a motherfucker... and you how wrong I think motherfuckers are ;). Or maybe you dont, depending on how long you've been reading this blog. I'm eating THE SHIT out of this apple right now... that's a funny expression, isn't it? Funny how when you add the words "the shit" in between a couple of words, it implies a larger amount of something or something to a higher degree. Like "I'm writing THE SHIT out of this blog", or "I just played THE SHIT out of my guitar." I like making it really random, like "I just fed THE SHIT out of my dog!" or "I just paid THE SHIT out of my phone bill!" Haha... someone is really excited about feeding dogs and paying phone bills. I have a lot of random stuff in my room, like, for example, a giant novelty Yankees fist/cup holder. I kid you not. It's as hilarious as it is awesome... a best friend of mine gave it to me. Here's a picture of me drinking out of it:

Lmao... something tells me I just found a new default pic. Lets see what else is random in my room.. hmm there's a racist parking sign. No, really... it says "Parking For Puerto Ricans Only, All Others Will Be Towed." I have a Chuck Norris fact list, with 25 Chuck Norris jokes on it. My personal favorite is "Chuck Norris grinds his coffee with his teeth and boils the water with his own rage." There's a Jabbawockeez mask in here, too. And then there's an ancient Chinese style ornament that i have, a cherry wood dragon. It's really awesome.... I could probably get some money for it on eBay.
Oh here's something that's also both random and awesome in my room... It's funny now that I look back at that moment... I was eating a delicious Puerto Rican dinner at Tito Puente's in City Island when i noticed my dad wasn't at the table. I paid no mind to the live salsa band playing in the restaurant. After a few minutes of being absent from the long table filled with my family, my dad reappeared and asked me to come with him, away from the table. He then introduced me to a chubby, old man with white hair who was very lively and couldn't stop talking. He was speaking spanish, so I just tuned out what he was saying, since I couldn't understand him anyway. So after the old spanish guy greeted me, he took a business card that also had directions to the restaurant, wrote something on it in a sharpie, and gave it to me. I didn't know who he was so I wasn't very excited, but my dad couldn't stop smiling at me. I read it and it said: "Ruben, Just to you, Tito Puente, '99'" I just got an autograph from one of the most prominent figures in Salsa music, ever. I still have it, 10 years later, and plan to keep it for the rest of my life. It's one of my most prized posessions. Since then, Tito Puente's in City Island changed to the "Shrimp Box," but I'll always remember it as the place where I met Tito Puente, El Rey.
Wasn't that a nice story? You see, I told you the next post would be good. I had to make up for the last few short ones. Well, I'm out until tomorrow. Later.
So John Hughes died recently... I honestly didn't know who he was until literally just now, but his movies were awesome! He directed a few of my favorites, such as Home Alone, The Breakfast Club, and Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
I'm still reminiscing about Michael Jackson, man.... he had so many classics, including my all time favorite, song Beat It. I actually attribute me getting hired to Michael Jackson in a way. Let me explain... you see there's a part of the Cold Stone audition where we're split up into groups and have to make up a song about Cold Stone based on any popular song we choose. My group did a spoof of Beat It. How fitting for me, its my fave song EVARRRR. So our song was a hit, and I was dancing around and singing just like Michael. I was the only person out the 30 or so people that tried out at the audition to make it past training. Coincidence? Once again, I think NOT! Haha, you know what's funny... a Michael Jackson song just came on shuffle on my iTunes.
It was such a nice day out.. everyone said it was going to rain, but they were wrong as a motherfucker... and you how wrong I think motherfuckers are ;). Or maybe you dont, depending on how long you've been reading this blog. I'm eating THE SHIT out of this apple right now... that's a funny expression, isn't it? Funny how when you add the words "the shit" in between a couple of words, it implies a larger amount of something or something to a higher degree. Like "I'm writing THE SHIT out of this blog", or "I just played THE SHIT out of my guitar." I like making it really random, like "I just fed THE SHIT out of my dog!" or "I just paid THE SHIT out of my phone bill!" Haha... someone is really excited about feeding dogs and paying phone bills. I have a lot of random stuff in my room, like, for example, a giant novelty Yankees fist/cup holder. I kid you not. It's as hilarious as it is awesome... a best friend of mine gave it to me. Here's a picture of me drinking out of it:

Lmao... something tells me I just found a new default pic. Lets see what else is random in my room.. hmm there's a racist parking sign. No, really... it says "Parking For Puerto Ricans Only, All Others Will Be Towed." I have a Chuck Norris fact list, with 25 Chuck Norris jokes on it. My personal favorite is "Chuck Norris grinds his coffee with his teeth and boils the water with his own rage." There's a Jabbawockeez mask in here, too. And then there's an ancient Chinese style ornament that i have, a cherry wood dragon. It's really awesome.... I could probably get some money for it on eBay.
Oh here's something that's also both random and awesome in my room... It's funny now that I look back at that moment... I was eating a delicious Puerto Rican dinner at Tito Puente's in City Island when i noticed my dad wasn't at the table. I paid no mind to the live salsa band playing in the restaurant. After a few minutes of being absent from the long table filled with my family, my dad reappeared and asked me to come with him, away from the table. He then introduced me to a chubby, old man with white hair who was very lively and couldn't stop talking. He was speaking spanish, so I just tuned out what he was saying, since I couldn't understand him anyway. So after the old spanish guy greeted me, he took a business card that also had directions to the restaurant, wrote something on it in a sharpie, and gave it to me. I didn't know who he was so I wasn't very excited, but my dad couldn't stop smiling at me. I read it and it said: "Ruben, Just to you, Tito Puente, '99'" I just got an autograph from one of the most prominent figures in Salsa music, ever. I still have it, 10 years later, and plan to keep it for the rest of my life. It's one of my most prized posessions. Since then, Tito Puente's in City Island changed to the "Shrimp Box," but I'll always remember it as the place where I met Tito Puente, El Rey.
Wasn't that a nice story? You see, I told you the next post would be good. I had to make up for the last few short ones. Well, I'm out until tomorrow. Later.
Monday, August 10, 2009
EMERGENCY POST: Friend in need
Hey guys, I know I'm back so soon... but I just read something that broke my heart about a friend of mine. My friend's name is Analee, she's a classmate of mine at St. John's. She was denied a loan for school, and will not be able to take classes this year because of it. I think it's a damn shame that college students should have to pay the price for a faltering economy... especially someone as sweet as her. She applied to many scholarships throughout the summer, so she's trying her best, but none of them bothered to reply back to her. It's not fair. Really. Why should some kids get the privilege of going to college with no worries while others are denied loans and have to make ends meet themselves just to afford a quality education. WTF, economy, you suck! And then how do students without loans support themselves? Part-time jobs, maybe... maybe if 18 and 19 year olds got hired more often in this lackluster job market with a high unemployment rate, than there might be some hope, but in her own words, finding a job nowadays is like finding "a needle in a haystack." Even if she did it would be too little too late, move in day is 20 days from now. So, if there are any bigwigs out there who feel like helping someone out in need, contact my friend Analee. Here's the URL to her blog:
Hopefully things work out for her, I would hate to not see her on campus this Fall because of an issue like this. See you guys.
Hopefully things work out for her, I would hate to not see her on campus this Fall because of an issue like this. See you guys.
Home Alone, without Macaulay Culkin
Yup.... nothing to do over here, that I've already done so far today. So here I am, writing what's probably the first ever midday post. Most of my posts are nocturnal, and our only made after the sun sets. The night is a very dark time for me... I know what you're thinking, "It's a dark time for everybody, Rubes!" Not for Alaskans or people with night vision goggles! a HA! Got you there! Btw that's not my joke, Will Ferrell said that in Blades Of Glory.
I made up a few new riffs today on the guitar, went running, jammed some more on the guitar, woke up really early, and chilled with the sis for a while. Now I'm the only one in the house, and that's how its gonna be for a while... at least for the next few hours. I came up with an awesome band name today.... I know my friends from middle school will get a kick out of it... you ready for it? Ok here it is....."Seiupaul." lmaoo... wouldn't that be an awesome band name? I think so... that's the name of one of my teachers from middle school. What was his 1st name, eh? He didn't have one. He was Mr. Seiupaul to us, but just "Seiupaul to everyone else. I kid you not. Actually, I think "Mr. Seiupaul" is a better band name than just plain "Seiupaul". It's pronounced "Soo-Paul" btw, in case you wondering.
I took a break from writing... 'tis now nightfall, I'm not home alone again and I'm watching the Yankee game. So far I'm sticking to my weight loss guidelines i talked about a couple of nights ago. But then again, its only day 2... let's see where I am a few weeks from now.. hopefully I'll be a few pounds lighter, at least. I'm really tired, I'm sorry guys but I think I'm gonna cut this one short too.. but I promise that the next post will be epically gargantuan... Oh wait, before I go i have to show you a hilarious video by the comedy troupe called "The Whitest Kids U'Know." Check it out:
Lmao... later guys.
I made up a few new riffs today on the guitar, went running, jammed some more on the guitar, woke up really early, and chilled with the sis for a while. Now I'm the only one in the house, and that's how its gonna be for a while... at least for the next few hours. I came up with an awesome band name today.... I know my friends from middle school will get a kick out of it... you ready for it? Ok here it is....."Seiupaul." lmaoo... wouldn't that be an awesome band name? I think so... that's the name of one of my teachers from middle school. What was his 1st name, eh? He didn't have one. He was Mr. Seiupaul to us, but just "Seiupaul to everyone else. I kid you not. Actually, I think "Mr. Seiupaul" is a better band name than just plain "Seiupaul". It's pronounced "Soo-Paul" btw, in case you wondering.
I took a break from writing... 'tis now nightfall, I'm not home alone again and I'm watching the Yankee game. So far I'm sticking to my weight loss guidelines i talked about a couple of nights ago. But then again, its only day 2... let's see where I am a few weeks from now.. hopefully I'll be a few pounds lighter, at least. I'm really tired, I'm sorry guys but I think I'm gonna cut this one short too.. but I promise that the next post will be epically gargantuan... Oh wait, before I go i have to show you a hilarious video by the comedy troupe called "The Whitest Kids U'Know." Check it out:
Lmao... later guys.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Writer's Block
What's up, cess muffins... honestly, I really don't know what to write about. So I'm gonna write about not knowing what to write about! Ha, fuck you, writer's block! You can never defeat the Rubenator! I've been looking up creative writing ideas to get rid of the block, but I came up with a kickass idea of my own. I'm gonna write a poem only in song titles from my iTunes, starting now.
Hey, ya...I know, there's no penguins in Alaska, but it's better if you do. Laugh about it. Hey there Delilah, I need a girl. Everyone falls in love sometimes, all I do is think of you. Come with me, close your eyes. Ain't no stoppin' us now... Nikki,I wanna love you girl, all my life, always and forever. Adalia, I love you more everyday... wish you were here. Girls, girls, girls. Dammit... i wish Jenny was a friend of mine. She makes dirty words sound pretty. she needs my love. In the end, Uncle Jonny told you so... hear me out. I never told you what I do for a living. I'm a dreamer...I'm a pirate, you're a princess...I'm a rider, I'm a villain, I'm addicted to you. I'm afraid there's a hole in my head. A.D.D., maybe. I'm Me, fuck the world, they don't care about us. Me, you and my medication. i don't know maybe tomorrow I'll take you there. fuck friendz... all I need is you. Goodnight and goodluck.
Haha, that was fun... didn't make sense for some parts, though. Oh well, I like it... sorry guys, but I think im gonna cut this one short, on account of there's nothing for me to write about. Catch ya on the flipside, homeskillet.
Hey, ya...I know, there's no penguins in Alaska, but it's better if you do. Laugh about it. Hey there Delilah, I need a girl. Everyone falls in love sometimes, all I do is think of you. Come with me, close your eyes. Ain't no stoppin' us now... Nikki,I wanna love you girl, all my life, always and forever. Adalia, I love you more everyday... wish you were here. Girls, girls, girls. Dammit... i wish Jenny was a friend of mine. She makes dirty words sound pretty. she needs my love. In the end, Uncle Jonny told you so... hear me out. I never told you what I do for a living. I'm a dreamer...I'm a pirate, you're a princess...I'm a rider, I'm a villain, I'm addicted to you. I'm afraid there's a hole in my head. A.D.D., maybe. I'm Me, fuck the world, they don't care about us. Me, you and my medication. i don't know maybe tomorrow I'll take you there. fuck friendz... all I need is you. Goodnight and goodluck.
Haha, that was fun... didn't make sense for some parts, though. Oh well, I like it... sorry guys, but I think im gonna cut this one short, on account of there's nothing for me to write about. Catch ya on the flipside, homeskillet.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Rubes' Weight Loss Challenge
Hey dudes and chicks... ladies and gentlemen... I'm Rubes McGee, your MC for the night. Okay, no rambling on this post, I'm cutting right to the chase on this one. This post is a more serious one, you see i lost A LOT of weight this past school year.... 35 pounds, to be exact. Yes, I am very proud, but I started gaining some back this summer, so I'm not fucking around anymore. Tomorrow I'm gonna start waking up early and go running. I'm gonna do that everyday for the rest of the summer, and I'm gonna carry it over into the school year as well. I have a goal to reach by the end of the semester, and that's to get 6 pack abs and/or weigh 160 pounds or less. I currently weigh 177.6 pounds. I'm gonna be working out every day in some shape or form, and I'll be eating healthy, no exceptions. It seems like a lot, but I know from experience that I can pull it off. There will be no day that I will not do some form of exercise, no matter what I'm doing or have planned. This is basically what I did last November and I lost 20 pounds in 5 weeks. Only this time I'm gonna make it more intense. I let up on myself the second semester and still lost another 15 pounds over a course of 3 months, but I know I can do way better than that, and if I stuck with the same level of intensity that I first had or made it harder like I'm doing now, I would have achieved my goal months ago. I'm posting this as motivation for myself to stick with it and not let up at all, and if anything make it harder and more rigorous in the coming weeks. Also I'm dedicating a whole post to this because I know if I don't stick with it I'll look like a complete ass to all my blog readers... yup.. all 5 of them =P. Lol, I really hope more than 5 people read my blog =(. But anyways, I'm not drinking anything but water for the rest of the year, and maybe beyond. I'm gonna research what healthy, low calorie/carb foods to eat that are good for people who work out on a daily basis. You see, a few years ago, back when I was on the football team, I was in tip top shape, I had a 6 pack, but I only weighed 135 pounds. But by this time of the year in 2008 I weighed a whopping 206 - BIG difference, huh? (Pun intended) Then in April I was down to 170, my lowest weight in years, only 10 pounds away from my goal weight. This summer, however, I must admit I have been slacking big time... I've been doing no exercise, except for some sporadic half ass attempts to get in shape. And I've been eating anything I want, also. So no more funny business, homie... I'm starting my new exercise/fitness program tomorrow, and I'm not letting up until I reach my goal weight. So no more fattening snacks, no more ice cream, cookies, chocolate, all that shit is out the window. I have an app on my iPhone that counts calories and give you a calorie budget, so I plan to not exceed my calorie budget, ever. I'm gonna make a workout playlist on my iPhone again too, with a whole bunch of kickass songs, haha. So let's recap all my goals, plans and deadlines that I made for myself:
- Weigh 160 or less by December 19, 2009 (End of the Fall '09 Semester)
- Get a 6 pack
- Go running at least once every day
- Lift weights at least once every other day (with enough time for specific muscles to heal)
- Eat Healthy, never exceed calorie budget
- Drink only water
So that's my plan, and with Blog as my witness I'm gonna stick to it and achieve my goal. I'm gonna peace the fuck out now then, considering I'm gonna go running really early tomorrow. Later guys, I'll be posting my new 6 pack pic in a few months =).
- Weigh 160 or less by December 19, 2009 (End of the Fall '09 Semester)
- Get a 6 pack
- Go running at least once every day
- Lift weights at least once every other day (with enough time for specific muscles to heal)
- Eat Healthy, never exceed calorie budget
- Drink only water
So that's my plan, and with Blog as my witness I'm gonna stick to it and achieve my goal. I'm gonna peace the fuck out now then, considering I'm gonna go running really early tomorrow. Later guys, I'll be posting my new 6 pack pic in a few months =).
It's A Pity In the City/ My Heroine
Greetings comrades, Prime Minister Rubes here with a national address.... in Soviet Russia, blog reads you! Ha... what's going on guys... just finished watching the most epic Yankee game of the season! And of course it ended with us beating the Red Sox...fuck those fuckin' fuckers. I kinda had a feeling that A-Rod would end it on his next at bat, and look how things turned out... coincidence? I think NOT!
I had a pretty good day in the city... chilled with a friend of mine for a little while, who bought me sunglasses... red ones.. they look sick, thanks, Nelly =). Then I went to see my sister in a play. The plot was that she was the last woman on earth, only other person on earth was her ex-boyfriend... awkwardddd. It was really good though, it was part of a larger show made up of short plays. I spent much of my day in Manhattan, just running errands and hanging out. I love Manhattan, there's a different energy there than anywhere else. I feel like I can do anything I want there and not be judged or frowned upon, because the city is chock full of people who are so diverse and just don't care about how weird you are, either because their weird themselves or they're too busy to give a shit.
I also went to get some tortex guitar picks today, the ones i have always slip out of my hand when I play... oh I'm writing a new song too. It's about sex ;). I have three songs so far. The first one is called "The Place I Used To Be" and it's about a whole bunch of stuff... one verse is about one thing, while the other verse is about something totally different, and the chorus is a whole different story. My second song is about a guy who falls in love with a girl, typical love song stuff, blah blah... that on is called "She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not." My latest song, which isn't done yet, is called "I Mean Business" and it's basically about a guy trying to get a girl to have sex with him. I wanna show more people my songs, so if you're interested in hearing them I'll play them for you one day.
Now for my next trick, boys and girls, I'm gonna pull a rabbit out my ass..... ta-da! Nah but I am gonna share another song with you guys. It's called My Heroine, by Silverstein... they're from Canada, eh?! Anyways, I'm in love with this song, man... I've actually been listening to it and it's acoustic version on repeat the whole time that I've been writing this post. It's just an awesome song... I can't describe it any other way. Well, maybe I can, but i think it'd be better if you listen to it and find your own way to describe it. Here it is:
The lyrics in the vid are slightly wrong, according to the person that posted it on YouTube, so here are the lyrics:
the drugs begin to peak
A smile of joy arrives in me
But sedation changes to panic and nausea
And breath starts to shorten
And heartbeats pound softer.
You wont try to save me
You just want to hurt me and leave me desperate.
You taught my heart
A sense I never knew I had
I can't forget
The times that I was lost and depressed from the awful truth
How do you do it?
You're my heroine.
You won't leave me alone
Chisel my heart out of stone
I give in everytime.
You taught my heart
A sense I never knew I had
I can't forget
The times that I was lost and depressed from the awful truth
How do you do it?
You're my heroine
I bet you laugh
At the thought of me thinking for myself (myself)
I bet you believe (bet you believe)
That I'm better off with you than someone else
Your face arrives again
All hope I had becomes surreal
But under your cover's
More torture than pleasure
And just past your lips
There's more anger than laughter
Not now or forever will I ever change you
I know that to go on I'll break you, my habit
You taught my heart
A sense I never knew I had
I can't forget
The times that I was lost and depressed from the awful truth
How do you do it?
You're my heroine
I will save myself.
Very deep song, watch the official video if you get the chance. I would have posted it but the sound quality wasn't so good on the vid. You've probably noticed by now I'm into emo music... idk if one would classify this song as emo, but idc either way. The way I look at music is that if I like it, then I like it, that's it. Screw what other people think of what I listen to... and I don't rule out liking a song just because it's a particular genre. I'm more into rock then anything else, but I still like R&B, Rap once in a while still, some Techno, Spanish music (Salsa, Merengue, Bachata) and I'll really give any song a chance, regardless of what type of music it is.
Well it looks like this post is coming to an end... it's been fun, but I gotta go, homes... I'll write something new tomorrow. Hasta la vista, bloggers.
I had a pretty good day in the city... chilled with a friend of mine for a little while, who bought me sunglasses... red ones.. they look sick, thanks, Nelly =). Then I went to see my sister in a play. The plot was that she was the last woman on earth, only other person on earth was her ex-boyfriend... awkwardddd. It was really good though, it was part of a larger show made up of short plays. I spent much of my day in Manhattan, just running errands and hanging out. I love Manhattan, there's a different energy there than anywhere else. I feel like I can do anything I want there and not be judged or frowned upon, because the city is chock full of people who are so diverse and just don't care about how weird you are, either because their weird themselves or they're too busy to give a shit.
I also went to get some tortex guitar picks today, the ones i have always slip out of my hand when I play... oh I'm writing a new song too. It's about sex ;). I have three songs so far. The first one is called "The Place I Used To Be" and it's about a whole bunch of stuff... one verse is about one thing, while the other verse is about something totally different, and the chorus is a whole different story. My second song is about a guy who falls in love with a girl, typical love song stuff, blah blah... that on is called "She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not." My latest song, which isn't done yet, is called "I Mean Business" and it's basically about a guy trying to get a girl to have sex with him. I wanna show more people my songs, so if you're interested in hearing them I'll play them for you one day.
Now for my next trick, boys and girls, I'm gonna pull a rabbit out my ass..... ta-da! Nah but I am gonna share another song with you guys. It's called My Heroine, by Silverstein... they're from Canada, eh?! Anyways, I'm in love with this song, man... I've actually been listening to it and it's acoustic version on repeat the whole time that I've been writing this post. It's just an awesome song... I can't describe it any other way. Well, maybe I can, but i think it'd be better if you listen to it and find your own way to describe it. Here it is:
The lyrics in the vid are slightly wrong, according to the person that posted it on YouTube, so here are the lyrics:
the drugs begin to peak
A smile of joy arrives in me
But sedation changes to panic and nausea
And breath starts to shorten
And heartbeats pound softer.
You wont try to save me
You just want to hurt me and leave me desperate.
You taught my heart
A sense I never knew I had
I can't forget
The times that I was lost and depressed from the awful truth
How do you do it?
You're my heroine.
You won't leave me alone
Chisel my heart out of stone
I give in everytime.
You taught my heart
A sense I never knew I had
I can't forget
The times that I was lost and depressed from the awful truth
How do you do it?
You're my heroine
I bet you laugh
At the thought of me thinking for myself (myself)
I bet you believe (bet you believe)
That I'm better off with you than someone else
Your face arrives again
All hope I had becomes surreal
But under your cover's
More torture than pleasure
And just past your lips
There's more anger than laughter
Not now or forever will I ever change you
I know that to go on I'll break you, my habit
You taught my heart
A sense I never knew I had
I can't forget
The times that I was lost and depressed from the awful truth
How do you do it?
You're my heroine
I will save myself.
Very deep song, watch the official video if you get the chance. I would have posted it but the sound quality wasn't so good on the vid. You've probably noticed by now I'm into emo music... idk if one would classify this song as emo, but idc either way. The way I look at music is that if I like it, then I like it, that's it. Screw what other people think of what I listen to... and I don't rule out liking a song just because it's a particular genre. I'm more into rock then anything else, but I still like R&B, Rap once in a while still, some Techno, Spanish music (Salsa, Merengue, Bachata) and I'll really give any song a chance, regardless of what type of music it is.
Well it looks like this post is coming to an end... it's been fun, but I gotta go, homes... I'll write something new tomorrow. Hasta la vista, bloggers.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Read Two Of These, And Call Me In The Morning
Hey guys, time to fill you in on the last couple of days... I missed writing last night and felt really guilty, like I was neglecting my new born infant child baby son. But hey kids, Poppa Rubes is back, and since I missed yesterday I'll try to pack both days' stories into one ginourmous post =). Before I get into the whole thing, let me just say one thing: I hate Twitter. "Why," do you ask? It's the most useless waste of time on the Internet. I mean I do have a Twitter, I tried it out, but i think its pointless.... in previous words used by yours truly, "It's like having a Facebook status without a Facebook!" The only remotely cool thing about Twitter is that you can link up your "Tweets" to other sites, like say if I wanted to I could link my Twitter to this page. But I don't really care for Twitter, so you won't be seeing any status messages here... but yeah, moving on...
Yesterday I had a blast at my guitar class. Hey that rhymed, I had a BLAST at my guitar CLASS... ha...but yeah it was a lot of fun. We basically reviewed all the chords and strumming techniques we learned as well as the songs we learned in the later classes. It all ended with a bang as we played Sweet Child Of Mine for a few teachers in the lounge. But WAIT! I didn't mention my favorite part... I saved it for last, and here it is: I played my original songs for my guitar class, and they loved them both! My guitar teacher even recommended that I sign up for the open mic that's affiliated with the school =D. I got very positive vibes from that class, I wish i could enroll in the next class, but with school and a possible new job coming up it's not very practical. I'm thinking of taking another class on Western Guitarism next summer. I'm gonna be practicing every day until then though, and probably by a solid body electric guitar by the end of next summer.
So that was part 1 of the 2 part saga that is this post... and it's a lot shorter than I though it would be >_<(TWSS). So here's the sequel:
RubyRubez Posts
In Association with Royal Fam Productions
Present A Words From The Studly Ruben Production
Read Two Of These, And Call Me In The Morning 2
Ruby Tuesday
DJ RubyRubez
Uncle Rubes
Poppa Rubes
The Rubenator
Special Guest Apperance By
So I went to Splish Splash today with my cousin and an old friend of his. Ah, Splish Splash... the Tri-State Area's main cess pool. Jk, I love Splish Splash... they had a new ride, it was pretty cool. We spent most of the day there... then had a nice relaxing car ride home, or at least to Queens, for me. I ended up going to St. John's and hanging out with one of the 4 people in the world that I call my best friends... I haven't mentioned her yet on the blog, so lets just call her Maria for now. I've known Maria for most of my life and we've been through the same schools from kindergarten to college... totally not making that up. People who know me probably can figure out who Maria is now from the description, but oh well, for those who still don't know, I believe in anonymity on the blog, so i guess you're assed out. So we did what we usually do when we chill: eat, walk around, and talk about life. You know, now that I think about it, today was kind of uneventful, not much to say about it really. Eh this post wasn't so great... I'm slackin', homes.... but hey, I could still end it on a good note. I'll leave you guys with a funny story on facebook....
As my status, I put "It ain't summer until you spend a day at Splish Splash." A friend of mine asked me "What's Splish Splash?" I replied with this:
"Splish Splash is a rare form of the AIDS/HIV virus in which splashing around in water can cause severe damage to the brain cells, I didn't want to tell anyone that I had it, but now that Jason said it already, i guess the cats out of the bag. And wont the cat is out, he doesn't go back in..... it's Science."
Lmao... I'm praying for a cure. Until then, may the force be with you.....nigga.
Yesterday I had a blast at my guitar class. Hey that rhymed, I had a BLAST at my guitar CLASS... ha...but yeah it was a lot of fun. We basically reviewed all the chords and strumming techniques we learned as well as the songs we learned in the later classes. It all ended with a bang as we played Sweet Child Of Mine for a few teachers in the lounge. But WAIT! I didn't mention my favorite part... I saved it for last, and here it is: I played my original songs for my guitar class, and they loved them both! My guitar teacher even recommended that I sign up for the open mic that's affiliated with the school =D. I got very positive vibes from that class, I wish i could enroll in the next class, but with school and a possible new job coming up it's not very practical. I'm thinking of taking another class on Western Guitarism next summer. I'm gonna be practicing every day until then though, and probably by a solid body electric guitar by the end of next summer.
So that was part 1 of the 2 part saga that is this post... and it's a lot shorter than I though it would be >_<(TWSS). So here's the sequel:
RubyRubez Posts
In Association with Royal Fam Productions
Present A Words From The Studly Ruben Production
Read Two Of These, And Call Me In The Morning 2
Ruby Tuesday
DJ RubyRubez
Uncle Rubes
Poppa Rubes
The Rubenator
Special Guest Apperance By
So I went to Splish Splash today with my cousin and an old friend of his. Ah, Splish Splash... the Tri-State Area's main cess pool. Jk, I love Splish Splash... they had a new ride, it was pretty cool. We spent most of the day there... then had a nice relaxing car ride home, or at least to Queens, for me. I ended up going to St. John's and hanging out with one of the 4 people in the world that I call my best friends... I haven't mentioned her yet on the blog, so lets just call her Maria for now. I've known Maria for most of my life and we've been through the same schools from kindergarten to college... totally not making that up. People who know me probably can figure out who Maria is now from the description, but oh well, for those who still don't know, I believe in anonymity on the blog, so i guess you're assed out. So we did what we usually do when we chill: eat, walk around, and talk about life. You know, now that I think about it, today was kind of uneventful, not much to say about it really. Eh this post wasn't so great... I'm slackin', homes.... but hey, I could still end it on a good note. I'll leave you guys with a funny story on facebook....
As my status, I put "It ain't summer until you spend a day at Splish Splash." A friend of mine asked me "What's Splish Splash?" I replied with this:
"Splish Splash is a rare form of the AIDS/HIV virus in which splashing around in water can cause severe damage to the brain cells, I didn't want to tell anyone that I had it, but now that Jason said it already, i guess the cats out of the bag. And wont the cat is out, he doesn't go back in..... it's Science."
Lmao... I'm praying for a cure. Until then, may the force be with you.....nigga.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Me, Ana Maria, and Lorraine
My fave day of the week.... Ruby Tuesday =)
Sigh... My last guitar class is tomorrow. I'm still a beginner now, but i was absolutely TERRIBLE before i started taking classes. I remember after week 1 I was having trouble switching from D to G and back with only one strum per measure. In guitarist language, that's basically something really, reaaally easy. And now I'm writing my own songs! I mean my songs are still quite simple, and they only use 4 chords each, lol.... but still, I've come a long way since my first class in June. And I've come an even longer way since I first picked up guitar playing in December. I remember it just like yesterday... or last winter, rather.
I remember I asked my Dad for his guitar... you see my Dad took a guitar class in high school and wanted to get back into it, so a few years back he bought a guitar from that Esteban guy, with the instructional DVDs and such. He never really stayed consistent, so he ended up using the guitar as a wall decoration. I know what you're thinking: "-_-". So am I, now that I look back on it. So last summer I asked my Dad if I could take the guitar off his wall and learn how to play. He told me to wait until the end of my first semester so i could focus on school. When December of '08 finally arrived, my Dad showed up at St. John's to pick me up for the Winter Recess, and he brought with him a brand new acoustic guitar. I was so happy, i started playing it as soon as i got home. I played a lot over the break, and a friend of mine taught me the basics of guitar playing. When I came back to the dorms, I brought Ana Maria(my guitar) back with me, but barely played at all. Like I probably played less than 10 times the whole semester. Btw I named Ana Maria after my grandmother, just thought you guys should know that little factoid. So when school finished I started playing a little here and there, but I was still playing like I played in December. Like shit. So i signed up for guitar lessons at the NYC Guitar School on 30th Street in Manhattan. I saw their ad on Facebook and when I went to their site I saw a bunch of one line testimonials that sounded like the NYC Guitar School was the greatest creation of man since sliced bread. Well sliced bread is a little overrated if you ask me... it's full of carbs. But anyways, I figured that it couldn't hurt to try these guys out and start taking lessons there. So I started going to guitar class, and I brought Ana Maria to my first class. My teacher realized that my guitar was a little weird, and told me to check it out at the guitar repair shop upstairs. So I did, and they told me my guitar was basically unplayable. The neck was curved in a way that the strings were waaay too far off the fret board. The guy told me since the guitar was of such bad quality, I was better off getting a new one then to repair it. So the very next day I went down to Guitar Center and bought a new acoustic electric guitar with an amp and a few other accessories. I'm not gonna lie, it hurt me in the pocket, but it was money well spent. I named my new music child Lorraine, only because I've always liked that name. Since then, I've been playing and getting better everyday, and most recently, writing songs. Some time next year I wanna get an electric guitar, so i can really rock the fuck out, but until then it's just me and Lorraine.
Tomorrow I'm gonna see if I can get a job at Billabong/Element at Times Square. If i get the job, awesome, but if I dont, then oh-fucking-well... I'll just enjoy the rest of my summer. I've honestly been through so many job rejections that I don't get my hopes up that much anymore. And after the whole Cold Stone fiasco, I'm a little nervous that i won't get hired because of it. But its whatevs... I would like a job, but i don't really need one. I'm in a pretty solemn mood now, I gotta get out of it, it really sucks =/
I saw the new movie "Funny People" a few days ago. I liked it a lot... I really like the title too, because isn't life just full of funny people? Think about it, there's probably a handful of people in your life that make you laugh, whether it's the jokes they tell or the way they act or stupid little things that they do. But back on topic, the movie was hilarious. I'm a big fan of Adam Sandler, Seth Rogen, and Judd Apatow, so this movie was on my "To Watch" list for a while.
Shit... I'm still feeling really somber and kinda bored. Not the happy bored that i usually am, you know, the one I wrote about a few days ago. I gotta do something random to break out of this existential funk.... does that even make sense? "Existential funk"? Idk, it was part of a line in Anchorman. Man I'm rambling like a crazy old homeless man. BUT I SHALL NOT YIELD! I'm not gonna put this post out of it's misery until I'm out of this weird mood. This post is my bitch and it ain't gonna be over 'til I'm satisfied! That's right, fucker. Ok, time to get this weird mood off my mind... random words to the rescue! Shenanigans. Dennis Leary. The Incredible Hulk's left pinky nail. Haha.. ok now I'm good. That last one was quite humorous. Well I think I'll be outies for the night, now that I'm feeling better. I'll see you guys... Go Fuck Yourself, San Diego =P.
P.S. If you're from San Diego, my bad. I just like to quote Anchorman.
Sigh... My last guitar class is tomorrow. I'm still a beginner now, but i was absolutely TERRIBLE before i started taking classes. I remember after week 1 I was having trouble switching from D to G and back with only one strum per measure. In guitarist language, that's basically something really, reaaally easy. And now I'm writing my own songs! I mean my songs are still quite simple, and they only use 4 chords each, lol.... but still, I've come a long way since my first class in June. And I've come an even longer way since I first picked up guitar playing in December. I remember it just like yesterday... or last winter, rather.
I remember I asked my Dad for his guitar... you see my Dad took a guitar class in high school and wanted to get back into it, so a few years back he bought a guitar from that Esteban guy, with the instructional DVDs and such. He never really stayed consistent, so he ended up using the guitar as a wall decoration. I know what you're thinking: "-_-". So am I, now that I look back on it. So last summer I asked my Dad if I could take the guitar off his wall and learn how to play. He told me to wait until the end of my first semester so i could focus on school. When December of '08 finally arrived, my Dad showed up at St. John's to pick me up for the Winter Recess, and he brought with him a brand new acoustic guitar. I was so happy, i started playing it as soon as i got home. I played a lot over the break, and a friend of mine taught me the basics of guitar playing. When I came back to the dorms, I brought Ana Maria(my guitar) back with me, but barely played at all. Like I probably played less than 10 times the whole semester. Btw I named Ana Maria after my grandmother, just thought you guys should know that little factoid. So when school finished I started playing a little here and there, but I was still playing like I played in December. Like shit. So i signed up for guitar lessons at the NYC Guitar School on 30th Street in Manhattan. I saw their ad on Facebook and when I went to their site I saw a bunch of one line testimonials that sounded like the NYC Guitar School was the greatest creation of man since sliced bread. Well sliced bread is a little overrated if you ask me... it's full of carbs. But anyways, I figured that it couldn't hurt to try these guys out and start taking lessons there. So I started going to guitar class, and I brought Ana Maria to my first class. My teacher realized that my guitar was a little weird, and told me to check it out at the guitar repair shop upstairs. So I did, and they told me my guitar was basically unplayable. The neck was curved in a way that the strings were waaay too far off the fret board. The guy told me since the guitar was of such bad quality, I was better off getting a new one then to repair it. So the very next day I went down to Guitar Center and bought a new acoustic electric guitar with an amp and a few other accessories. I'm not gonna lie, it hurt me in the pocket, but it was money well spent. I named my new music child Lorraine, only because I've always liked that name. Since then, I've been playing and getting better everyday, and most recently, writing songs. Some time next year I wanna get an electric guitar, so i can really rock the fuck out, but until then it's just me and Lorraine.
Tomorrow I'm gonna see if I can get a job at Billabong/Element at Times Square. If i get the job, awesome, but if I dont, then oh-fucking-well... I'll just enjoy the rest of my summer. I've honestly been through so many job rejections that I don't get my hopes up that much anymore. And after the whole Cold Stone fiasco, I'm a little nervous that i won't get hired because of it. But its whatevs... I would like a job, but i don't really need one. I'm in a pretty solemn mood now, I gotta get out of it, it really sucks =/
I saw the new movie "Funny People" a few days ago. I liked it a lot... I really like the title too, because isn't life just full of funny people? Think about it, there's probably a handful of people in your life that make you laugh, whether it's the jokes they tell or the way they act or stupid little things that they do. But back on topic, the movie was hilarious. I'm a big fan of Adam Sandler, Seth Rogen, and Judd Apatow, so this movie was on my "To Watch" list for a while.
Shit... I'm still feeling really somber and kinda bored. Not the happy bored that i usually am, you know, the one I wrote about a few days ago. I gotta do something random to break out of this existential funk.... does that even make sense? "Existential funk"? Idk, it was part of a line in Anchorman. Man I'm rambling like a crazy old homeless man. BUT I SHALL NOT YIELD! I'm not gonna put this post out of it's misery until I'm out of this weird mood. This post is my bitch and it ain't gonna be over 'til I'm satisfied! That's right, fucker. Ok, time to get this weird mood off my mind... random words to the rescue! Shenanigans. Dennis Leary. The Incredible Hulk's left pinky nail. Haha.. ok now I'm good. That last one was quite humorous. Well I think I'll be outies for the night, now that I'm feeling better. I'll see you guys... Go Fuck Yourself, San Diego =P.
P.S. If you're from San Diego, my bad. I just like to quote Anchorman.
Monday, August 3, 2009
A cool quote
(Trumpets playing)Hear ye, Hear ye! A royal decree from King Rubes!
What's up guys... wait, don't answer that... what really is up? The sky, the ceiling of whatever building you're in, the floors above you, planes... a lot of things are up. So why does when someone say "what's up" to someone, instead of replying with "the trees" or "that flock of seagulls," they reply with "not much, just came back from Lake Titicaca" or whatever else they're up to. Btw Lake Titicaca is a real place, google that shit. I find a lot of expressions of the English language to be non sensical. Some words or phrases, like cool, hot, sick, and jam, have two or more meanings. I just used one, probably one of the most common ones: a lot. "A lot" literally means a big open space, like a parking lot. So how did it come to mean a large amount of anything, and everything? Why do people park in driveways and drive in parkways? You've probably heard that one before, but it's still true. You know which expressions i hate the most? When someone says something like "give me 5 minutes" or "I'll be there in 10". And then they never come when they say they're gonna come. I have friends who would say "I'll be there in 5 minutes" and then literally 2 hours would go by -_-. That shit really grinds my gears.
Well moving on from that brolic ass side note, i have a quote to share with you guys. It's from a band I've been listening to a lot lately, called Armor For Sleep. I mentioned one of their songs in one of my earlier posts. The quote is from their song "Snow Globe," and it reads:
"I used to believe that no one else was alive... that all of the world was just a show inside my own mind."
It's funny because I had that thought before. And when I heard that line in the song it really made me ponder. What if this was all really fake? You know, like The Matrix, kind of. What if life as we know it is not what it seems? Or maybe life only as I know it, because no one else exists? That would suck, because for one i put a lot of work into this blog, and if no one exists to really read it, I'll be pissed. Ha... but seriously, imagine if the universe was playing a trick on you and that everything you've ever known was a farce just designed to keep you entertained. Scary, isn't it? Man i would hate to be a phliosopher... I'd have to think about this type of stuff all the time. An then write about it. Well, now that I think about, that's EXACTLY what I'm doing at this moment, so I guess it wouldn't be that bad. Well thank you, Armor For Sleep, for giving me this topic to write about... you guys are awesome.
I think not working at Cold Stone anymore is the best choice I've made all summer. Once again, I'm not gonna tell you what happened, so for all the people who keep asking, please stop. Don't mean to be mean, kids, but Uncle Rubes needs his privacy.
But yeah, now I have all the free time in the world. I started writing a story today, but I'm not gonna post that one on the blog. Sorry, but that one is gonna be part of my secret stash. I have more time to write stories, blog posts, songs, practice playing my guitar, and maybe even brush up on my knowledge of psychology. I want to get a head start on school, only so i can get some kick ass grades this semester. I'm aiming for a 3.5 or better, and i know i can do it. Heck, i got a 3.3 last semester, why not up the ante a few tenths of a point.
There's one thing i do fear, though, besides death and Chuck Norris... and the thing I fear is(drum roll)...... my upcoming math class. It's only a core class, so it should be like junior year math in high school, right? Well that would be good news, except i got COMPLETELY FUCKING OWNED in math junior year of high school. I never failed a class in my life, but i came the closest in that class. My average on the year for math was a 67, when I was usually disappointed in anything under 85. I'm seriously considering asking my future math professor the title of the book so i can get some practice in before classes start. Yeah I know, I sound like a nerd, but idc, I need good grades to carry out my master plan for the Spring 2010. Have I told you henchmen about my master plan? Muahaha... i guess not. Well here 'tis:
In the Spring of 2010 I'll be studying abroad in Europe. I'll be going to three different cities, spending 5 weeks in each one. And on the weekends, I'll most likely be going to all of Europe's fun tourist spots - London, Berlin, Amsterdam, Madrid, Barcelona, Athens- I could name a lot more, but that would take up too much time. And my three home cities are as follows: Salamanca, a small historic city in Spain. The next two need no introduction... Rome, and Paris!!! I can't wait, man... it's gonna be MERAVIGLIOSO!! That's "awesome" in Italian... i swear, google that shit too! Well I smell food, so I'm gonna end this post, lmao. Thanks for the tip, see you tomorrow!
What's up guys... wait, don't answer that... what really is up? The sky, the ceiling of whatever building you're in, the floors above you, planes... a lot of things are up. So why does when someone say "what's up" to someone, instead of replying with "the trees" or "that flock of seagulls," they reply with "not much, just came back from Lake Titicaca" or whatever else they're up to. Btw Lake Titicaca is a real place, google that shit. I find a lot of expressions of the English language to be non sensical. Some words or phrases, like cool, hot, sick, and jam, have two or more meanings. I just used one, probably one of the most common ones: a lot. "A lot" literally means a big open space, like a parking lot. So how did it come to mean a large amount of anything, and everything? Why do people park in driveways and drive in parkways? You've probably heard that one before, but it's still true. You know which expressions i hate the most? When someone says something like "give me 5 minutes" or "I'll be there in 10". And then they never come when they say they're gonna come. I have friends who would say "I'll be there in 5 minutes" and then literally 2 hours would go by -_-. That shit really grinds my gears.
Well moving on from that brolic ass side note, i have a quote to share with you guys. It's from a band I've been listening to a lot lately, called Armor For Sleep. I mentioned one of their songs in one of my earlier posts. The quote is from their song "Snow Globe," and it reads:
"I used to believe that no one else was alive... that all of the world was just a show inside my own mind."
It's funny because I had that thought before. And when I heard that line in the song it really made me ponder. What if this was all really fake? You know, like The Matrix, kind of. What if life as we know it is not what it seems? Or maybe life only as I know it, because no one else exists? That would suck, because for one i put a lot of work into this blog, and if no one exists to really read it, I'll be pissed. Ha... but seriously, imagine if the universe was playing a trick on you and that everything you've ever known was a farce just designed to keep you entertained. Scary, isn't it? Man i would hate to be a phliosopher... I'd have to think about this type of stuff all the time. An then write about it. Well, now that I think about, that's EXACTLY what I'm doing at this moment, so I guess it wouldn't be that bad. Well thank you, Armor For Sleep, for giving me this topic to write about... you guys are awesome.
I think not working at Cold Stone anymore is the best choice I've made all summer. Once again, I'm not gonna tell you what happened, so for all the people who keep asking, please stop. Don't mean to be mean, kids, but Uncle Rubes needs his privacy.
But yeah, now I have all the free time in the world. I started writing a story today, but I'm not gonna post that one on the blog. Sorry, but that one is gonna be part of my secret stash. I have more time to write stories, blog posts, songs, practice playing my guitar, and maybe even brush up on my knowledge of psychology. I want to get a head start on school, only so i can get some kick ass grades this semester. I'm aiming for a 3.5 or better, and i know i can do it. Heck, i got a 3.3 last semester, why not up the ante a few tenths of a point.
There's one thing i do fear, though, besides death and Chuck Norris... and the thing I fear is(drum roll)...... my upcoming math class. It's only a core class, so it should be like junior year math in high school, right? Well that would be good news, except i got COMPLETELY FUCKING OWNED in math junior year of high school. I never failed a class in my life, but i came the closest in that class. My average on the year for math was a 67, when I was usually disappointed in anything under 85. I'm seriously considering asking my future math professor the title of the book so i can get some practice in before classes start. Yeah I know, I sound like a nerd, but idc, I need good grades to carry out my master plan for the Spring 2010. Have I told you henchmen about my master plan? Muahaha... i guess not. Well here 'tis:
In the Spring of 2010 I'll be studying abroad in Europe. I'll be going to three different cities, spending 5 weeks in each one. And on the weekends, I'll most likely be going to all of Europe's fun tourist spots - London, Berlin, Amsterdam, Madrid, Barcelona, Athens- I could name a lot more, but that would take up too much time. And my three home cities are as follows: Salamanca, a small historic city in Spain. The next two need no introduction... Rome, and Paris!!! I can't wait, man... it's gonna be MERAVIGLIOSO!! That's "awesome" in Italian... i swear, google that shit too! Well I smell food, so I'm gonna end this post, lmao. Thanks for the tip, see you tomorrow!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
HBO has weird shows
It's that time of the day, time to go bloggin'. Shit, it just happened again, right now I looked at the clock and it read 11:11. It always happens, whenever its 11:11 I always catch it. Like every 12 hours, without fail, I see 11:11. The first thing i saw when I woke up today and saw the cable box time, guess what it said? That's right, 3:54. Nah, lol... it was 11:11. But let's get back to the main channel, matey... Arrrgh, the random winds be blowin' yonder!
Lol... I watched two shows for the first time tonight. The first one was 'Hung', on HBO. It's about a gigolo,, his pimp, his clients, and a few other weird characters. He's just a gigolo on the side, he's really a teacher. I love weird shit like this, haha. The actual content and characters on the show are just as weird as the premise. I kinda forgot what happened in the episode, but I feel like every scene displayed a really odd relationship, like the main character and his pimp, the main character and one of his clients, and even the pimp and her motivational coach(?). It was out there, but at the same time, pretty interesting. The second show i watched for the first time was, believe it or not, Entourage. That show is freakin' awesome... it's funny and really cool. And a lot of sexy women, that's always a plus. Wow, I feel like an adult after saying "sexy women," as opposed to "hot girls" or anything like that. Funny how little things make you feel older.
I keep saying I'm gonna write stories and post them on here... I've yet to write a single word devoted to a story =(. But don't worry kids, Uncle Rubes will come up with a few bed time stories for ya. Maybe that'll be my creative thing for the day, besides writing this and playing my songs that i wrote. I wish i could share my songs with you guys, but I'd rather do it live, just because I'm sort of a perfectionist and I wanna perfect my songs before or if I ever decide to record them. I say this because i feel like both of them still need work. But, ya... if you wanna hear one of my songs, let me know and one day I'll play them for you. But i must warn you, I'm still a beginner when it comes to guitar and I don't have the best voice. But I make due with what I got, na mean?
Now that I'm unemployed I have a a lot of free time again. I know I'm gonna be broke, but it feels great to wake up and just have nothing planned. I used to hate it, but like I said a couple of posts ago, I love being bored now. Boredom is like the less appealing word for relaxation, in my opinion.
Heh, I just told my cousin that "I'm getting tired of rap music." It's true...I barely listen to it anymore... when just a little over a year ago that's all I would listen to. I still listen to my favorite, Kanye, but I can't think of any other rapper I listen to regularly. I don't even listen to Kanye that often... i guess i traded in my ups and fitteds for band tees and skinny jeans recently, and I've never really looked back. But that's a good thing to me... I mean not to take anything away from rap, but i feel like the music I listen to now and my current lifestyle allows for more freedom of expression. Sorry to sort of reiterate similar messages on different posts on the blog, lol. But anyways, I think i should end this post.... only because I'm running out of things to talk about, lol. See you guys tomorrow, probably... and by probably, I mean definitely. I won't have shit to do tomorrow. Laters
Lol... I watched two shows for the first time tonight. The first one was 'Hung', on HBO. It's about a gigolo,, his pimp, his clients, and a few other weird characters. He's just a gigolo on the side, he's really a teacher. I love weird shit like this, haha. The actual content and characters on the show are just as weird as the premise. I kinda forgot what happened in the episode, but I feel like every scene displayed a really odd relationship, like the main character and his pimp, the main character and one of his clients, and even the pimp and her motivational coach(?). It was out there, but at the same time, pretty interesting. The second show i watched for the first time was, believe it or not, Entourage. That show is freakin' awesome... it's funny and really cool. And a lot of sexy women, that's always a plus. Wow, I feel like an adult after saying "sexy women," as opposed to "hot girls" or anything like that. Funny how little things make you feel older.
I keep saying I'm gonna write stories and post them on here... I've yet to write a single word devoted to a story =(. But don't worry kids, Uncle Rubes will come up with a few bed time stories for ya. Maybe that'll be my creative thing for the day, besides writing this and playing my songs that i wrote. I wish i could share my songs with you guys, but I'd rather do it live, just because I'm sort of a perfectionist and I wanna perfect my songs before or if I ever decide to record them. I say this because i feel like both of them still need work. But, ya... if you wanna hear one of my songs, let me know and one day I'll play them for you. But i must warn you, I'm still a beginner when it comes to guitar and I don't have the best voice. But I make due with what I got, na mean?
Now that I'm unemployed I have a a lot of free time again. I know I'm gonna be broke, but it feels great to wake up and just have nothing planned. I used to hate it, but like I said a couple of posts ago, I love being bored now. Boredom is like the less appealing word for relaxation, in my opinion.
Heh, I just told my cousin that "I'm getting tired of rap music." It's true...I barely listen to it anymore... when just a little over a year ago that's all I would listen to. I still listen to my favorite, Kanye, but I can't think of any other rapper I listen to regularly. I don't even listen to Kanye that often... i guess i traded in my ups and fitteds for band tees and skinny jeans recently, and I've never really looked back. But that's a good thing to me... I mean not to take anything away from rap, but i feel like the music I listen to now and my current lifestyle allows for more freedom of expression. Sorry to sort of reiterate similar messages on different posts on the blog, lol. But anyways, I think i should end this post.... only because I'm running out of things to talk about, lol. See you guys tomorrow, probably... and by probably, I mean definitely. I won't have shit to do tomorrow. Laters
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